1200字范文 > 【小学英语】人教版(PEP)六年级(上)知识点归纳


时间:2020-03-02 15:02:49



Unit 1

1. Where is the …? It’s next to/ in front of/behind/near/beside/on the left of/on the right of the …. (询问地点和方位;记住这些方位词)

2.How can I/we get there? Turn right at the school. Then go straight.

How can I/we get to the science museum? It’s over there. You can go by/take the No.15 bus.

(问路,可以有很多灵活的回答,告知怎么走或告知交通方式,前面最好加上Excuse me。)

3. 记住以下12个疑问词:what(什么) where(哪里) who(谁) which(哪一个) how(怎么样) when(什么时候) what time(什么时间) how many(多少数量) how much(多少钱) why(为什么) whose(谁的) how old(多大)

4. buy a postcard(买一张明信片) send a postcard(寄一张明信片)

5. I’ll = I will

6.A talking robot(一个说话的机器人)

7. What a great museum! (感叹句,多么伟大/棒的一个博物馆啊!)

8. There is a pet hospital in my city.

There are some bookstores in my city.

Is there a pet hospital in your city?

Are there any bookstores in my city?

(there be句型的单复数、肯定句和一般疑问句形式回忆起来)

9. What an interesting film!


10. Italian restaurant (意大利餐厅)


12. On Dongfang Street (注意介词)

13. work 有多种意思,比如工作;奏效,起作用,需根据上下文来理解。

Unit 2

1. How do you go to school?

I often go by bus.


How do you come to school?

Usually I come on foot.

Sometimes I come by bus.



2. 表示频率的词:

always(总是,一直) usually(通常,大多数时候)

often(经常,常常) sometimes(有时候) never(从不)

3. You must pay attention to the traffic lights. (注意)


5.That"s good exercise.


6. How do you get to the USA from China?

(你怎样从中国到美国? 注意从哪里到哪里)

7. one可以表示数量一,也可以作代词,指代前面提到的事或物,应根据上下文来理解。

8.Go at a green light. (肯定)

Don’t go at the red light. (否定)



have to(不得不,表示客观)


10. Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Stop and wait at a red light. Go at a green light.


11. a lot of=lots of (许多)和a little(一点)为反义词。

12. fast(快的)和slow(慢的)是反义词。

13. by sled(坐雪橇) by ferry(坐轮渡)

Unit 3

1.一般将来时 (be going to / will + 动词原形)

表示一般将来时的时间状语有:this morning, this afternoon, this evening, tomorrow, tonight, this weekend, on the weekend, next week, next month, next year, next Sunday, next Saturday


What are you going to do ( this evening)?

I’m going to the cinema.

I’m going to visit my grandparents.


When are you going?

I’m going at 7:10. (没有to)


How are you going?

I’m going by bus. (没有to)


Where are you going this afternoon?

I’m going to the bookstore.


What are you going to buy?

I’m going to buy a comic book.

2.I’m going to look for some beautiful leaves.

(寻找) find(找到)

3.What are you/we/they going to do?

We/You/They are going to … /I am going to…

What am I going to do? You are going to …

What is he/she/it going to do?

He/She/It is going to …


4.have an art lesson(上一节美术课)

go ice-skating(去滑冰)

go for a picnic(去野餐)


Sounds great!(听起来不错)

Have a good time!(祝你玩得开心!)

That’s nice. (那不错。)

Cool! (好棒!)

Really? (真的吗?)

6. Why not go in Tuesday?

(为什么不在周二去呢?Why not后面跟动词原形)

7.It’s half price then. (半价)

8.We are going to see a film about space travel!(关于)(太空旅行)

9.Can I help you? 用于商店里购物前营业员所说

10.read a poem have a big dinner make mooncakes tell us a story about Chang’e


Unit 4

1. 进行时态 (3种变化规律)

1) 直接+ing:do—doing draw—drawing sing—singing play—playing read—reading

2) 双写末尾字母+ing:swim--swimming run—running sit—sitting

3) 去末尾的e+ing:write--writing dance--dancing take—taking make—making

你正在干什么?我正在画漫画。What are you doing? I’m drawing cartoons.

