1200字范文 > 中国历代古钱币


时间:2019-07-30 17:05:58








As one of four countries with an ancient civiliation,China"s currency civilization goes back to ancient times,holding its distinctive styles in thousands years .Nowadays, Chinese people are not very unfamiliar with those ancient coins ,such as Dao Bi (knife-shaped coins),Bu Bi(shovel-shaped coin),Yi Bi Qian and Ban Liang Qian.Currency culture has deeply influenced people"s life in all aspects.

China"s ancient currency originated from people"s daily life and production For instance, sea shells,the earliest currency in history, were firstly used as decorations and totem; and Dao Bi(knife-shaped coin)was evolved from a hand tool "Xue",Bu Bi(shovel-shaped coin)was from bronze farm implement "Bu"and Huan Qian (ring-shaped coin)was patterned after spinning wheel.Till 221 B.C.,Emperor Qin Shihuang unified monetary system into round coins with a central square hole weighing half liang.This basically fixed China"s monetary form which underwent no major changes over 2,000-odd years since.

Rich and colorful Chinese currency culture makes China rank among the first countries in the world to use money,bronze coins and paper money,When the famous European traveler Marco Polo tole his fellowmen ltalians that people in the Yuan Dynasty made paper money from the bark, they thought that was unimaginable. Actually, till that time, Chinese had used paper money for 300 or 400 years,Different from western relief-formed coins, Chinese ancient coins pay much attention to characters punched on and the calligraphic styles. Xuanzhenzhuan in Wang Mang"s coins and the calligraphy in the Northern Song Dynasty are the most beautiful of all.

Ancient coins of Chinese successive dynasties,like a mine of intelligence,are atracting more and more people to be interested in them. In order to meet this demand ,Xi"an Jin Quan Coin Culture Co.,Ltd, the biggest ancient coin culture company in China and Asia, develops this exquisite present,with ancient coins attached .We can anticipate that fans will welcome it for its unique cultural features and its potential appreciation. 秦六铢半两


























































Qin Liu Zhu Ban Liang

In 221 B.C. Emperor Qin Shihuang unified China,and then standardized the Chinese written language.measurement and the span of cart axles.He abolished all the existing monetary forms of the other six states and ordered the round-shaped and square-holed "Ban Liang "as the legal currency that basically fixed Chinese monetary forms for thousand years .The ancients regarded that "than yuan di fang", that means the round shape represents the heaven and the square the earth. Some believe that a cluster of coins with a square hole in the center are easy to be fixed in an iron role to polish their rims instead of those with a round hole.

Han Wu Zhu

In order to solve the financial diffculties the wars caused. Emperor Wu Di of the Western Han Dynasty practiced new policy to take the right of smelting iron,abstracting salt and coining back to the court. In 118 B.C.,he ordered the prefectures to mint a new kind coin weighing 5 zhu,named "Wu Zhu";and centralized the casting right only to Shang Lin San Guan,the first national mint in the world, before long To prevent people to obtain bronze from the coins, Wu Zhu was minted with a rim ,This kind of money was in circulation for over 700 years,with the honor of "the long-lived money"in Chinese history.

Huo Quan of the Xin Period

In the last years of the Western Han Dynasty,Wang Mang,originally a relative of an empress in the Han Dynasty,seized the throne and carried out monetary reforms less than in ten years,namely issuing coins with different shapes, qualities and units for more than 33 kinds, The aim of the reforms was to extort money from the people with a series of big face value coins ,He even asked the officials to take new coins when they went to the court, Though Wang Mang"s monetary reforms all destroyed economy finally,the calligraphy punched on his coins were highly praised by the later generations. Huo Quan was the product of the fourth monetary reform, stamped with characters in beautiful xuanzhenzhuan.

Jian Bian Wu Zhu

In the late period of the Eastern Han Dynasty,the coinage was in a very chaotic station. So in order to obtain bronze,people cut off the rim of a Wu Zhu coin, thus one became two ,The outer one like a ring was called"Yan Huan coin" and the inner one without rim named "Jian Bian coin". Sui Wu Zhu

Befor the Sui Dynasty,Wu Zhu coins with different sizes had been in circulation for several hundred years.As the establishment of the Sui Dynasty,Emperor Wen Di,Yang Jian,ordered to mint uniform and exquisite Sui Wu Zhu, set a sample coin in toll-gates to verifty whether the coins in the folk were standard or not ,Those unqualified were kept,This was the last time the feudal dynasty tried to reform and to keep Wu Zhu coins that later showed more and more shortcomings.Kai Yuan Tong Bao

