1200字范文 > 外研人教版 ▏七年级下册第五单元最全知识点总结(单词含音频)

外研人教版 ▏七年级下册第五单元最全知识点总结(单词含音频)

时间:2023-12-26 09:29:21


外研人教版 ▏七年级下册第五单元最全知识点总结(单词含音频)


Module5 Shopping


market[""mɑ?k?t] n. 市场

supermarket[""su?p?mɑ?k?t]n. 超市

biscuit[""b?sk?t] n. 饼干

lemon [""lem?n]n. 柠檬

strawberry [""str??b(?)r?] n. 草薄

Mother""s Day母亲节

size[sa?z] n. 尺码; 号

take [te?k] v. ( took ) 穿 (某尺寸的衣服或鞋子)

may v. aux. ( might ) 可以; 可能

try[tra?] v. 尝试; 试穿; 品尝

try on试穿

certainly[""s??t(?)nl?; -t?n-] adv. 当然; 行

wait a minute别急;稍等一会

sale[se?l] n. 降价出售

price[pra?s] n. 价格

look[l?k] v. 看起来; 显得

fresh[fre?] adj. 新鲜的

advantage [?d""vɑ?nt?d?] n. 有利条件; 优势

anyone [?d""vɑ?nt?d?]pron. 任何人

anything [""en?θ??] pron. 任何东西; 任何事情

anywhere [""en?we?] adv. 在任何地方; 往任何地方

compare[k?m""pe?] v. 比较

pay [pe?] v. 支付; 付钱

post[p??st] n. & v. 邮寄

product [""pr?d?kt]n. 产品

receive [r?""si?v] v. 收到; 接到

safe[se?f] adj. 安全的

several [""sev(?)r(?)l]adj. 几个; 一些

online [?n""la?n] adj. 在线的

shopping [""??p??]n. 购物

way[we?] n. 方式; 道路

one of ... ......之一

almost [""??lm??st]adv. 几乎; 差不多

something [""s?mθ??]pron. 某事物; 某种东西

later[""le?t?] adv. 后来; 以后

open [""??p(?)n] adj. 营业的; 开放的

out [a?t]adv. 外出; 离开

go out外出; 游玩

over [""??v?]prep. 通过; 超过

one day 总有一天

one [w?n] pron. (同一群人或物中)一个


1. on Mother′s Day 在母亲节这一天

2. what colour/color 什么颜色

3. What about…? ...怎么样?

4. try on 试穿

5. look at… 看...

6.too much 太多...(修饰不可数名词)

7. wait a minute 等一会儿

8. half price 半价

9. pay for 为...付钱

10. a few days later 几天后

11. the price of… ...的价格

12. one day 一天

13. at any time 随时

14. one of them 他们中的一个

15. be able to 能/会...

16. because of… 因为...

17. online shopping 网络购物


Unit 1

1. What can I do for you?

Can I help you?


回答时,常用“I’d like …/ I’d like to buy …/ I want to buy …”等句子做答语。

-- What can I do for you?/Can I help you?

-- I want to buy a present for my mum.

2. May I try it on?

try on 试穿

如: try on the shoes before you buy them.


(1)try to do sth.“努力去做,尽力做”=try one’s best to do…

如:He tried to climb the tree.


(2)try doing sth. 指“尝试做……看看,有何结果”,暗示在这之前已试过某种方法但不奏效,另试其他方法。

如:If no one answers the door, why not try knocking the back door?

3. Look at the price. That’s too much.

区分 too much 和 much too


much too是too的强势语,用法与too相同。如:

You are much too kind to me. 你对我实在太好了。

This one is much too big. 这个确实太大了。

too much是much的强势语,用法与much相似。如:

Don’t eat too much. 别吃得太多。

There’s too much water. 水太多了。

4. I’ll take it.

take 拿、采取、穿…

【拓展】take 短语

take back 收回、接回、退回take down 写下、记下

take in 收留、包括、理解、欺骗

take off 脱下、起飞、打折扣

take on 聘用、雇用、呈现、显现

take up 从事、继续、占去(时间或空间)

5. The strawberries look fresh.

look在这里是感官系动词,表示“看起来”,其后加 形容词,和be动词用法类似。

【拓展】感官系动词还有 sound, smell, taste, feel等,当这几个词用作连系动词的时候,它们的意思分别是“听起来”、“闻起来”、“尝起来”、“摸起来”,其后直接加形容词!

e.g.: You look tired this evening. 今晚你好像很累。

The soup tastes delicious. 这汤味道不错。

6. What else would you like?

else是个副词,表示“另外,其他”的意思,还可以用在“who, where” 等词后面。


who else will go to the meeting?

what else would you do?


else 还可以与不定副词(如: something,anybody, anyone, somewhere等)连用,但是也要放在这些词之后。

e.g.: Would you like something else to drink?

7. -- What else would you like?

-- A kilo of beans and two lemons.

