1200字范文 > 胡敏读故事记单词-四级词汇[3] - 趣味记单词 - 爱思英语学习网 - 24EN.COM

胡敏读故事记单词-四级词汇[3] - 趣味记单词 - 爱思英语学习网 - 24EN.COM

时间:2020-01-04 18:13:10


胡敏读故事记单词-四级词汇[3] - 趣味记单词 - 爱思英语学习网 - 24EN.COM




accustomed ~ admission

A young acquaintance of mine is not accustomed to achievement In fact, in the administration of his duties as trainee lion tamer, he is not usually considered adequate and often has to acknowledge the acid remarks of his father, the head lion tamer, for his lack of action. His father often uses the adjective "sleepy" to describe the lack of activity of both him and the lions. In addition, he has been told adjust his attitudes and acquire a greater sense of showmanship if he wishes to gain admission to the main ring in the circus tent. His need is acute, because acquisition of performing skills would be an addition to his natural ability to communicate with lions, and enable him to step into the main ring when his father is out of action. In addition to this, even though he is only 3 years old and gets very tired following the lions around their one acre park, he is already famous as a lion tamer because he appears in an ad for the circus, and is even being sought by a manufactruer to promote acid adapted specially for use in animal food.