In the fourth year of the Wu De reign of Emperor Gao Zu in the Tang Dynasty(621 A.D),the government began to issue a new type of coin---Kai Yuan Tong Bao.Ever since then,coins were no longer named after weight ,but named Tong Bao,Yuan Bao or Zhong Bao,which initiated the credit currency times in Chinese history,And,the government stipulated that ten wen(pieces)of Kai Yuan Tong Bao weighed one liang (tael)and a wen weighted one "qian(money)" that later not only referred to money,but also weight unit.Qian Yuan Zhong Bao

Issued in the Qian Yuan reign of Emperor Su Zong of the Tang Dynasty,Qian Yuan Zhong Bao was the first coin named"Zhong Bao",in Chinese history.The issue of such coins was to deal with the military expenditures to suppress "the rebellion of An Lushan and Shi Siming",At the beginning.one piece of Qian Yuan Zhong Bao could exchange ten cashes,but later also became average coins.

Coin of the Song Dynasty

Coin production reached its peak in the Song Dynasty,with a production of 5.5 million guan annually, Among the extant ancient coins nowadays, about 1/3 are the money of the Song Dynasty,Year-titled coins and pair coins also were very popular during this period.Coins of the Song Dynasty were exquisitely made and stamped with inscriptions written in various calligraphic styles (like regular script,cursive script,official and seal scripts)by the emperor himself or by famous literati,In addition ,iron coins and paper money also appeared and the later one propelled the currency development greatly.

Xiang Fu Yuan Bao (issued from 1008 A.D.)

Minted in the Da Zhong Xiang Fu reign of Emperor Zhen Zong of the Song Dynasty."Xiang Fu"means auspicious sign in Chinese.According to historical records, the emperor found a letter named Da Zhong Xiang Fu awarded by a god in the palace and considered that was an auspicious sign of a peaceflu country, hence the casting of Da Zhong Xiang Fu to celebrate.

Tian Xi Tong Bao(issued from 1017 A.D)

Minted in the reign of Emperor Zhen Zong,Zhao Heng,of the Song Dynasty.

Tian Sheng Yuan Bao (issued from 1023 A.D)

Minted in the Tian Sheng reign of Emperor Ren Zong of the Song Dynasty and with inscriptions written by the emperor himself in zhen shu (regular script)and zhuanshu (seal script) respectively. It was the Song"s earliest Dui Qian,pair coins with identical inscription in dirrerent calligraphic styles,but the same size, thickness and shape.

Huang Song Tong Bao(issued from 1039 A.D)

Issued in the reign of Emperor Ren Zog,Zhao Zhen,of the Northern Song Dynasty and one of Dui Qian written in regular and seal scripts respectively in this period, Dui Qian means pair coins with identical inscription in different callgraphic styles, but the same size thickness and shape.Xi Ning Yuan Bao (issued from 1068 A.D) Issued in the Xi Ning reign of Emperor Shen Zong of the Northern Song Dynasty in four calligraphic styles;regular script,official script,seal script andrunning hand ,After the enthronement of Emperor Shen Zong ,he appointed Wang Anshi to practice reforms that were against by the conservatives,but succeeded a lot in economy.Yuan Feng Tong Bao (issued from 1078 A.D)

Yuan Feng ,the second year title in the reign of Emperon Shen Zong, implies a meaning of grandness and thriving, Social economy reached ite heyday in this period when twenty-six mints all over the country produced more than 7 million guan coins annually,the most prosperous time in coin production in Chinese history.

Yuan You Tong Bao (issued from 1086 A.D)

Emperor Zhe Zong was only ten years old when he came to the throne, so Empress Dowager Gao controlled the millitary affaires and politics ,These conservatives were wholly against the reforms in the reign of Emperor Shen Zong and expelled the reformers out of the court. The inscription stamped on Yuan You Tong Bao was written by famous literati Sima Guang and Su Shi.

Shao Sheng Yuan Bao (issued from 1094 A.D)

In the reign of Emperor Zhe Zong.Empress Dowager Gao dominated the court, After the death of the empress,Emperor Zhe Zong set up his own cabinet and changed the year title into Shao Sheng that means inheriting the property and family estate.

