1200字范文 > 大学英语作文:中国最可爱的象征 The Cutest Symbol of China

大学英语作文:中国最可爱的象征 The Cutest Symbol of China

时间:2023-04-21 00:56:22


大学英语作文:中国最可爱的象征 The Cutest Symbol of China

【导语】英语作文,是指用英语针对某一内容写出一篇文章,是英语考试最常见的一种题目类型。英语作文也可以说是整张试卷中最难的板块,因为作文就是对所有知识的综合考察,所以难度大一些。对于写作能力差的同学来说,可以多看看背范文的运用加以学习。下面是整理发布的大学英语作文:中国最可爱的象征The Cutest Symbol of China,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注!

【篇一】中国最可爱的象征 The Cutest Symbol of China

China has a long history of more than 5,000 years, its culture is various and there are many features can be symbols of this great country. But no one will deny that panda is the cutest symbol. It is favored by people from all around the world. Panda is also the symbol of friendship.中国着有5000多年的悠久历史,它的文化具有多样性,有很多特色都可以作为这个伟大国家的象征。但没有人会否认,熊猫是最可爱的象征,它受到了来自世界各地人民的青睐。熊猫也是友谊的象征。

It is known to all that panda is the national treasure, because it only exists in China, what’s more, as it has round face and body shape, which looks so cute, so its lovely image is favored by the world. Many foreign countries are so eager to rent a panda in the zoo, so as to let people witness this lovely creature. Indeed, when the panda comes to foreign countries, people are so crazy about them, and the foreigners even hold a parade to celebrate. 众所周知,熊猫是国宝,因为只有中国有,而且它圆圆的脸蛋和身材,看起来实在是可爱,所以其可爱的形象也深受大家的喜爱。许多国家都非常迫切想租一只熊猫在动物园里,以便大家可以见到这个可爱的生物。确实,熊猫去到国外后,人们都是非常的疯狂的,他们甚至举行*来庆祝。

Though panda is cute, we must face the problem that panda is dying out, because of the low birth rate and the polluted environment. In the last decades, the government had took some actions to protect panda from dying out and it worked to some degree. But it still has a long way to go to protect these lovely creatures. 虽然熊猫很可爱,但是因为出生率低和环境受到污染我们必须面对熊猫面临灭绝的问题。在过去的几十年里,政府已经采取一些措施来保护熊猫免于灭绝,在某种程度上确实起效了。但要保护这些可爱的动物仍然有很长的路要走。

【篇二】提高英语实用技能的建议 Suggestions to Improve Practical English

Since we went to school, we have access to English all the time, because it is one of the necessary subjects. Before we attend college, we keep our attention on the grammar, but now college means the new stage and we should pay attention to practical English. Here are some suggestions.打从我们上学起,我们就一直在接触英语,因为它是必学科目。在我们上大学之前,我们把注意力集中在语法上,但现在大学意味着新阶段,我们应该注意实用英语。以下是一些建议。

First, it is important to speak out loudly. The purpose of learning English is to communicate with foreigners, so as to get to know more about the world. Grammar is not the only thing we care about. What we should do is to open our mouths and improve our ability to use spoken English. It begins with reading textbooks. When we listen to the tapes and repeat many times, then our accent can be corrected.首先,重要的是要大声说出来。学习英语的目的是与外国人沟通,从而更加了解这个世界。语法不是我们需要关心的,我们应该做的是打开我们的嘴巴、提高我们使用英语口语的能力。一开始是阅读课本,当我们听磁带时,重复很多次,这样我们的口音就可以得到纠正。

Second, just talk to someone in English, such as your classmates or your friends. Though both of you will surely make many mistakes, if you insist, then in the long run, you will gain a lot. You start to have the courage to speak English. If there is an English corner, just join and take without hesitation. You will make great progress. 其次,跟别人用英语讲话,可以是你的同学或朋友。虽然你们肯定会犯很多错误,但如果你坚持,那么从长远来看,你会得到很多。你开始有了说英语的勇气。如果有英语角,别犹豫了,加入吧。你会取得更大的进步。

【篇三】网络小说改编 Adaption of Web Fictions

In China, web fiction is more and more popular, especially among the young generation. We can see many hot web fictions have been brought to the screen and arouse people’s attention. A lot of web fictions are needed to be revised before they are brought to the screen. Some people criticize the adaption for many reasons.在中国,网络小说越来越受欢迎,特别是在年轻一代中。我们可以看到许多热门网络小说不断出现在屏幕上,引起人们的关注。很多网络小说在搬上银幕前都需要修改。有些人因各种原因批判这样的改编。

On the one hand, when the screenwriters adapt the original web fictions, they haven’t realized the difference between movies and books, because movies are short while many details have been ignored. So the audiences can’t feel the strong connection between the characters. Everything is happening so fast in the movies and the adaption hurts the fans’ feelings.一方面,当编剧改编原版网络小说时,他们没有意识到电影和书籍的区别,电影很短,很多细节就被忽视了。所以观众无法感受到人物之间强烈的情感联系。电影中的一切都发生得如此之快,以至于改编伤害了粉丝的感情。

On the other hand, the adaption shows disrespect to the writer of the web fictions. When the screenwriters want to catch more audiences, they usually add some unnecessary plots, such as the naked and kiss shots, and sometimes it only ruins the beauty of the stories. 另一方面,改编体现了对网络小说作者的不尊重。编剧想要抓住更多观众的心,他们通常会添加一些不必要的情节,比如裸露和亲吻镜头,有时这样的改编会毁了美丽故事。

Of course, there are also some successful adaption, which get applause from the audiences. The successful ones are on the basis of respecting the original fictions. It has a long way to go for the adaption of web fictions. 当然,也有一些成功的改编,得到了观众的掌声。成功的改编是在尊重原版小说的基础上。网络小说改编还有很长的路要走。
