1200字范文 > “别具匠心 工力悉敌”——中国当代著名画家如洁专题报道

“别具匠心 工力悉敌”——中国当代著名画家如洁专题报道

时间:2022-03-27 17:06:58


“别具匠心 工力悉敌”——中国当代著名画家如洁专题报道

如洁,原名“王跃进”,号“草境庐主人”。1957年生,西安市人,祖籍河南,自幼喜爱书画。1990年毕业于中国书画函授大学,深得着名花鸟画家肖焕先生精心指导。数年来潜心绘事,苦心研习 “花鸟画”,以“月季花”为创作主题而见长。现任西安市文史研究馆研究员,国家一级美术师。在创作中,把中国绘画传统技法与西画技法相结合,运用“湿画法”,将彩、墨、虚、实、远、近关系融入作品,使作品呈现出滋润鲜活、清新、素雅、和谐的自然效果,使享誉世界“花中皇后”之美誉的月季花,气质更加凝重,典雅、温馨而充满生机。

Such as Jie, formerly known as "Wangyuejin", No. "The Master of Grass". Born in 1957 in Xi"an, a native of Henan Province, he loved painting and calligraphy since childhood. In 1990, he graduated from the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Correspondence University and won careful guidance from the famous flower and bird painter Mr. Xiaohuan. For several years, he has devoted himself to painting and painstakingly studied "flower and bird paintings" and was known for his creation theme of "Moonflower". He is currently a researcher at the Xi"an Literature and History Research Center and a national first-class artist. In the creation, the traditional Chinese painting techniques are combined with Western painting techniques, and the "wet painting method" is used to integrate color, ink, virtual, real, far, and near into the works. The work presents a natural effect that moistens fresh, fresh, elegant and harmonious, and makes the moonflowers known as the world"s "Queen of Flowers" more dignified, elegant, warm and full of vitality.


《国画档案——中国当代美术名家个案研究》王跃进月季作品集 ,四川美术出版社。

《人民艺术家——如洁》 世界知识出版社。

《新中国美术家大典》、《图说中国当代美术》 红旗出版社。

《文脉传承——古今文艺作品选粹》、《盛世中华五人书画典藏》 中国文联出版社。


《当代艺术经典书画集》、《当代杰出艺术家——书画集》《翰墨流芳一当代名家作品集》 西泠印社出版社。

《 中国美术编年史》 北京工艺美术出版社。

《中国美术选集》 线装书局出版社。

《江山如画》 中国当代美术出版社。





Works selected:

"Chinese Painting Archives-Case Study of Chinese Contemporary Fine Arts Masters" Wangyuejin"s collection of works, Sichuan Fine Arts Publishing House.

"People"s Artists-Such as Jie" World Knowledge Publishing House.

"New Chinese Artists Ceremony" and "Illustrated Chinese Contemporary Art" Red Flag Publishing House.

"The Inheritance of Wenmai-Selected Works of Ancient and Modern Literature and Art", "Shengshi Chinese Five People"s Painting and Calligraphy Collection" China Federation Press.

"Guozhen Collection-Collection of Famous Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Works", "Collection of Contemporary Power School Painting and Calligraphy Collection", "Yazhu Fengqing",

"Contemporary Art Classic Calligraphy and Painting Collection", "Contemporary Outstanding Artists-Calligraphy and Painting Collection", "Han Mo Liu Fang A Collection of Contemporary Famous Works" Xiling Yinshe Publishing House.

"Chinese Art Chronicle" Beijing Arts and Crafts Publishing House.

"Selected Collection of Chinese Fine Arts" Line Publishing House.

"Jiangshanruhua" China Contemporary Art Publishing House.

In , he was selected as the "Harmonious Chinese Cultural Famous Stamps Project" of the National Post Office;

In , his works were selected as the theme stamps and telephone cards of "Scientific Development-Building a Beautiful China";

In , he was selected as a collection of postal books and telephone cards for the "Dream of China-The 65th Anniversary" and was issued nationwide.

The "Moon Season" works have been given to multinational embassies as gifts by the diplomatic department many times.
