1200字范文 > 高中英语阅读理解—词义猜测题解题技巧大揭秘


时间:2024-01-16 19:13:48





然而,综合参考近几年的高考英语考试说明、高考真题、样题及题型示例,命题动态在相对稳定中还存在一些动态变化; 具体如下:





1. 代词指代题


The titles of boyfriend and girlfriend put too much stress on a relationship between high school students.Just staying common friends may be the best choice for us. I strongly recommend we should deal withitin an appropriate way and follow our teachers’ advice if necessary. [合肥一模A篇阅读]

59. The underlined word"it"in the last paragraph might refer to .

A. the title of boyfriend or girlfriend at school

B. advice given by both teachers and parents

C. the pressure from school lessons and sports

D. the relationship between students of opposite sexes


解析:代词指代题通常是承前指代,答案往前句中找。因此,本题可以排除B选项,:“advice……”出现在下一句中。另外,C选项中的” the pressure from school lessons and sports”是无关选项,文中没有涉及,可以排除。又因为“it”是单数,所指代的词也应是单数形式,排除A选项,对应文章原文是“The titles of boyfriend and girlfriend”复数形式。因此,本题选择D项。


A related study found some sweeteners (甜味剂) raised blood sugar levels in some mice. “Data from this and other potential studies suggest that the promotion of diet sodas and artificial sweeteners may be risky,” said Helen P. Hazuda, professor at the University of Texas’s school of medicine. “Theymay be free of calories, but not of consequences.”[合肥一模C篇阅读]

67. The underlined word“They”in the last paragraph probably refers to .


B. diet sodas and artificial sweeteners

C. sodas

D. dietsoda drinkers and sweetener taker


解析:代词指代题一般是承前指代,答案往上一句中去找。又因“they”是复数,所指代的词也应是复数形式,本题答案锁定B选项“diet sodas and artificial sweeteners”。A、C选项都是片面的,可以排除。至于D选项“diet soda drinkers and sweetenertakers”,根据后接的宾语“may be free of calories”可以判断,该句不是在描述人的,可以排除。


For some small business, the pressure lies with the responses of their loyal customers, who watch as new faces get the same product or service for half the price thattheyhave been paying for years. When you break it down, Groupon indicates that the business offering the deal is not only willing to be flexible with their price, but also that their product or service isn’t worth the price they’re charging for. When combining these factors, it’s no wonder loyal customers are put off by the idea of their favorite shop offering Groupons. [合肥一模D篇阅读]

34. What does the underlined word“they”in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A. Newfaces

B. Loyal customers.

C.Groupon dealers

D. Small businesses.


解析:代词指代题一般是承前指代,答案往前句中去找。因此,可以排除C选项,在前句中没有涉及到。在前句中有两个定语从句,通过对句子的成分分析可知, loyal customers是该句“who watch as new faces……”的的先行词,指代词“they”代指的就是“loyal customers“。

2. 生词/短语和句子


Today, a typical day in the life of a five year old is entirely different from what it once was. A few decades ago children used to work. They did the kind of work parents do today. Today thereare shows on which children are putting pounds of makeup on and have flashing things all over their bodies. This makes a child want topaper overall of their imperfections. They think they have to look perfect all the time. [合肥一模D篇阅读]

69. The underlined phrase (in the 2nd Para.) probably means to _____.

A. put up with

B. make up for

C. put aside

D. cover up


解析:词义猜测题词组题通常情况下是逆向指代原则,往上一句找。根据文中“children are putting pounds of makeup on and have flashing things all over their bodies.”可知,孩子们画浓妆,穿奇装异服是掩盖自身的不完美。因此,本题选择D项。


His directing career began in 1961 with Whistle Down the Wind, featuring child star Hayley Mills. Forbes directed many more films in the 1960s and early 1970s. In 1969 he took over as head of production and managing director of EMI—MGM Elstree, and the studio achieved outstanding successes. But it was atorridtime for the company, troubled constantly by financial difficulties and staffing issues (事务), and Forbes quitted in 1971. [合肥一模C篇阅读]

58. The underlined word“torrid”in paragraph 4 can be replaced by ______.


B. tough


D. steady


解析:词义猜测题超纲词通常情况下是逆向指代原则,往上一句找找出改词的近义词,同义词或者反义词。根据文中“the studio achieved outstanding successes”,以及逻辑关系词“but”可知,划线单词应该是“outstanding successes”杰出的成功的反义词,故本题选择B项。


Many young people these days adore the advertised magazine body and become too focused on attaining this image instead of worrying more about what lasts and even grows over time. But could you imagine being considered beautiful for years, and suddenly being ugly after moving to another continent? It is a sad reality that people don’t realize howvacillatingthe idea of beauty can be from one country to another. [合肥一模A篇阅读]

