1200字范文 > 七年级英语阅读理解强化习题及答案


时间:2022-07-13 13:35:45





When we want to tell other people what we think, we can do it with the help of words. We can also do it in many other ways, too. Sometimes we move our heads up and down when we want to say “yes”, and we shake our heads when we want to say “no ”. Some people can’t hear or speak. They talk with the help of gestures(手势).People from other countries often have to do it if they don’t know your language.

Here is a story. An American was once having his holiday in Italy, but he could not speak Italian. One day he went to a restaurant and sat down at a table. When the waiter came, the American opened his mouth, put his fingers in it and took them out again. In this way he wanted to say “Bring me something to eat”. The waiter soon brought him a cup of tea. The American shook his head and the waiter understood that he didn’t want tea. So he took it away and brought him a glass of milk. The American shook his head again. He was very hungry now and looked sad. He was just going to leave the restaurant when another man came in. When this man saw the waiter, he put his hands on his stomach(胃). In a few minutes there was a large plate of bread and meat on the table in front of him.

( )1.Sometimes people move their heads when they want to say “yes”.

A. right and left B. fast and slow C. hard and easy D. up and down

( )2.If people want to say ,they may shake their heads.

A.“no” B.“yes” C.“words” D.“OK”

( )3.If you can,t ,you may talk with the help of gestures.

A. write and read B. say or sing C. hear and speak D. go or come

( )4.The American wanted .

A. to drink a cup of tea B. to go to bed

C. to have some food D. to talk with the waiter

( )5.If people want the waiter to bring them something , they,d better put their hands on their stomach.

A. to drink B. to write C. to speak D. to eat


1. D 此题为细节题。Sometimes we move our heads up and down when we want to say “yes”, 有时,我们上下点头表示同意。

2. A 此题为细节题。we shake our heads when we want to say “no 我们摇头表示不同意。

3. D 此题为细节题。Some people can’t hear or speak. They talk with the help of gestures(手势)一些人听不见也不会说话,他们用手势交流

4. D 此题为细节题。 In this way he wanted to say “Bring me something to eat”用这种方式,他想表达给我一些吃的。

5. C 此题为细节题。 he put his hands on his stomach(胃). In a few minutes there was a large plate of bread and meat on the table in front of him. 他把手放在胃上,过了几分钟,一大盘面包和肉就摆到了他面前。


The snow lasted until last Friday. I opened the window this morning and saw the sun but I felt much colder.

“You’d better go to work on foot , dear,”said my husband,“It is dangerous for you to drive.”

I thought him right and agreed. It would take me about forty minutes to go my hospital. There was about an hour left, so I started, with a bag of sandwich for breakfast. In the streets there was thick snow and ice and the traffic was less than before and people walked carefully. Suddenly I saw a car going fast. The driver tried to pass the crossing before the lights turned red. Maybe he didn’t see two boys in the middle of the street. His car knocked down(撞倒)one boy and stopped just in front of the police box.

People crowded around the boy at once. I rushed out of the gathering crowd (聚集的人群)and was going to look him over. But a man pushed me aside and said,“Step back(向后退),please. I,ve had a course in first aid(急救).”

I had to stand and watch his ministrations(救助) for a few minutes. Then I said to him,“When you need a doctor, sir, I,m already here.”

( )1.It,s today.

A. snowy B. cloudy C. sunny D. windy

( )2.I left home this morning.

A. after breakfast B. before breakfast C. as usual D. too late

( )3.People walked carefully because .

A. it was very cold B. there was much traffic

C. they wore warm clothes D. there was much snow and ice in the streets

( )4.The driver knocked down the boy because .

A. he had something important to do B. he was afraid to be late for work

C. there was no policeman there D. he drove too fast past the crossing

( )5.The man thought .

A. only he could give the boy first aid B. the hospital was far from there

C. he was ready to help the police D. he had a lot of knowledge of medicine


1. C 此题为细节题。 I opened the window this morning and saw the sun 早上我打开窗看见太阳。

2. B 此题为细节题。so I started, with a bag of sandwich for breakfast.我带着一包三明治做早餐出发了。

3. D 此题为细节题。 In the streets there was thick snow and ice and the traffic was less than before and people walked carefully. 街上都是厚冰雪,街上的车比以前少,人们都走得很小心。

4. D 此题为细节题。Suddenly I saw a car going fast.突然我看见一辆车飞速开过来。

5. A 此题为推断题。But a man pushed me aside and said,“Step back(向后退),please. I,ve had a course in first aid(急救).”但是一个男人推开我,说;“请后退,我上过急救课。'"
