1200字范文 > VOA慢速 | 欧洲太空总署等机构计划清理太空垃圾

VOA慢速 | 欧洲太空总署等机构计划清理太空垃圾

时间:2019-05-24 16:32:18


VOA慢速 | 欧洲太空总署等机构计划清理太空垃圾

European and United Nations agencies are developing a plan for worldwide action on dealing with waste in outer space, commonly called space junk. The agencies say space junk orbiting the earth must be cleaned up to make room for new satellites launched by private companies and other groups.欧洲与联合国多家机构正在制定一项计划,旨在于全球范围内开展行动,应对太空垃圾。这些机构表示,地球轨道上的太空垃圾必须要得到清理,这样才能给新卫星腾出空间。新卫星可能是私企发射的,也可能是组织发射的。Representatives from the European Space Agency and the U.N. Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) met in Vienna, Austria earlier this month to discuss the issue.来自欧洲太空总署和联合国外空司(UNOOSA)的代表们在奥地利的维也纳会晤,时间是本月初,会晤的目的是讨论处理太空垃圾的问题。Space junk has been a concern since the time of the Space Race between the United States and the former Soviet Union during the 1950s and 60s. Currently, several countries have developed the ability to shoot down satellites, and the situation has gotten worse.太空垃圾一直是人类的一项忧虑,自从美国和前苏联在上世纪五六十年代开始太空竞赛起就成了一项忧虑。目前,一些国家已经发展了击落卫星的能力。太空垃圾的问题也愈发严重。Space junk can be anything from dead satellites, to lost pieces of equipment, to small pieces of paint. Jan Woerner is head of the European Space Agency, or ESA. He says that the amount of space junk is so large that the ESA very frequently has to change its satellites" course to avoid larger objects.太空垃圾的范围很广,可以是废弃卫星、丢失的设备、小块的油漆。韦尔纳是欧洲太空总署(ESA)的署长。他表示,太空垃圾的量很大,以至于ESA经常不得已改变卫星的轨道,才能避免碰撞到体型更大的物体。He added that ... space is something like a road, like a street. It"s infrastructure and we have to make it clean.他补充表示,太空就像一条路、一条街,太空是基础设施,所以必须要保持干净。Together, ESA and UNOOSA have launched a campaign to bring attention to the problem of space junk.ESA和UNOOSA共同发起了一个活动,目的是引起人们对太空垃圾的重视。Private companies like Space Exploration Technologies, or SpaceX, are seeking to launch thousands of new satellites. The space agencies hope to get countries to agree on action.一些私企,比如太空探索科技(又名SpaceX)正在寻求发射数千个新卫星的办法。这些太空机构希望各国能达成行动上的一致。Simonetta Di Pippo is head of UNOOSA. She said, You have really more and more countries, more and more private-sector entities entering into the field.迪皮蓬是UNOOSA的负责人。她表示,现在进军太空的国家和私企越来越多了。Woerner said he will meet with representatives from the ESA"s 22 member states in November. He plans to ask them to support an effort in which his agency would pay one company to bring down one of its old satellites safely. Woerner added that he hopes it will lead to more.韦尔纳表示他会与来自ESA 22个成员国的代表们于11月进行会晤。他计划寻求这些代表的支持——ESA打算雇佣一家私企以安全的方式击落一颗老旧的卫星。韦尔纳补充说道,他希望这次行动之后会有更多类似的行动。He said the action needed is similar to that on climate change.他还表示,此次行动是刚需,也跟应对气候变化的行动类似。We have to get rid of it. And therefore awareness is number 1, and then immediately when we get people also being aware...then we can act, he said.他表示,我们必须根除太空垃圾。因此,意识是首要的,然后我们要让大家都提高意识,之后是采取行动。I"m Jonathan Evans.Jonathan Evans为您播报。
