1200字范文 > 瀛泰见解 | 美国证券虚假陈述集体诉讼制度简介【虚假陈述系列之五】

瀛泰见解 | 美国证券虚假陈述集体诉讼制度简介【虚假陈述系列之五】

时间:2022-05-29 01:09:13


瀛泰见解 | 美国证券虚假陈述集体诉讼制度简介【虚假陈述系列之五】




虽然证券集体诉讼在中国方兴未艾,在美国却已有超过八十年的历史。在美国,如果涉及证券虚假陈述,投资者可以依据《1934年证券交易法》(“Securities Exchange Act of 1934”)和/或《1933年证券法》(“Securities Act of 1933”)起诉上市公司,寻求包括民事赔偿和返还投资款项在内的法律救济。

美国最高法院于1988年在Basic Inc. v. Levinson[5]一案判决中采纳并适用了“市场欺诈理论”(fraud-on-the-market theory)。该理论认为,证券价格反映了市场上所有的信息,包括虚假信息;因此,当投资者购买证券时,他依赖了这些包括虚假信息在内的市场信息[6]。该理论免除了投资者对“依赖于该虚假陈述”的举证责任,交易发生在虚假陈述之后即可建立虚假陈述与证券交易的因果关系[7];更现实的意义是为证券纠纷的集体诉讼扫清了障碍[8],这一点也能体现在大量出现的此类诉讼中。

总体而言,美国的司法系统对证券类中小投资者提供了一个比较完善的保护体系。但是值得注意的是,与证券虚假陈述诉讼在中国的状况不同的是,在美国,此类诉讼中投资者的诉讼成本和门槛很低,可以发起大量无意义的诉讼、甚至恶意诉讼。虽然针对这一状况,美国国会于1995年通过了《私人证券诉讼改革法案》(“Private Securities Litigation Reform Act”),然而美国法律界的学者普遍指出,该法案并未有效减少此类无意义的诉讼[9]。美国一家研究机构Cornerstone Research的研究数据表明[10],在联邦法院和州法院立案的证券集体诉讼为428起,达到历史新高(其中,在联邦法院立案的欺诈集体诉讼中,98%的案件中原告的诉求基础为“虚假陈述”)。此外,根据该研究机构的数据[11],证券集体诉讼和解金中位数为1150万美元,较-平均和解金的中位数上涨了34%。有学者指出,近年来上市公司体量的迅速发展也同时“鼓励”了投资者集体诉讼的积极性,导致了和解金整体的上涨,进一步鼓励了其他正在观望的证券集体诉讼律师和潜在原告发起诉讼。




法院首先会对集体资质(“class certification”)进行实质性的审查,确认其是否满足联邦民事诉讼规则》( “Federal Rules of Civil Procedure”)第23条中的“先决条件”(“Prerequisites”)和“维持条件”(“Maintainable”)。





(4)充分的代表(“adequate representation”),即原告代表能够公正和充分地维护集体的利益。[12]

在满足上述“先决条件”后,还需满足“维持条件”[13]后才能获得法院对集体资质认定的决定(“certification order”)[14]








(1)被告作出了重大虚假陈述或疏忽(material misrepresentation or omission):美国最高法院在Janus Capital Group, Inc. et al. v. First Derivative Traders一案中裁定,对于陈述内容以及是否和如何传递该内容的具有最终控制权的个人或实体才能作为《证券和交易委员会规则》第10b-5条的“虚假陈述”的主体(“For purposes of Rule 10b–5, the maker of a statement is the person or entity with ultimate authority over the statement, including its content and whether and how to communicate it.”)[16]


(3)买或卖证券与该虚假陈述或疏忽之间的联系(connection between the purchase or sale of a security and the misrepresentation or omission):根据美国最高法院在Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc. v. Dabit案的判决,因为证券虚假陈述而未购买/出售该证券的潜在买家/卖家无法依据《证券交易法》第10(b)条提出诉讼[17]

(4)原告依赖于该虚假陈述(reliance on the misrepresentation or omission by the plaintiff):原告对于虚假陈述的举证可以通过证明原告了解该陈述且根据该陈述做出了相关的交易来满足[18]

