1200字范文 > 英国伦敦大学国王学院法律各类专业的申请要求


时间:2022-07-23 11:11:12



伦敦国王学院(King"s College London),简称KCL,下面我们来看看KCL法律专业的申请要求,去英国读法律的小伙伴M起来哦!

petition Law入学要求:法律类专业2:1同等学院,雅思7.02、European Law入学要求:The basic requirement for admission to the LLM program is a recognized first degree in law (or a degree with at least 70% law content) of at least upper second class honours standard or an equivalent overseas qualification. 雅思7.03、Intellectual Property & Information Law入学要求:法律类专业2:1同等学院,雅思7.04、International Business Law入学要求:The basic requirement for admission to the LLM program is a recognized first degree in law (or a degree with at least 70% law content) of at least upper second classhonours standard or an equivalent overseas qualification. 雅思7.05、International Financial Law入学要求:法律类专业2:1同等学院,雅思7.06、International Tax入学要求:The applicant must hold a recognized first degree in law (or a degree with at least 70% law content) of at least high upper second class honours standard or an equivalent overseas qualification 雅思7.07、Master of Laws入学要求:法律类专业2:1同等学院,雅思7.08、Transnational Law入学要求:法律类专业2:1同等学院,雅思7.0PS:1.LLM的入学要求本科成绩达到一等或二等甲学位,也考虑没有法律本科背景的同学,但是应届毕业生相对比较困难哦~2.KCL最强力的法律方向是工程法,业内都是大佬级的~地理位置优势:KCL邻近市政府、伦敦金融商业区(the City)、皇家法庭(Royal Courts of Justice)和四所律师学院(Inns of Court)。奖学金:1.The Yeoh Tiong Lay LLM Law Scholarship Program : 针对所有在本校读一年LLM Law program的学生,奖学金涵盖一年的学费,外加10000英镑生活补助。2.The Bosco Tso and Emily Ng Scholarship Program:针对所有在本校读一年LLM Law program并且提出需要经济支援的学生,奖学金价值22500英镑,涵盖学费和生活补助。附上KCL 9月的语言课安排:#FormatImgID_0##FormatImgID_1#
