1200字范文 > 英语语法易错知识点归类例析


时间:2020-07-07 09:45:30




[第一类] 名词类

1. 这些女老师们在干什么?

[误] What are the woman teachers doing?

[正] What are the women teachers doing?

[析] 在英语中,当一名词作定语修饰另一名词(单或复数形式)时,作定语的名词一般要用其单数形式;但当man, woman作定语修饰可数名词复数形式时,要用其复数形式men, women.

2. 房间里有多少人?

[误] How many peoples are there in the room?

[正] How many people are there in the room?

[析] people作“人、人们”解时,是个集合名词,其单复数同形。

3. 我想为我儿子买两瓶牛奶。

[误] I want to buy two bottle of milk for my son.

[正] I want to buy two bottles of milk for my son.

[析] 表示不可数名词的数量时,常用“a / an或数词+表量的可数名词+ of + 不可数名词”这一结构,其中当数词大于1时,表量的可数名词要用其复数形式。

[第二类] 动词类

4. 你妹妹通常什么时候去上学?

[误] What time does your sister usually goes to school?

[正] What time does your sister usually go to school?

[析] 借助助动词do(或does)构成疑问句或否定句时,句中的谓语动词用其原形。

5. 琳达晚上经常做作业,但今晚她在看电视。

[误] Linda often do her homework in the evening, but this evening she watching TV.

[正] Linda often does her homework in the evening, but this evening she is watching TV.

[析] 在初一英语学习阶段,我们接触到了两种主要时态:一般现在时和现在进行时。一般现在时表示经常的或习惯性的动作,常和often, usually, sometimes 等时间状语连用。在一般现在时的句子中,若主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词要用其第三人称单数形式。现在进行时表示现阶段正在进行或发生的动作,现在进行时由be(am / is / are)+ving形式构成。

6. 这双鞋是红色的。

[误] This pair of shoes are red.

[正] This pair of shoes is red.

[析] 在shoes, trousers, gloves, glasses等表示成双成对的衣物或工具名词前用pair(表计量)修饰时,谓语动词的形式由pair的单复数形式来决定。

[第三类] 代词类

7. 这张票是她的,不是我的。

[误] This is hers ticket. It’s not my.

[正] This is her ticket. It’s not mine.

[析] 物主代词有形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词之分。形容词性物主代词之后一定要接名词,而名词性物主代词之后不需接任何词。

8. 吴老师教我们英语。

[误] Miss Wu teaches our English.

[正] Miss Wu teaches us English.

[析] teach sb. sth..中的sb.作teach的宾语,因此当sb.为人称代词时要用其宾格形式。

[第四类] 介词类

9. 你能找到这个问题的答案吗?

[误] Can you find the answer of this question?

[正] Can you find the answer to this question?

[析] 英语中用“the answer to …”表示“……的答案”。类似结构还有the key to the door, the way to the zoo等。

10. 格林先生星期六上午来这里。

[误] Mr. Green will come here in Sunday evening.

[正] Mr. Green will come here on Sunday evening.

[析] 表示在上午、下午等时,介词要用in;而表示在具体的某天上午、下午时,介词要用on.

11. 那个穿着红裙子的小女孩是我们老师的女儿。

[误] That little girl on a red skirt is our teacher’s daughter.

[正] That little girl in a red skirt is our teacher’s daughter.

[析] 用介词表示“穿戴衣物”时,只能用in,其他介词没有此用法。

[第五类] 副词类

12. 莉莉,你为什么不回家呢?

[误] Lily, why don’t you go to home?

[正] Lily, why don’t you go home?

[析] come, go 等后接here, there, home等地点副词时,地点副词前不加to。

[第六类] 连词类

13. 我喜欢语文和英语,但我不喜欢体育和历史。

[误] I like Chinese and English, but I don’t like P.E. and history.

[正] I like Chinese and English, but I don’t like P.E. or history.

[析] 在肯定句中并列成分之间用and来连接;而在否定句中,并列成分之间的连接需用or。

[第七类] 冠词类

14. 乘飞机去北京花了史密斯一家人一个小时。

[误] It takes Smiths a hour to go to Beijing by a plane.