他/她/它正在干什么?What is he/she/it doing? He’s/She’s/It’s …

你们/他们/她们/它们正在干什么?What are you/they doing? We/They are …


2. 第三人称单数转变的规律:

1) 一般情况动词末尾加s。

2) 动词以o,ch,sh,x等结尾的末尾加es。(如:watches, teaches, goes, does, washes)

3) 动词以y结尾的去y加ies。(如:studies, flies)(play比较特殊,直接加s)

4) 特殊的单词:have—has

He likes drawing pictures.

She works in a car company.

It comes from the clouds.

My father goes to work on foot.

Li Lei often plays computer games after lunch.

3. can后面加动词原形

What can you do?

I can cook the meals.

He can fly kites.

She can play the violin.

4. What is his/her hobby? He/She likes … (单数)

What are his/her hobbies? He/She likes …(复数)


5. Does he live on the South Island?

Yes, he does. (肯定回答) No, he doesn’t. (否定回答)


6. Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking?

Yes, he does. (肯定回答) No, he doesn’t. (否定回答)


7. He lives on a farm, so sometimes he reads to the cows!(注意介词)

8. That’s interesting. (那是有趣的。) Amazing! (好惊奇啊!)

9. also和too的区别:also放在句子中间,

如:He also likes singing. too放在句子末尾,用逗号隔开,如:He likes singing, too.

10.Jasmine Flower(茉莉花) is a Chinese song.

11.On Sunday at 1 p.m. in the morning/afternoon/evening (注意介词的用法)

Unit 5

1.What does your mother do? She is a/an …(问职业)

2.I’m going to be a head teacher one day. (有一天我将成为一个校长。)

3.Where does he/she work? He/She works in/on/at/ …(问工作地点,注意不同介词的用法)

4. How does he/she go to work? He/She goes to work …(问去工作的交通方式)

5.Do you want to be a head teacher?No, I want to be a businessman.(注意be,成为)

6.Is your father a postman? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.


1) 加er:worker teacher driver farmer singer dancer cleaner writer

police officer player reporter


3) 加man或woman(有性别之分): fisherman fisherwoman businessman businesswoman postman postwoman

4) 加ist:scientist dentist(牙医)pianist(钢琴家)

8.in/at a university at sea near the sea in a gym on a plane


9.We should study hard (努力学习)and stay healthy(保持健康).


10.He is good at football.(擅长于)


Mary has a cat. → What does Mary have?

He goes to school by bus. → How does he go to school?

My aunt works in a gym. → Where does your aunt work?

Unit 6

1.If I feel angry, what should I do?

First, take a deep breath. Then you should count to ten. (征求建议)

2.will not = won’t

3.Should I count to ten? Yes, you should. No, you shouldn’t. (一般疑问句)

4.What’s this cartoon about? It’s about a cat.(关于)

5.The cat chases the mice. (追赶)(mice是mouse的复数形式)

6.They’re afraid of him. (注意介词的用法)

7.The cat is angry with them. (注意介词的用法)


9.I am happy. = I feel happy.

He/She/It is sad. = He/She/It feels sad.

They are worried. = They feel worried.

10.What’s wrong? = What’s the matter? (怎么了?发生了什么事?)

11.Don’t be sad.(别伤心) Don’t worry.(别担心)

12.How do you feel? I am / feel …

How does he/she feel? He / She is/feels


13.What should I do? You should …(征求建议)

14.He is stuck in the mud. (他被陷在泥里。)

15.They pull Robin out of the mud.(拉出)

16.everyone(每个人) someone(某人) no one(没有人) anyone(任何人)

17.表示心情或感觉的词语:sad(难过的) happy(高兴的) worried(担心的;发愁的)angry(生气的) afraid(害怕) ill(生病的) cold(冷的) warm(暖和的) hot(热的) cool(凉爽的) thirsty(口渴的)hungry(饥饿的) sorry (遗憾的;抱歉的)excited (兴奋的)good(好的) upset(心烦的) surprised(惊奇的) bad(坏的,糟糕的)
