1200字范文 > BBC听力|特朗普被指干涉英国大选


时间:2023-08-15 19:28:16



BBC news.

The U.S house of representatives have decided to move the impeachment investigation into a new more open phase. The democrat-control chamber decided the future hearings will be televised. Republicans have denounced the inquiry into allegations that the president tried to get Ukraine to investigate his political opponents.

The United Nations has appealed for an immediate assistance for 45 million people in southern Africa, who are facing severe food shortages. It also called the international community to give long-term support to a region, which is suffering the effects of climate change.

Researchers say measles is even more dangerous than previously thought, because it can wreck the body"s immunity to other diseases. A study of patients in Netherland found after they had contracted measles, the virus has deleted part of their immune system"s memory.

Spanish laws are under a renewed detention after a court acquitted five men of raping a 14-year old girl and convicted them of less crime of sexual abuse. The court said the girl wasn"t raped because she has been so drunk. The men didn"t need to use violence or coercion.

Riot activists have accused the Iraqi security forces of using heavier tear gas grenades than normal against protesters leading to numerous deaths. The tear gas canisters have pierced the skulls of victims.

President Trump has intervened into Britain"s general election, praising the conservative prime minister Boris Johnson and attacking the left-wing opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn. Mr. Corbyn said the U.S leader was interfering in the affairs of another country to get his friend elected.

A German court has thrown out a case brought by organic farmers who thought to force the government to comply with its targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions. The court ruled that the commitment was not legally bidding.

BBC news.