24. Whatdoes the underlined word“vacillating”in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

A. Inconsistent




答案: A

解析:词义猜测题超纲词通常需要我们在前句中找出其近义词或者反义词。本剧文中表述“But could you imagine being considered beautiful for years, and suddenly being ugly after moving toanother continent?可知,美丑在不同的地域会有很大的差异。又依据文中“It is a sad reality……”可知,划线单词表达的是一种负面感情色彩,故本题选择A项。




Americans put great value on both neatness and personal cleanness. For some people, taking care of themselves has become almost a religion. As the old saying goes, “Cleanness is next to godliness.”Whether or not being clean and neat – looking brings one closer to God, it certainly at least brings one closer to others. Americans look down on people who don’t take care of themselves, or who “let themselves go.” [合肥二模D篇]

71.The underlined phrase in the last paragraph means “ ”.

A. care much about themselves

B. give loose to themselves

C. stay away from other people

D. stay closer to other people


Mobile phone users in Japan can currently charge their batteries using the disposable portable plug-in battery-operated device, available at most train stations and convenience stores. However, phone companies warn long time use ofitcan damage the phones. [合肥二模E篇]

74. The underlined word“it” in paragraph 5 refers to _____.

A. the device

B. the system

C. the phone

D. the battery


My years at Yale University provide me with some of the most sincere happiness I have ever experienced. Thenostalgia,though, results from the thought of leaving this family and moving on to a different period of life. [合肥二模B篇]

60. The underlined wordnostalgiain paragraph 1 probably means ______.

A.excitement about leaving the family

B.thoughts about happy times in the past

C.disappointment with the university

D.challenges of a different period of life


Walking in a farmers’ market often brings one to explore new food options, and now more locally-farmed protein choices are available to help bridge the gap between our meals and the farms on which they originated.More and more local small farms arepopping upin opposition to factory farms. [合肥二模B篇]

60. The underlined wordspopping up(in 1st Para.) probably means .

A. improving

B. fading

C. profiting

D. appearing


Crossing your legs at the knee can also cause pressure on the major nerve in your leg that passes just below your knee and along the outside of your leg, explains Richard Graves, a medical expert. This pressure can cause numbness and temporary paralysis (麻痹) of some of the muscles in your foot and leg, preventing you from being able to raise your ankle—what we know as that “pins and needles” sensation. While the feeling of discomfort may only last a minute or two, repeatedly crossing your legs until they feel numb can cause permanent nerve damage. [ 合肥二模C篇]

30. In the third paragraph "pins and needles" probably means______.

A. slight sharp pains

B. being a little nervous

C.serious muscle injuries

D. being highly flexible

[巩固练习参考答案]:71. B 74. A 60. B 60.D 30. A


经过上文模考题中易错题的针对性练习,相信很多小伙伴觉得自己已经搞定了词义猜测题。那你就too young, too simple了!



Passage 1天津D


You are given many opportunities in life to choose to be a victim or creator. When you choose to be a victim, the world is a cold and difficult place.“They”did things to you which caused all of your pain and suffering. “They” are wrong and bad, and life is terrible as long as “they” are around. Or you may blame yourself for all your problems, thus internalizing (内化) your victimization. The truth is, your life is likely to stay that was as long as you feel a need to blame yourself or others.

Those who choose to be creators look at life quite differently. They know there are individuals who might like to control their lives, but they don’t let this get in the way. They know they have their weaknesses, yet they don’t blame themselves when they fail. Whatever happens, they have choice in the matter. They believe their dance with each sacred (神圣的) moment of life is a gift and that storms are a natural part of life which can bring the rain needed for emotional and spiritual growth.

Victims and creators live in the same physical world and deal with many of the same physical realities, yet their experience of life is worlds apart. Victims relish (沉溺) in anger, guilt, and other emotions that cause others---and eventhemselves---to feel like victims, too. Creators consciously choose love,inspiration, and other qualities which inspire not only themselves, but all around them. Both victims and creators always have choice to determine the direction of their lives.

In reality, all of us play the victim or the creator at various points in our lives. One person, on losing a job or a special relationship, may feel as if it is the end of the world and sink into terrible suffering for months, years, or even a lifetime. Another with the same experience may choose to first experience the grief, then accept the loss and soon move on to be a powerful creative force in his life.

In every moment and every circumstance, you can choose to have a fuller, richer life by setting a clear intention to transform the victim within, and by inviting into your life the powerful creator that you are.

51. What does the word “they” in Paragraph 1 probably refer to?

A. People and things around you

B.Opportunities and problems

C.Creators and their choices

D.Victims and their sufferings

52.According to Paragraph 2, creators ______.

A. seem willing to experience failures in life

B.possess the ability to predict future life

C. handle ups and downs of life wisely

D. have potential to create something new

53. What can we learn from Paragraph 3?

A.Creators and victims face quite different things in life.

