1200字范文 > 大众艺术网:网雕 | 透视的立体雕塑——波兰当代雕塑家 S?aw...

大众艺术网:网雕 | 透视的立体雕塑——波兰当代雕塑家 S?aw...

时间:2022-04-30 17:26:34


大众艺术网:网雕 | 透视的立体雕塑——波兰当代雕塑家 S?aw...

网雕 · 透视的立体雕塑

—— 波兰当代雕塑家 S?awomir Golonko 铁丝网雕塑作品欣赏

S?awomir Golonko: "I would like to introduce my works. Sculptures, beys-relief (standing or hanging), some of them are also lightened (with own installation). They are made out of metal net on a wooden or metal construction. I also recommend statues made with the same technique."


1987 High school taught me how to work in metal and wood, which I transformed into both flat and three-dimensional forms. 1987-95 Studies in Departments of: Wood Technology, Forestry, Artistic Education.


I pursue a lot of kinds of fine arts, starting with sculpturing and bas-relief, through furniture designing, elements of clothing, ending with decorations and interior designing. In my designs I try to refer to elements of nature, sometimes even expose it in its original and unchanged from. I cooperate inter alia with TVP as a stage designer (since I have been a member of Polish Stage Artists Association - stage designing section) and design decoration for various projects (artistic performances, concerts, company parties, art&music meetings, campaigns, etc.)

I designed a few statuettes made with the use of openwork technique (wire, net) for companies (TVP President awards for International Festival of Film and Television Schools ?Mediaschool" in Lodz, and XXX International Film Festival in Gdynia, ) The sculptures and reliefs-bas are presented at Sluzew Community Centre, 15 Bacha Street, Warsaw; Sarenka Gallery, 8 Waszkiewicza Street, Bialowieza; Legal office Kondrat, 223/1 Niepodleglosci Street, Warsaw.


Individual exhibitions:

Merry-Go-Round of Coolture Project, Recording Studio, Warsaw,

Merry-Go-Round of Coolture Project, Qult Club, Warsaw,

Merry-Go-Round of Coolture Project, Piekarnia Club, Warsaw,

Merry-Go-Round of Coolture Project, Interferie Medical Spa Hotel, ?winoujscie,

CTN Gallery, Metropol Hotel, Warsaw, , , , -

KLER Gallery, furniture shop KLER, Warsaw,

Wannalook Gallery, Warsaw,

“Galicia” Multikultural Festival, Castle in Krasiczyn, Poland,

“Galicia” Multikultural Festival, Theatre J. Zaborskeho, Presov, Slovakia,

“Galicia” Multikultural Festival, Centre of Modern Art, Lviv, Ukraine,

Presentation of my works in “Beauty Salon” (TV programme), - in TVP 2

Sarenka Gallery, Bialowieza, , , , ,

BUW, Warsaw,

Arts Club, Council of Europe, Strasburg, France,

Sluzew Community Centre, Warsaw, -

Club&Cafe, ?Ma?a-Czarna”, Warsaw, ,

Centre of Culture, Grodzisk Mazowiecki, Poland,

Skwer Hoovera, Warsaw, Performance,

Casinos Poland Gallery, Hotel Marriott, Warsaw,

Legal office Kondrat, Warsaw,

Collective exhibitions:

Ursynow Community Centre, Warsaw, 1999

Europejska Gallery, Europejski Hotel, Warsaw, 1999, 2000

Sarenka Gallery, Bialowieza, ,

