1200字范文 > 【访学招聘】美国华盛顿大学医学院正在招收博士后 访问学者!

【访学招聘】美国华盛顿大学医学院正在招收博士后 访问学者!

时间:2019-12-28 07:48:30


【访学招聘】美国华盛顿大学医学院正在招收博士后 访问学者!


TheDing lab will officially start on September 16th in the Departmentof Molecular Microbiology and Center for Women’s Infectious DiseaseResearch at Washington University School of Medicine (WUSTL). Among allUS medical schools, WUSTL ranks #3 in NIH funding and ranks #8 in research in. Our lab is interested in studying the replication of enteric viruses (inparticular rotaviruses) and how they interact with the host innate immunesystem in the small intestine. Rotaviruses are highly virulent pathogens thatcause diarrhea and an annual death of over 200,000 worldwide. We have employeda variety of high-throughput protein interactomeand CRISPR-Cas9 screening approachesto understand rotavirus-host interactions (DingS, PLOS Pathog, ; Li B and DingS, PNAS, ; Ding S, Nat Comm, ;Ren L and Ding S, JBC, ). We are also intrigued by the differentantiviral mechanisms in the host intestinal epithelium mounted againstrotavirus and various strategies the virus uses to evade these restrictions (Zhu S and Ding S, Nature, ; Ding S, eLife, ). We are looking forhighly motivated individuals to join our lab and work on the exciting interfaceof virology, immunology and intestinal biology!

Forpostdoctoral positions or Visiting scholar, successful candidates are expected to have a Ph.D.,M.D, or equivalent degree in Microbiology/Immunology or related fields. Inaddition, candidates should be highly motivated, have strong communicationskills, and be able to collaborate and work independently. Prior experience inworking with viruses and animals is preferred. The Ding lab currently hasopportunities for postdoctoral researchers to study the role of host factors insupporting rotavirus replication and virus innate immune evasion. These studiesinvolve the use ofnewly developed rotavirus reverse genetics system andmolecular biology approaches. There is also a position to study the molecularbasis by which rotavirus induces diarrheal diseases and dictates hostrange/tissue tropism using a suckling mouse model for rotavirus pathogenesisand human intestinal organoids.

Toapply, please email your cover lettersummarizing your research interests, past research experience, and futurecareer goals, curriculum vitae or NIH biosketch, and the names andcontact information for 3 references to Dr. Siyuan Ding (siyuan.ding@wustl.edu).


华盛顿大学位于美国密苏里州圣路易斯市,是一所美国着名的无宗教关联的私立研究型大学。1853年建校,次年命名为华盛顿大学"Washington University" 以纪念美国国父——乔治·华盛顿,早于另外一所公立的华盛顿大学,西雅图华盛顿大学「University of Washington」。



在美国新闻和世界报道(US News & World Report)US-news全美大学本科排名14位引,超过康奈尔大学、布朗大学等多名常春藤名校;世界大学学术排名(ARWU)位于全世界31位引,25所“新常春藤”成员之一, 属世界一流大学。





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