B.Creators and victims are masters of their lives.

C.Victims can influence more people than creators.

pared with victims, creators are more emotional.

54. The examples mentioned in Paragraph 4 show that _______.

A. strong attachment to sufferings in life pulls people into victims.

B. people need family support to deal with challengers in life.

C. it takes creators quite a long time to get rid of their pains.

D. one’s experiences determine his attitude toward life.

55. Whatis the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

A. To define victims and creators.

B. To evaluate victims against creators.

C. To explain the relationship between victims and creators.

D. To suggest the transformation from victims to creators.




【正确答案解析】本题答案选择A项。本题属于词义猜测题中的代词指代题,通常这类题都遵循“承前指代”这一原则,答案往上一句中去找其同义词、近义词、指代词。根据这一原则,我们定位文章第一段第二句“the world is a cold and difficult place.”可知,此处的“they”指的就是“the world”。世界是一个客观的存在,因此排除C项和D项。另外,世界指的就是我们周围的一切,故本题选择A项。

【学生易错点】本题易错点在于很多学生会误选B项。很多同学会认为“Opportunities and problems.”机会和问题既包含好的方面也包含不好的方面,又恰好“they”是复数,故选择B项。但是,我们在第一段前三句话中,根本没有找到对应表达。

Passage 1 (天津D)51-55答案:ACBAD

Passage 2北京C


Students and Technology in the Classroom

I love my Blackberry—it’s my little connection to the larger world that can go anywhere with me. I also love my laptop computer, as it holds all of my writing and thoughts. Despite this love of technology, I know that there are times when I need to move away from these devices(设备)and truly communicate with others.

On occasion, I teach a course called History Matters for a group of higher education managers. My goals for the class include a full discussion of historical themes and ideas. Because I want students to thoroughly study the material and exchange their ideas with each other inthe classroom. I have a rule - no laptops, iPads, phones, etc. When students were told my rule in advance of the class, some of them were not happy.

Most students assume that my reasons for this rule include unpleasant experiences in the past with students misusing technology. There’s a bit of truth to that. Some students assume that I am anti-technology. There’s no truth in that at all. I love technology and try to keep up with it so I can relate to my students.

The real reason why I ask students to leave technology at the door is that I think there are very few places in which we can have deep conversations and trulyengagecomplex ideas.Interruptions by technology often break concentration and allow for too much dependence on outside information for ideas. I want students to dig deep within themselves for inspiration and ideas. I want them to push each other to think differently and to make connections between the course material and the class discussion.

I’ve been teaching my history class in this way for many years and the evaluations reflect student satisfaction with the environment that I create. Students realize that with deep conversation and challenge, they learn at a level that helps them keep the course material beyond the classroom.

I’m not saying that I won’t ever change my mind about technology use in my history class, but until I hear a really goodr eason for the change, I’m sticking to my plan. A few hours of technology-free dialogue is just too sweet to give up.

63. Some of the students in the history class were unhappy with ______

A. the course material

B.others’ misuse of technology

C.discussion topics

D. the author’s class regulations

64. Theunderlined word “engage” in Para.4 probably means ______

A. explore


C. change

D. reject

65.According to the author, the use of technology in the classroom may ______

A. keep students from doing independent thinking

B.encourage students to have in-depth conversations

C. helps tudents to better understand complex themes

D. affect students’ concentration on course evaluation

66. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that the author ______

A. is quite stubborn

B. will give up teaching history

C. will change his teaching plan soon

D. values technology-free dialogues in his class




【正确答案解析】本题答案选择A项。根据题干定位到文章第四段第二行“Thereal reason why I ask …… conversations and truly engage complex ideas.”,句中“and”连接并列顺承关系,“and”前是我们能够有深度的谈话,有了谈话之后,我们才能进一步探讨复杂的观点。因此,“engage”一词应该指的是“探讨,讨论”,故本题选择A项。


Passage 2(北京C)63-66答案:DAAD



1. 逆向指代原则,即代词所指代的名词要往前找;

2. 单复数一致原则,即代词指代的名词单复数和代词的单复数一致;

3. 关注逻辑关系原则,尤其是主宾动作逻辑关系,句与句间的逻辑关系;






2:信号词:be; becalled; means; be defined as; be explained as; that is (to say); in other words

3:同义词或近义词解释:as…as; the same as,此类标志词的内容与考查词一致;

4:定语从句或同位语从句解释,连接词会有who, that, which等,

5:举例解释:such as,like, for example; for instance;

6.其他一些状语的连词也可以作为解释说明使用:if ,whether, when等



并列:and/also/on one hand…on the other hand/ for one thing…for another thing/ some…other+n/some…another

转折:but/ although/ though/ as/ while/ even if/ eventhough/ yet/ otherwise;

因果:so/so that/so…that/such…that/as/since/for/because


