1200字范文 > Nat Commun:美学者利用表观遗传学揭示恶性儿童白血病患者的差异

Nat Commun:美学者利用表观遗传学揭示恶性儿童白血病患者的差异

时间:2022-01-13 22:36:43


Nat Commun:美学者利用表观遗传学揭示恶性儿童白血病患者的差异

12月19日,国际学术权威刊物自然出版集团旗下子刊《Nature Communication》杂志在线发表了美国加州大学Mignon L. Loh研究组的一篇研究论文,论文利用表观遗传学揭示恶性儿童白血病患者的差异。同期的另一篇文章鉴定出了幼年型粒-单核细胞白血病的三种新亚组(JMML),它们可以预测病人结局,包括最有可能发生疾病自行消退的病人。 幼年型粒-单核细胞白血病(JMML)是一种恶性儿童癌症,治疗手段有限。目前的JMML临床和遗传标记没有解释与该疾病相关的不同临床结果。DNA甲基化在该疾病中扮演着重要角色。两项独立研究表明,这一表观遗传标记或有助于解释不同JMML病人的结果差异。 Christoph Plass、Daniel Lipka及同事分析了167例JMML样本的DNA甲基化模式和突变情况,发现了三个甲基化水平各不一样(高、中、低)的亚组。甲基化水平高的病人,临床结果差;甲基化水平低的病人,预后良好;所有三组的突变情况都不一样,表明在JMML病人中,DNA甲基化机制的激活与突变模式存在关联。Elliot Stieglitz、Mignon Loh及同事研究了39名病人的DNA甲基化,独立鉴定出三个DNA甲基化亚组,其中高甲基化水平与不良临床结果相关,而低甲基化水平与良好预后相关;他们在另外40名病人身上验证了这一点。 该研究为根据DNA甲基化划分不同JMML患者奠定了基础,有助于我们进一步了解JMML的基础生物学机制。



Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML) is a myeloproliferative disorder of childhood caused by mutations in the Ras pathway. Outcomes in JMML vary markedly from spontaneous resolution to rapid relapse after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Here, we hypothesized that DNA methylation patterns would help predict disease outcome and therefore performed genome-wide DNA methylation profiling in a cohort of 39 patients. Unsupervised hierarchical clustering identifies three clusters of patients. importantly, these clusters differ significantly in terms of 4-year event-free survival, with the lowest methylation cluster having the highest rates of survival. These findings were validated in an independent cohort of 40 patients. Notably, all but one of 14 patients experiencing spontaneous resolution cluster together and closer to 22 healthy controls than to other JMML cases. Thus, we show that DNA methylation patterns in JMML are predictive of outcome and can identify the patients most likely to experience spontaneous resolution.
