1200字范文 > 社会新闻跟读:干旱严重损害中国的茶树


时间:2024-03-30 19:50:54



Que Liu and his wife Si En spend their mornings picking pu"er leaves in a forest not far from their village in the highlands of southwest China.阙留跟他的妻子斯恩早上在村里不远处的林子里采摘普洱茶叶,这里地处中国西南高原。

Pu"er is a kind of tea that is famous for its complex taste. The taste changes with each successive steeping, tea lovers say.普洱是一种以口味层次丰富而着称的茶叶。爱茶人士称,其口味随着每次续泡会发生变化。

But the crop this year has been small at Nannuoshan, one of the six major pu"er mountains in Yunnan Province.但是今年在云南六大普洱茶山之一的南糯茶山,这种茶叶的产量一直很少。

The hottest weather and lowest rainfall totals in years have reduced production.多年来最为严重干旱天气和最少的降水让产量有所减少。

"Drought has cut production by about half this spring," said Zi Sai, the son of Que Liu and Si En.阙留和斯恩的儿子兹赛表示:“干旱让今年春天的产量已经减少了一半。”

Local officials blame climate change for an increase in drought-like conditions in recent years. The dry weather has worsened over the past 20 years, with this year"s drought breaking some records.地方官员将近年来干旱状况的加剧归咎于气候变化。干旱天气在过去二十年里有所恶化,今年的干旱打破了一些纪录。

"The entire precipitation pattern has changed due to global warming," said Xiao Chan, head of weather services at China"s National Climate Center in Beijing.中国国家气候中心气象服务室的肖潺表示:“整体降水模式因为全球变暖而发生了变化。”

Pu"er trees grow in the cloud-covered forests of Yunnan. The trees require no fertilizer or pesticides, unlike tea grown on large farms elsewhere.普洱树生长在云南省云雾缭绕的森林之中。与其它地方大型农场种植的茶叶不同的是,这种茶树不需要肥料或杀虫剂。

The adult plant normally reaches a height of four meters. Spring produces the highest-quality leaves from the trees.成年普洱树一般能达到4米的高度。春天树上能结出最好的茶叶。

The summer harvest, with a higher percentage of water, is considered to be lower in quality. Summer leaves are sold for mass consumption, said Zi Sai.夏天收获的茶叶含水量比较高,被认为质量较低。兹赛表示,夏茶是大众消费品。

The drought conditions hurt the economy of the 32 villages of Nannuoshan.这种干旱状况损害了南糯山32个村庄的经济。

"My family depends wholly on tea for survival, earning about 200,000 yuan a year," said Zi Sai"s uncle, Si Da, who is 44. That represents just over $29,000.兹赛44岁的叔叔斯达表示:“我家全指着茶叶生活,每年大概能赚20万元。”这相当于刚过2.9万美元。

"This year...our income has been cut by tens of thousands of yuan," he said.他说:“今年我们的收入减少了数万元。”

While one ancient tree, said to date from before the time of the Mongol invader Genghis Khan 800 years ago, survived the drought, other younger trees did not.虽然一颗据说是800年前蒙古入侵者成吉思时代之前种下的古茶树在干旱中活了下来,但是其它年轻点的茶树却没能活下来。

If the trees survive, they may need three to five years for a full recovery, Si Da said.斯达表示,如果这些茶树活下来,它们可能需要三到五年才能完全恢复。

"They are quite pitiful, these trees," he added. "They should be protected, like children are."他还说:“这些茶树非常可怜。它们就应该像孩子一样受到保护。”

