1200字范文 > BBC听力 | 迪拜出逃王妃被告上法庭

BBC听力 | 迪拜出逃王妃被告上法庭

时间:2019-09-09 18:31:13


BBC听力 | 迪拜出逃王妃被告上法庭

Hello, I"m David Harper with the BBC news.大家好,我是大卫·哈珀,欢迎收听BBC新闻。A human rights group says that the Philippines is the deadliest place in the world for environmental activists and land defenders. A report by Global Witness says thirty people were murdered there last year defending their homes, land and natural resources. Ben Leather is the report"s author.一家人权组织称,对环保人士和土地保护者来说,菲律宾是世界上最危险的地方。全球见证组织的一份报告称,去年菲律宾有30人为保卫他们家园、土地和自然资源而被杀害。以下是该报告作者本·莱泽的报道。The Philippines traditionally has been one of the most dangerous places on earth to be a land rights or environmental activists and that"s partly down to historic. Land rights issues and indigenous communities are marginalized, their community is militarized and effectively businesses are allowed to carry out bad practices without being held accountable.对土地权利或环境活动家来说,菲律宾在传统上一直是地球上最危险的地方之一,这在一定程度上要归因于历史。土地权问题以及原住民社区被边缘化,他们的社区被军事化并且还广泛允许企业在不承担责任的情况下进行不良行为。The European Court of Justice has ruled against Hungary"s tough asylum rules in a case which human rights defenders say will have positive repercussions across Europe. The case concerned a Russian businessman active in opposition circles. Nick Thorpe reports from Budapest.欧洲法院在一案件中判定匈牙利的严格庇护规定无效,人权捍卫者表示,该裁定将在整个欧洲产生积极影响。此案涉及一名活跃在反对派圈子里的俄罗斯商人。以下是尼克·索普在布达佩斯报道。For six years, the asylum claim of Alexei Torubarov bounced back and forth between the Hungarian immigration office and the local court. Meanwhile, in , during the refugee crisis, the Hungarian government passed a new law stripping courts of the right to reverse the decisions of the immigration office. On Monday, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Justice ruled that by doing so, Hungary had broken EU directives and undermined the rule of law. The ruling restores the right of courts in Hungary to grant international protection in all asylum cases.六年来,阿列克谢·托鲁巴罗夫的庇护申请在当地法院和匈牙利移民局之间来回调转。与此同时,在难民危机期间,匈牙利政府通过了一项新法律,剥夺了法院推翻移民局决定的权利。周一,欧洲法院大会议厅裁定,匈牙利这样做违反了欧盟的指令,破坏了欧洲法治。该裁决恢复了匈牙利法院在所有庇护案件中给予国际保护的权利。US senators have failed in their latest bid to block President Trump"s deal to sell weapons to Saudi Arabia. Congress wants the deal canceled, citing Saudi Arabia"s role in the killing of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi and the widespread killing of civilians in the war in Yemen. But the White House says the arms are vital to help the Saudis confront the regional military threat posed by Iran. The senators have been unable to reach required two thirds majority.美国参议员未能阻止特朗普总统向沙特阿拉伯出售武器的交易。美国国会希望取消该交易,理由是沙特阿拉伯与记者贾马尔·哈舒吉被谋杀一案有关,以及在也门战争中大肆杀害平民。但白宫表示,这些武器对帮助沙特对抗伊朗的地区军事威胁至关重要。参议员们未能达到所需的三分之二多数票。One of the richest and most high-profile rulers in the Middle East is taking his estranged wife to court today in London. In the case that has attracted worldwide attention, Sheikh Mohammed al-Maktoum, the ruler of Dubai, is petitioning princess Haya over the welfare of their children. Frank Gardner reports.今天中东最富有、名气最大的统治者之一把与他分居的妻子告上伦敦法庭。在这起引起全球关注的案件中,迪拜统治者谢赫·穆罕默德·阿勒马克图姆正就子女的福利问题向哈亚公主提出诉状。以下是弗兰克·加德纳的报道。Princess Haya, a half sister of the King of Jordan fled Dubai for London earlier this year and friends said she was living in fear of reprisals. Her husband, Sheikh Mohammed al-Maktoum, a huge figure in the horse-racing world whose wealth is estimated at over three billion pounds has penned an angry poem accusing an unnamed woman of betrayal and treachery. A close confidant of princess Haya said she recently discovered the facts behind the alleged forcible return to Dubai last year of one of the ruler"s daughters. A third member of Sheikh Mohammed"s court fled in 2001 and was allegedly abducted in Cambridge and flown back to Dubai.今年年初,约旦国王同父异母的妹妹哈娅公主逃离迪拜前往伦敦。她的朋友们说,她生活被报复的恐惧中。她的丈夫谢赫·穆罕默德·阿勒马克图姆是赛马界的大人物,其财富估计超过30亿英镑。他写了一首充满愤怒的诗,指责一个无名女人的背叛。哈亚公主的一位密友称她在最近发现了一名统治者的女儿去年被强迫返回迪拜的真相。2001年,谢赫·穆罕默德王室的第三位成员逃跑,据称她在剑桥被绑架,然后飞回了迪拜。BBC news.BBC新闻。
