1200字范文 > 托福口语常见信号词 济南朗阁英语培训【山东】

托福口语常见信号词 济南朗阁英语培训【山东】

时间:2018-12-07 03:10:50


托福口语常见信号词 济南朗阁英语培训【山东】

掌握好托福口语阅读和听力中常见的信号词也对我们理顺文章的逻辑关系有很好的帮助,同学们在平时重要的还是苦练基本功,强化自己的听力和获取信息的能力,如果能将下面提到的规律和方法熟练掌握,那么对于获取高分就是如虎添翼了。下面是对于托福口语常见信号词的总结:阅读信号词:并列, 递进:and, also, as well as, besides, what"s more, in addition顺序:first, to begin with, first of all, initially, first thing, first, second, apart from, that, on top of that, more than that, another factor should be taken into consideration is that, finally, last but not least列举:and, in addition to, one more thing, also, plus转折:but, however, nevertheless, yet, although解释:that is, in particular, I mean, in this way, to put it another way, in other words, that is to say, ...so to speak..., Let’s say因果:as a result, as a consequence, consequently, therefore, due to, thanks to, on account of, since 听力常见信号词:同意:like, love, in favor of, agree with, supports, excellent, great idea, right thing, reasonable, sounds great, not a bad idea反对:dislike, hate, disagree, against, should not, oppose, it is not right, no good, do harm, no benefits, disadvantage举例:say, like, for instance, for example, as a good example, by way of example列举:first, second, third, another, next, furthermore比较:like, as, similarly, at the same time, as well as, on the other hand, in contrast, however对比:in spite of, on the contrary, instead, whereas, unlike, regardless强调:especially, remember that, pay particular attention to, a main concern, a key feature总结:all in all, in short, in a word, in brief, to summarize, to sum up, to recap, in conclusion, on the whole, altogether, in a nutshell, to cut a long story short, thus【关于朗阁】朗阁教育是国内专业的英语语言教育基地。来,在全国30多个城市拥有校区,致力为学生提供专业雅思培训、新托福培训、SAT、GRE/GMAT、外教口语、小语种、团培企培、预科、游学等语言能力培训,定期组织全国性外语学术讲座与精彩沙龙活动。是国内的英语语言教育基地之一,通过ISO9001国际质量管理体系认证专业语言教育机构。招生说明:重点课程:雅思、托福、SAT其他课程:GRE、GMAT、生活口语、商务口语辅导形式:班课为主VIP1对1SSAT课程针对小学毕业的学生,其他课程有参与雅思托福等考试意向的均可报名济南咨询热线:400-001-9911转分机43588济南济南培训中心山东省济南市历下区济南泉城广场校区山东省济南市历下区温馨提示:(400免费咨询电话使用方法:先拨前10位主机号,听到提示音后再拨后面的5位分机号,咨询师将为您解答有关校区、课程、师资、收费等详情,或预约对孩子学业及学习能力进行免费测评,咨询时间为周一至周日(周六周日不休息)。以上电话仅供咨询相关课程,恕不接待应聘、商务、投诉、找人等其它事宜。)