[正] It takes the Smiths an hour to go to Beijing by plane.

[析] 1.表示“……一家人”用结构“the + 姓氏复数”;

2.our 一词的第一个字母不发音,它是以元音音素开头的,所以“一小时”要用 an hour;


[第八类] 句法类

15. ――你不是学生吗? ――不,我是学生。

[误] ――Aren’t you a student? ――No, I am.

[正] ――Aren’t you a student? ――Yes, I am.

[析] 对否定疑问句的回答是用Yes还是用No,这取决于实际情况:如果事实是肯定的,就用Yes表“不”;如果事实是否定的,就用No表“是的”。

2. 房间里有多少人?

[误] How many peoples are there in the room?

[正] How many people are there in the room?

[析] people作“人、人们”解时,是个集合名词,其单复数同形。



——Uh,this is your first time to the city, right?

——Yeah.How did you know?



回答中“How did you know?”使用的是一般过去时。这样的表达,用汉语是难以体现的,学习时要特别留心积累。



例如:——Has your father returned from Africa yet?

——Yes, but he___ here for only three days before his company sent him to Australia.

A.was B.has been

C.will be D.would be

很多同学一看到回答中“…here for only three days”就马上选了B,用动词的现在完成时。但是后半句“…before his company sent him to Australia.”中的“sent”显然就告诉我们这是过去的时间背景,整句话“他在这呆了3天之后就被公司派往了澳大利亚”,这说明他现在不在这里。因此,本题不能选择现在完成时,应当选择A。之所以出现这样的错误,是同学们一看到“for”就认为它是现在完成时的标志。其实,for表示一个时间段,过去、现在和将来都可用。



1.用主动形式的“have something to do”句型

在“have something to do”句型中,动词不定式to do常用主动形式。例如:

She has a letter to write to her mother.她有一封信要写给妈妈。这里的信是被写的,常常有同学将这个英文句子写成“She has a letter to be written to her mother.”还认为这样写准确无误,殊不知这样写是错误的,因为在“have something to do”句型中,动词不定式to do常用主动形式表示被动意义。这一点请大家记牢。再例如:I can’t go to play with you, I have a lot of clothes to wash.我不能和你去玩,我有许多衣服要洗。


①一些感官动词用主动形式表示被动意义,例如:taste;feel;sound;look;smell。请看例句:The soup tastes good.汤尝起来味道很好。

How nice the music sounds.音乐听起来多么美妙啊。

②动词number;wash;weigh;sell;drink;pay;wear; keep;prove用主动形式表示被动意义。例如:The book sells well.这书销路很好。

This dress washes better.这衣服比较好洗。

In summer fruit and meat can’t keep long.在夏天水果和肉不能长时间保存。

The class numbers 56 in all.这个班总共有56人。


“be+worth+动名词”表示“值得做”,例如,要表示“这本书值得读”应译为“The book is worth reading.” 这里名词book和动词read之间是被动的关系,但不用被动语态表示,因为“be+worth+动名词”这个句式含有被动的意义。这个句式在意思上可以等同于be worthy of being done或be worthy to be done,这样大家就容易理解了。


过去分词(短语)用作宾语补足语,与宾语形成局部的被动关系。请看例句:The old man had a coat made last month.这个老人上个月请人做了件外衣。

例句中的made是宾语a coat的补足语,与宾语构成被动关系。那么我们也可以反过来说当宾语补足语与宾语之间是被动关系时,宾语补足语应为动词的过去分词。请看例句:I could not make myself understood in English.我不能用英语使大家理解我。这个句子中如果有的同学忽略了宾语补足语与宾语的关系,很可能按照make sb. do的句式写成I could not make myself understand in English.这样的翻译就是错误的。


