1200字范文 > 中国传统文化之传统音乐及传统美食


时间:2023-08-12 13:53:33




Chinese traditional music and traditional food


Chinese traditional music

我们在许多民乐CD中都可看到“国乐”二字,这“国乐”指的是从古代流传下来,在近代又有所发展的属于“国粹”的音乐,可见“国乐”的创作时间指的是古代;“新音乐”指的是那些学习过西方音乐的人所写的音乐,如学堂乐歌,可见新音乐的创作时间是在1840年鸦片战争之后。We can see the word "national music" in many folk music CDs. This "national music" refers to the music that has been handed down from ancient times and developed in modern times. It can be seen that the time of creation of "national music" refers to the ancient time; "new music" refers to the music written by those who have studied western music, such as school songs. It can be seen that the time of creation of new music is after the Opium War in 1840.


"Chinese traditional music" refers to the music created by the Chinese people in their own way, in their own form and with the characteristics of their own inherent form. It includes not only the ancient works produced and handed down in history, but also the contemporary works. It can be seen that traditional music includes "national music" instead of "new music", but they are all "Chinese music".


Traditional music is a very important part of our national music. The difference between traditional music and new music is not in the order of creation time, but in its form and style.


Chinese traditionalfood



Beijing"s traditional food "Bean juice"


Douzhi is a famous traditional snack in Beijing. It has the characteristics of gray green color, thick and mellow bean juice, sour and slightly sweet taste. Bean juice is a kind of Beijing"s special snack in winter and spring. Especially the old people in Beijing have a special preference for it.


It doesn"t look so good, but it has always been loved by the people of Beijing, because it is rich in protein, vitamin C, crude fiber and sugar.



Soup pot


Soup pot is a famous local traditional dish with a long history, generally including beef, donkey, black goat and dog. The soup pot is the first dish that relatives and friends will choose when they gather. Soup pot can enhance kidney function and strengthen body. For example, the kidney and penisof cattle, donkey, sheep and dog are specially selected as soup pot materials, which has better effect on strengthening kidney and tonic.


Steamed mutton powder


Steamed mutton powder is a traditional food of Yi nationality. Every year on the 14th day of June in the lunar calendar, every family does not do farm work. They kill sheep at home to make Steamed mutton powder and eat to celebrate the festival. This is a unique traditional delicacy of the Yi nationality. It is delicious, mellow, nutritious and nourishing.


Thousand layer powder


Thousand layer powder, also known as Guoba powder, is a traditional Yi snack in Anding . It"s cool and refreshing. It"s good for relieving heat and dispelling fire. In addition, you can also fry or cook, and its" flavor is quite nice.


Winter pork


Winter pork is an essential characteristic dish for red and white funerals of Yi nationality. But in the wedding feast they must make red winter pork, and in the funeral feast they must make white winter pork.




Meat liquor


Meat liquor is a special drink that Yi people in Anding should make when they kill pigs. It has the effect of removing cold and dampness. It"s sweet and moistening. It"s an excellent drink.


Blister liver


Blister liver is a famous delicacy in Wuliang Mountain area, and it is also a good gift for relatives and friends. It is slightly bitter as well as spicy, and it has the effect of cooling and purging liver fire.