(5)经济损失(economic loss);以及

(6)损害因果关系(loss causation)






依据《1934年证券交易法》第21(f)(4)条,各州的证监会依据各州的法律对本州的调查和执行行为保留管辖权。但美国国会于1998年通过的《证券诉讼统一标准法案》(“Securities Litigation Uniform Standards Act of 1998”), 将五十人以上的证券集体诉讼的管辖权收归联邦法院。国会又颁布了《集团诉讼公平法》(“Class Action Fairness Act of ”),进一步将五百万美元以上标的的跨州集体诉讼的管辖权收归联邦法院。

值得注意的是,美国最高法院于在Cyan, Inc. et al. v. Beaver County Employees Retirement Fund[19]案中认定,州法院对基于《1933年证券法》第11条提起的证券虚假陈述或疏忽的诉讼仍然具有管辖权,这在一定程度上造成了该类案件在联邦法院和州法院管辖权的不确定性。在州法院的证券集体诉讼立案较去年上涨了40%,达到了49件,而其中几乎一半的案件同时也在联邦法院立案。






美国监管执法部门对中小投资者群体(“retail investors”或“main street investors”)的权益保护非常重视,这在美国证监会的执法部门年度报告[21]中可见一斑。在该报告中,证监会指出,其工作关注的重点就是对中小投资者的保护,例如,在其“披露倡议”(Share Class Selection Disclosure Initiative)下,95家主动向证监会执法部门披露其在销售基金时故意隐瞒相关信息的投资咨询公司被要求返还中小投资者超过1.35亿美元的投资金额。此外,证监会也陆续出台了一些其他的措施来保护中小投资者的权益,包括鼓励投资咨询公司主动披露不当行为,等等。



除民事责任外,被告上市公司的高管也有可能面临刑事责任。21世纪初,多起上市公司爆发丑闻,促使美国国会于2002年通过了旨在加强对资本市场监管的《萨班斯—奥克斯利法案》(“Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002”)。根据该法案第906节的规定,上市公司所有向美国证监会上报的含有财务报表的报告都需要随附该公司首席执行官和首席财务官的书面陈述;该陈述需要确认财务报表完全符合1934年证券交易法的规定,且真实反映该上市公司在财务状况和运营情况方面所有重大的信息;陈述人在(1)知情的情况下违反了相关规定,将面临不超过一百万美元的罚款或不超过十年的监禁,或在(2)故意违反相关规定,则将面临不超过五百万美元的罚款或不超过二十年的监禁。[22]



另外,在美国上市的中国企业随时也有可能面临美国投资者的集体诉讼。例如,号称“中国的特斯拉”的蔚来汽车在就遭遇了美国投资者的多起集体诉讼,要求蔚来汽车就其在美国上市的登记文件中重大虚假或误导性陈述导致的投资者损失进行赔偿。[23]原告称:(1)蔚来汽车并没有履行其建造自己的制造工厂的承诺,而是继续依赖一家中国国有汽车制造商来生产制造电动汽车;和(2)中国政府对电动汽车补贴将逐步减少,这将严重影响电动汽车的销售量,造成(3)蔚来汽车在其上市登记表中对其业务、运营和前景的陈述存在重大虚假或误导性陈述( “Defendants made false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose that: (1) NIO would not be building its own manufacturing plant and would instead continue to rely on JAC Auto to manufacture its vehicles; (2) reductions in government subsidies for electric cars would materially impact NIO’s sales; and (3) as a result, Defendants’ statements about NIO’s business, operations, and prospects were materially false and misleading at all relevant times.”)[24]。因此,在中国政府“走出去”的政策下,在域外上市的中国企业需要特别注意对此类风险的控制,我们在接下来的虚假陈述的系列文章中将进一步与大家讨论这一问题 。






[5]485 U.S. 224 (1988).

[6]Ibid. at 246-247.

[7]Erica P. John Fund, Inc. v. Halliburton Col, 563 U.S. 804, 811.