account for——解释;说明

answer for——对……负责

apply for——申请;请求

apologize for——为……而道歉

ask for——要求得到

beg for——请求

be anxious for——急于做

be bad for——有害于

be convenient for——便于

be eager for——渴望

be famous for——以……出名

be fit for——适合于

be good for——利于

be grateful for——对……心存感激

be impatient for——对……不耐烦

be late for——迟到

be necessary for——有必要

be ready for——作好准备

be sorry for——为……而后悔

be responsible for——对……负责

be suitable for——适合于

be unfit for——不适合

be useful for——对……有作用

blame for——因……责备

call for——要求

care for——在意

enter for——报名参加

excuse for——宽恕

fight for——为……而战

for ever——永远

for example——例如

for all——尽管

for a song——非常便宜地

for certain——确切地

for company——陪着


in future——将来

in the end——最后

in a hurry——匆忙地

in time in front of——在……前面

in the front——在……的前部

in future——将来

in the end——最后

in a hurry——匆忙地;及时地

in despair——失望

in force——大量地;有效

in full——全部地

in flower——开花

in general——一般说来

in itself——本身;in love——恋爱

in order——井然有序

in person——亲自

in public——公开地

in progress——有进展

in practice——从实践上看

in rags——穿着破衣

in research——探索

in return——作为报答

in ruins——一片废墟

in short——总之

in theory——从理论上看

in trouble——有麻烦

in tears——眼泪汪汪

in time——及时

in turn——按顺序

in vain——白白做某事

in view——看得见

join in——参与;lie in——存在于

result in——导致

share in——共享

spend time/money in——花时间或钱做某事

succeed in——成功

take in——卷起;订阅

take part in——参加(完)


1. 我有重要的事情要告诉你。

误:I have important something to tell you.

正:I have something important to tell you.

析:当复合不定代词,如something, anything, everything, nothing等被形容词修饰时,形容词要放在其后。

2. 她和你父亲一样是位好老师。

误:She is as a good teacher as your father.

正:She is as good a teacher as your father.

析:在as …… as结构中,若形容词作定语修饰单数可数名词,不定冠词a (an)应置于形容词和名词之间,不可放在形容词之前。

3. 那里的人喜欢喝茶。

误:There people like drinking tea.

正:People there like drinking tea.

析:表示方位的副词,如here, there, upstairs, downstairs, below, home等也可作定语,但通常放在所修饰的词之后。

4. 你认为我们首先应当做什么?

误:What do you think should we do first?

正:What do you think we should do first?

析:英语中如果特殊疑问句中插入以一般疑问句式出现的插入语,如do you think等,则特殊疑问句本身的主语、谓语一般仍按陈述语序,而不再使用疑问语序。

5. 昨天他从马上跌了下来。

误:He fell the horse off yesterday.

正:He fell off the horse yesterday.

析:fall off中的off是介词,并非副词,所以应放在宾语之前。

6. 王涛有时上学迟到。

误:Wang Tao sometimes is late for school.

正:Wang Tao is sometimes late for school.

析:频度副词sometimes, often, usually, always等通常位于实义动词之前,be动词之后。

7. 这孩子没到上学的年龄。

误:The boy is not enough old to go to school.

正:The boy is not old enough to go to school.

析:当enough, very much等修饰形容词或副词时,应放在形容词或副词之后。

8. 你还要别的什么吗?

误:Else what would you like?

正:What else would you like?

析:else修饰疑问词或不定代词时,应放在它们的后面,又如:Do you want anything else?

9. 请你不要打开窗户,好吗?

误:Would you not please open the window?

正:Would you please not open the window?

析:“Would you please ……”用于委婉地提出建议、请求等。其否定形式应为:“Would you please not ……”

10. 昨天所有的学生都去了公园。

误:The all students went to the park yesterday.

正:All the students went to the park yesterday.

析:当all, both等作定语修饰名词,且名词又有the修饰时,all, both等通常放在之前。

11. 她捡起了笔,把它还给了我。

误:She picked up the pen and gave back it to me.

正:She picked up the pen and gave it back to me.


12. 你知道他什么时候回来吗?

误:Do you know when will he come back?

正:Do you know when he will come back?


13. 他会玩电脑,我也会。

误:He can use a computer. So I can.

正:He can use a computer. So can I.

析:以so或neither (nor)开头的句子,若前一句的情况适合另一个人或事物时,句子要倒装。肯定句时用so,否定句时用neighter或nor开头,助动词要与谓语动词保持一致。