“数词+名词+of+物质名词”结构常用来表达物质名词的数量。若要表示量的复数 概念时,把(表计量的)名词改为复数形式。 【拓展】 ★当“数词+名词+of+物质名词”结构作主语时,谓语动词应与(表计量的)名词的单复数一致。如:

Two glasses of water are on the table

what 和 how 引导的特殊疑问句:

what 引导的特殊疑问句,其语序是:what+一般疑问句语序?

如:What colour does she like?

What time does he get up every morning?




1.回答特殊疑问句时,不能用yes / no,即问什么答什么,尤其是简略回答。如:

What colour does she like? purple


What引导的特殊疑问句时, 其后可以搭配部分名词使用

1. 颜色

--What color does she like?

-- purple.

2. 尺码

-- What size does she take?

-- Small.

3. 时刻

-- What time is it?

-- It’s five o’clock.



1. How old问年龄、年代

How old is the bridge? 这座桥有多少年代了?

2.How many问可数名词数量。常将可数名词复数紧随其后。

How many pictures are there on the wall?


3.How much询问不可数名词的数量、物品的价格。

How much money is there in the purse?


How much are the apples at the moment?


4.How long提问物体的长度、时间的长短。

How long is the Changjia River?


How long does it take you to do your homework every day?


5.How soon 对 “in+一段时间 ”提问, 表示“多久之后”。

How soon will you be back?


6.How often对表示频率的副词或短语提问。

How often does Mrs. Green go shopping?


7.How about用来征求对方意见。

How about playing games after school this afternoon?


8.How far 问两地间的距离;

How tall问人(树)的高度;how heavy问重量;

how wide问宽度;how high可以询问建筑物、山峰高度。

How far is it from the earth to the moon?


How tall is Yao Ming? 姚明身高多少?

How heavy is that big box? 那只大箱子有多重?

How wide is the new street? 这条新街有多宽?

It’s a clearance sale——这是清仓拍卖。

On approval.——货物售出,概不退货

All sales are final——如不满意,包退包换

20% off. ——八折出售。

Two for the price of one./

Buy one, get one free. ——买一送一

For Display only——陈列品不出售

Closed for stock-taking——今日盘点,暂停营业

Closed temporarily for repairs.______ 内部装修,暂停营业。

Business as usual._______ 照常营业

Unit 2

1. Then you receive it a few days later by post.

a) receive 表示“收到,接到”指客观上被动的,强调动作,但并不意味着同意接受,近义词accept 是 “接到,并同意的意思”,强调意愿上的结果。

eg: She received his present, but she didn‘t accept it.她收到了他的礼物,但 是没有接受。

注意:有时用词要视语言习惯而定,而不能简单地认为 receive=收到,accept=接受。如“接受礼物”说成英语是 accept a gift,而“接受教育”却是 receive an education

b) a few 一些 其后常加可数名词的复数形式,近义词 a little 后加不可数名词

e.g.: a few apples

a little water in bottle

c) by post 通过邮寄


e.g.: by air by plane by train by bus

by car by …

2. Second, shopping usually takes a lot of time.


It takes sb. Some time to do sth. 表示“花费某人多长时间做某事”

e.g.: It takes me two hours to finish the work.

<拓展> spend 做“花费”讲的固定句型

sb. Spend some time (money) on sth.

sb. Spend some time (money) in doing sth.表示“某人花费多钱或多少时间在某物或做某事”

e.g.: I spent two hours on this maths problem.

They spent two years (in) building this bridge.


(1) pay (sb.) money for sth. 付钱(给某人)买……。

e.g.:I have to pay them 20 pounds for this room each month.

(2)pay for sth. 付……的钱。e.g.:I have to pay for the book lost.

(3)pay for sb. 替某人付钱。e.g.:Don’t worry!I‘ll pay for you.

(4)pay sb. 付钱给某人。 e.g.: They pay us every month.

(5)pay money back 还钱。 e.g.:May I borrow 12 yuan from you? I’ll pay it back next week.

cost的主语是物或某种活动, 还可以表示“值”, 用法:

(1)sth. costs (sb.) +金钱,某物花了(某人)多少钱。

e.g.:A new computer costs a lot of money.

(2) (doing) sth. costs (sb.) +时间,某物(做某事)花了(某人)多少时间。

e.g.:Remembering these new words cost him a lot of time.

3. shopping on the Internet = online shopping


4. You will be able to receive it anywhere in the world at any time.

be able to 能,会 = can

in the world = around the world 在世界上,全球

at any time 在任何时间

Unit 3

· 定义:以疑问词开头,对句中某一成分提问的句子叫特殊疑问句。

· 常用的疑问词有:

what, who, whose, which, when, where, how, why等。

a) 疑问词+be+主语(+其他)

Who is your teacher?

How old is your brother?


What does your father do ?

Why do you like English?



1. 你几乎可以很容易地在网上购买一切东西;

2. 你不必(don’t need to)去商店,可以在家选择要买的,很方便的(convenient);

3. 网上的很多东西比商店和超市里的更便宜(cheap)。

Now online shopping is popular. I think online shopping has three advantages. First, you can almost buy everything on the Internet and it’s very easy. Second, you don’t need to go to shops to choose things. It is convenient to buy things at home. Third, many things are cheaper than those in shops or supermarkets. So I like online shopping.
