1200字范文 > 高一英语教案:高中英语必修四Unit1第二课时(人教版)


时间:2023-06-07 14:03:47





teaching procedures & ways

period 1. warming up and pre-reading

step 1. lead in.

1. discuss the following questions.

1)what are the differences between a famous person and a great person?

great--- of excellent quality or ability

important--- powerful or having influence

2) what makes a person great? (the quality of a great person)

hard working intelligent determined generous helpful honest kind brave. confident unselfish energetic passionate; make great contribution to man kind; get on well with others; never loss heart; be active in social activities; do public service without paid.

most of the great people are also important people. but important people may not also be great people.

3)name some great women in chinese history. what are they famous for?

step 2. warming up

t: in pairs discuss the six women on page 1. which of these women do you think is a great woman ? give reasons for your choice. before you decide, think about the following questions.

1. did she follow her ideas and sacrifice anything so that her ideas could be realized? did she unselfishly give up anything to achieve her goal?

2. did she go through struggles and difficulties ?/ did she suffer for her ideas ?

name ambition problem sacrifices

elizabeth fry to help improve prison conditions she was criticized for neglecting her family and enjoying fame. less time was spent with her husband and family.

soong chingling to work for civil rights,democracy and peace. her relatives held political opinions completely different from hers. after her husband died, she lived alone.

jane goodall to work with animals in the wild. she lived a hard life in the wild. she gave up the comforts of life to study the chimps.

jody williams to prevent the making and use of landmines it isn’t easy to persuade governments to stop the making and use of landmines. she had lost her own personal time because of the demands of the job

joan of arc to drive the english from france women were not allowed ot fight like a man

she lost her life.

lin qiaozhi to help women and children with their illnesses an health women had greater difficulties getting into medical college and getting further training she never got married or had a family of her own

step 3 pre-reading

1. why do you think jane goodall went to africa to study chimps rather than to a university?

2. do you think her work is important? why?

