1200字范文 > “No Man Should Be In A Management Position Who Wants to Look Smart at Expense of others.” Peter Druc

“No Man Should Be In A Management Position Who Wants to Look Smart at Expense of others.” Peter Druc

时间:2021-12-24 18:41:57


“No Man Should Be In A Management Position Who Wants to Look Smart at Expense of others.” Peter Druc

"No Man Should Be In A Management Position Who Wants to Look Smart at Expense of others." Peter Drucker

Published on June 19,

Featured in:What Inspires Me





Oleg Vishnepolsky

Global CTO at DailyMail Online and Metro.Co.Uk

It is not what you know, it is what your team knows.

It is not what you can do, it is what they can do.

"No man should be in a management position who wants to look smart at expense of others." Peter Drucker

I like Peter Drucker"s series of quotes "No Man Should be in A Management position who..." so much that I want to continue:

No man should be in a management position who does not treat everyone fairly, including those who oppose him, or do not like him.


When I was promoted to my first management position, one of my developers did not like that I got promoted, rather than him. He kept criticizing everything I did, openly and behind my back.

Later, we both received awards for a project.

At the all-hands meeting of the company I said that we both received an award for the project, he for doing all the work, and I for being his manager.

There was a loud silence in the auditorium.

From that point on, he became my ardent supporter, and I continued to be his.


I believe that management never needs a credit for any of the work.

I believe we must treat everyone fairly, regardless of what they think of us.

Do you agree ?
