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Do you have a soccer ball教案及反思

时间:2023-07-27 04:38:48


Do you have a soccer ball教案及反思

教案是教师课堂教学过程中的重要依据,是教学活动正常开展的重要保障,下面学习啦小编为大家带来初中英语Do you have a soccer ball教案及反思,希望对你有所帮助。

Do you have a soccer ball英语教案:

Ⅰ.Teaching aims:

1、Words:soccer ball ,tennis racket ,ping-pong ball ,volleyball ,TV

2、Useful expression_r:Do you have a… ?

Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

Ⅱ. Teaching important points:

Remember the words about sports.

Ⅲ.. Teaching difficult points:

Learn to use : Do you have a… ? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

Ⅳ. Teaching steps:

Step 1 Warming up:

Ask and answer in pairs.

What’s this in English? It’s a pen.

What color is it? It’s black.

Is this your pen? Yes, it is.

Where is it? It’s on the table.

Step 2 Pre-task:

1. Saying: This is my pen.

Do you have a watch?

Help the Ss answer: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

T: Do you have an English book?

S1: Yes, I do

T: Do you have a computer?

S2: No, I don’t.

2. Ask and answer “Do you have…?”(from the things in bedrooms to school things.)

Step 3 Show a picture to Ss and say:

This is Peter’s bedroom.

What can you see?

We can see a lot of sports things

Teach the new words.

T: Do you have a soccer ball/tennis racket/ping-pong ball/volleyball/basketball/ping-pong bat?

Do the pair work :1c

Step 4 Guessing game:

What do I have in my hand ?(ask a S to come to the front and hold sth.in hand and let other Ss guess.

T: Do you have a computer?

S1: No, I don’t.

T: Do you have a volleyball?

S2: Yes, I do.

T: OK, let’s play. … (chain work)

Step 5 Tasks

1. SB 1a. Match the words with things in the picture.

2. SB 1b. Listen and circle the words you hear.

3. SB 1c. practice the conversation in students’ own words.

4. SB 2a,2b. Listen to the conversations. Number the pictures 1-4 and match the people with the balls.

Step 6 Creative work

Make up dialogues ,using the patterns and words learned so far. Like:

What’s this in English? Do you have a…?Where is it/are they? ect.

Step 7 Homework

1)Write a dialogue as above.

2).Do exercises in exercise books.

Do you have a soccer ball教学反思:

现代英语教育已经力求摆脱以往的老师说学生听的这种单一的灌输式的教育,它非常注重学生的听说能力。提倡学生是课堂的主体,而教师只是起一个引导,辅助的功能。在上个学期我的一堂组内公开课Do you have a soccer ball中,我贯彻了这种思路,尽量少讲,多引导。

首先,我先利用多媒体,向学生展示了多张关于球类的图片,然后运用已学过的知识What’s this in English?引导学生说出球类名称,遇到新的名词,就带读。通过这种方式让学生对抽象的单词有了个更形象的认识。等学生对球类名词掌握较熟练时,再导入新的知识点Do you have a soccer ball /volleyball?并引导学生回答Yes, I do ./ No, I don’t.为了让学生更快,更好的掌握这个句型,我让学生做pair work轮流问和答。


最后,在pair work 和听力的基础上,分组讨论(3-4人一组)。让学生围绕以下几个问题编对话:

what’s your name?

What sports do you like best? Why?

What club do you want to join?