[9]“Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Rise of Securities-Fraud Class Actions” (国会、最高法院和证券欺诈集体诉讼的兴起), Harvard Law Review (哈佛法律评论), 第132卷,第3期,1月10日,第1067-1068页:

“However, class actions have been shown to be a poor means of accomplishing either purpose. They do not compensate effectively because the end result of most class ac- tions is an arbitrary transfer of wealth between groups of innocent shareholders — many of whom are diversified investors who, in aggre- gate, likely net out from securities fraud. Nor do class actions deter securities fraud efficiently; instead, by incentivizing private plaintiffs to file sometimes-frivolous suits against corporations in order to reach quick settlements, they generate substantial overdeterrence costs.”







[12]Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 23 Class Action.

“(a) Prerequisites. One or more members of a class may sue or be sued as representative parties on behalf of all members only if:

(1) the class is so numerous that joinder of all members is impracticable;

(2) there are questions of law or fact common to the class;

(3) the claims or defenses of the representative parties are typical of the claims or defenses of the class; and

(4) the representative parties will fairly and adequately protect the interests of the class.”

[13]见:Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 23 Class Action.

“(b) Types of Class Actions. A class action may be maintained if Rule 23(a) is satisfied and if:

(1)prosecuting separate actions by or against individual class members would create a risk of:

(A) inconsistent or varying adjudications with respect to individual class members that would establish incompatible standards of conduct for the party opposing the class; or

(B) adjudications with respect to individual class members that, as a practical matter, would be dispositive of the interests of the other members not parties to the individual adjudications or would substantially impair or impede their ability to protect their interests;

(2) the party opposing the class has acted or refused to act on grounds that apply generally to the class, so that final injunctive relief or corresponding declaratory relief is appropriate respecting the class as a whole; or

(3) the court finds that the questions of law or fact common to class members predominate over any questions affecting only individual members, and that a class action is superior to other available methods for fairly and efficiently adjudicating the controversy. The matters pertinent to these findings include:

(A) the class members’ interests in individually controlling the prosecution or defense of separate actions;

(B) the extent and nature of any litigation concerning the controversy already begun by or against class members;

(C) the desirability or undesirability of concentrating the litigation of the claims in the particular forum; and

(D) the likely difficulties in managing a class action.”

[14]见:Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 23(c).

[15]Dura Pharms., Inc. v. Broudo, 544 U.S. 336, 341-342 ().

[16]566 F. 3d 111 ().

[17]547 U.S. 71, 79-80 ().

[18]Erica P. John Fund,Inc. v. Halliburton Co., 131 S.Ct. 2179, 2185 ().

[19]138 S. Ct. 1061 ().

[20]见:Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 23(e).



[22]Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002:

“(a) CERTIFICATION OF PERIODIC FINANCIAL REPORTS. Each periodic report containing financial statements filed by an issuer with the Securities Exchange Commission pursuant to section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78m(a) or 78o(d)) shall be accompanied by a written statement by the chief executive officer and chief financial officer (or equivalent thereof) of the issuer.

(b) CONTENT. The statement required under subsection (a) shall certify that the periodic report containing the financial statements fully complies with the requirements of section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78m or 78o(d)) and that information contained in the periodic report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the issuer.

(c) CRIMINAL PENALTIES. Whoever - (1) certifies any statement as set forth in subsections (a) and (b) of this section knowing that the periodic report accompanying the statement does not comport with all the requirements set forth in this section shall be fined not more than $1,000,000 or imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both; or (2) willfully certifies any statement as set forth in subsections (a) and (b) of this section knowing that the periodic report accompanying the statement does not comport with all the requirements set forth in this section shall be fined not more than $5,000,000, or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.”

[23]参见:Liu Yukun和Denies Jia, “China’s Nio Faces Class Action Lawsuits in U.S.”, 4月9日,财新网。另见Mark SIDOLI, on behalf of himself and all others similarly situated, v. NIO INC., Bin “William” Li, and Louis T. Hsieh a/k/a Tung-Jung Hsieh, Class Action Complaint for Violations of Federal Securities Laws, WL 1198286 (N.D.Cal. ); Jonathan Tan v. Nio Inc., et al., Class Action Complaint for Violation of the Federal Securities Laws (E.D.NY ).

[24]参见:Jonathan Tan v. Nio Inc., et al., Class Action Complaint for Violation of the Federal Securities Laws,第22段。














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