Sheng Song Yuan Bao (issued from 1101 A.D)

The first year-title in the reign of Emperor Hui Zong was jian Zhong Jing Guo, too long to name a coin So the emperor changed the coin name into Sheng Song Yuan Bao ,the only coin not named after year title in the reign.

Da Guan Tong Bao (issued from 1107 A.D)

Emperor Hui Zong, an erudite person,was very adept at calligraphy and painting,His famous calligraphy Shou Jin Ti bears flowing and graceful features.The inscription on Da Guan Tong Bao was written in Shou Jin Ti that was highly praised by the later generations.

Yong Le Tong Bao

Issued in the Yong Le reign of Emperor Cheng Zu,Zhu Di,of the Ming Dynasty,Because the emperor encouraged sea trade, a great deal of exquisitely made Yong Le coins flowed to overseas,Also,coins in this period were all named Tong Bao instead of Yuan Bao to avoid the taboo on the name of Emperor Tai Zu,Zhu Yuanzhang.

Chong Zhen Tong Bao

Chinese people had mastered the brass melting technique in the Jia Jing reign of the Ming Dynasty, Chong Zhen Tong Bao was issued in the Chong Zhen reign of Emperor Si Zong when the country was beset with domestic troubles and foreign invasion. To meet vast military expenses,from the third yaer of the Chong Zhen reign (1630),Chong Zhen Tong Bao was minted with lighter weight and complicated denominations.Li Yong Tong Bao

At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty,Wu Sangui was conferred the title of King Pingxi to defend Yunnan. In the twelfth year of the Kang Xi reign(1673),he allied with Geng Jingzhong andShang Zhixin to rebel against the Qing court, known as "the Revolt of the Three Feudatories"in history,and minted Li Yong Bao to meet the military need.

Hong Hua Tong Bao

Hong Hua Tong Bao was issued from 1679.Wu Shifan succeeded to the throne after his grandfather Wu Sangui"s death and altered the year-title to Hong Hua.Hong Hua Tong Bao was very similar to Li Yong Tong Bao.

Kang Xi Tong Bao

Kang Xi Tong Bao was issued in the Kang Xi reign of Emperor Sheng Zu(1662-1722 A.D),with the mint"s name in Manchu on the reverse side,which reflected the unification of all nationalities,In this period,the country was prosperous and the people lived in peace,so coins were cast thick and big.

Qian Long Tong Bao

Qian Long Tong Bao was issued in the Qian Long reign of Emperor Gao Zong of the Qing Dynasty(1736-1795A.D), stamped with the mint"s name (total twenty-four mints)in Manchu on the reverse,During the sixty-year Qian Long reign,the nation was at the height of power and splendor,Mints scattered all over the country to produce coins with various denominations on a large scale.And ,the brass purity in Qian Long Tong Bao was not same,Befor the fifth year of the Qian Long reign ,coins were made of brass,without ingredient tin,But after that year,coins were cast with2 per cent of tin, named "qing qian"(black money),just to prevent private casting. It was said that if to put "qing qian"into a smelter,it would not been minted again.

Jia Qing Tong Bao

Jia Qing Tong Bao was issued in the Jia Qing reign of Emperor Ren Zong of the Qing Dynasty(1796-1820)and cast with the mint"s name (total nineteen mints)in Manchu on the reverse.The lighter and lighter coins in this reign reflected the corrupt administration of officials.

Dao Guang Tong Bao

Guang Xu Tong Bao was issued in the Guang Xu reign of Emperor De Zong of the Qing Dynasty(1875-1908 A.D), and cast with the mint"s name in Manchu on the reverse side, In this period,machine-made copper coins and silver coins gradually replaced the miscellaneous traditional copper coins.

Machine-made Copper Coin in the Guang Xu Reign

In the 26th year of the Guang Xu reign(1900),Guangdong Province began to mint round-shaped Guang Xu Yuan Bao without a hole in the center,which marked the beginning of machined-made coins. The people welcomed these exquisitely made coins as soon as they were put into market.

Copper Coin of the Republic of China

After the Revolution of 1911,the whole country fell into a disordered state of separatist warlord regimes that all tried to cast their own money to meet the need of military expense. Their coins with kinds of denominations and inferior qualities aggravated the chaotic situation.

Bank Note Issued by the Central Bank

The Central Bank opened for business in Shang hai on November 1,1928.On November 4,1935,the Kuomintang Government practiced the "Fa Bi(legal tender)Reform"all over the country and abandoned silver standard as well, On July 1,1942,the government centralized the issue right only to the Central Bank.

