1200字范文 > 书面表达高频词汇及亮点句型


时间:2023-12-25 19:00:21









1. gather/pass on the positive energy/values汇聚/传递正能量

2. have wide interests and hobbies;enjoy doing...in one’s spare time 兴趣爱好广泛

3. work hard/burn the night oil;try one’s best;spare no effort;make efforts to do勤奋钻研,发奋努力

4. catch up with;keep up with;make(great/rapid) progress in;be one of the top students;get an A in the exam;come first;win the first place 学习进步

5. widen one’s horizon;broaden one’s vision 开阔视野,增长见识

6. achieve one’s goal;realize one’s dream;make one’s dream come true 取得成功,梦想成真

7. overcome difficulties;be faced with new opportunities and challenges 克服困难,迎接挑战

8. relieve stress/burden;suffer from heavier work pressure;put up with the pressure of work 缓解压力

9. sound in body and mind;physical and mental health;keep a good state of mind 身心健康

10. caring;be full of love;make contributions to...;devote oneself to...;work as a volunteer;serve the people well 富有爱心,乐于奉献

11. obey the rules;follow laws and regulations;take care of cultural relics 遵规守纪,爱护文物

12. good manners;well-behaved;wait in line;do not jump the queue 文明礼仪,礼让排队

13. honest and trustworthy;never tell lies or cheat in an exam;be responsible for 诚实守信,有担当

14. team up with;get along well with;in harmony with合作共处

15. be always ready to help others;be willing to give a helping hand;find pleasure in helping others 助人为乐

16. respect the aged and take good care of the young 尊老爱幼

17. be strict with oneself;set strict demands on oneself严于律己

18. good habits;form a good habit;be in the habit of doing;get rid of a bad habit 习惯良好

19. live a low-carbon life;reduce one’s carbon footprint;protect the environment;environmentally friendly低碳环保,保护环境

20. keep a balanced-diet;a healthy eating;put on weight;lose weight均衡饮食,体重增加,减肥

21. play sports;take exercise;keep fit;build up one’s body;take an active part in sports and games运动锻炼

22. make friends with;fall in love with;believe in oneself;be confident in;have confidence in慎重交友,有自信

23. have access to;surf the Internet;turn to the Internet for help;use the Internet properly 文明绿色上网

24. learn to share...with;share joy and sorrow with;share happiness and hardship with学会共享

25. safety first;You can never be too careful.;You can’t be careful enough. 安全至上

26. earn one’s living;make a living;lead a happy life 快乐生活

27. As is known to all,...;It is well known to all that...众所周知,尽人皆知

28. take the advantages and disadvantages into account;consider one’s strengths and weaknesses 权衡利弊

29. To my joy;I’m delighted at;What makes me pleased is that...令人高兴的是……

30. Every coin has two sides. 凡事有利就有弊(事物都有两面性)

31. agree with;approve of;in favor of;have no objectionto同意,赞成,支持

32. sound reasonable;make sense;hold water 有道理,讲得通

33. as time goes by;with the development of modern science and technology随着

34. undoubtedly;There is no doubt that...;It goes withoutsaying that...毫无疑问,毋庸置疑,不言而喻

35. dislike;hate;show no interest in;be tired of;be bored with;be fed up with 厌倦,讨厌

36. make full use of;make the best of;take advantage of 充分利用

37. actually;virtually;in (actual) fact;in reality;as a matter of fact事实上,实际上,其实

38. for example;such as;and so on;take...for example 例如,诸如此类,以……为例

39. play an important part in;play a vital role in...;make a great difference 至关重要

40. first(ly);first of all;in the first place;first and foremost;to begin with 首先

41. second(ly);in the second place;besides;in addition其次

42.moreover;furthermore;What’s more;What’s worse 再次,此外,更糟糕的是

43.finally;eventually;last but not least ; above all ; most importantiy最后

44. in short;in conclusion;in brief;in general;in a word;all in all;to sum up;on the whole;as a whole总之,总体来讲

45. namely;that is;that is to say;in other words 换句话说(换言之/亦即)

46. on(the) one hand,on the other hand;for one thing,for another (thing) 一方面……;另一方面……(适用于两点的情况)

47. Different people have different ideas about...;Views on...vary from person to person;Opinions are divided on... 对……众说纷纭;仁者见仁,智者见智

48. The barbecue smells delicious.(“主系表”结构,感官系动词不能用进行时或被动语态,后接形容词作表语)

49. 主语+v.+sb.+in/on/by+the+身体部位。(the不能用物主代词替代)

(1)John hit Bob in the face.(“软组织”用in)

(2)The manager patted the engineer on the shoulder.(“硬组织”用on)

(3)A Young Pioneer grasped the old granny by the hand across the street. (“两侧”用by)

50. What a wonderful weekend we all had! (感叹名词)=How wonderful a weekend we all had! (感叹形容词或副词)

51. Asia is four times as large as Europe. ( =Asia is four times the size of Europe.)

A is twice/double (three times/...) as long/large/high as B.

=A is twice (three times/...) the length/size/height of B.

△A is twice(three times/...)longer/larger/higher than B. (不推荐。原因:易引起歧义)

52. I don’t believe it is likely to master a foreign language without much memory work.(否定转移)

53. Not all teenagers are fond of playing football.(并不是所有的青少年都喜欢踢足球。部分否定:not+all/both/every/always...=all/both/every/always+not...)

54. There is hardly a man or woman whose life has not been affected by advertisements. (几乎每个人的生活都受到广告的影响。双重否定)

55. Search the website of the Accident & Emergency Department,and (then) you’ll learn a lot about first aid.

Close all programs before turning off the computer,or (else) you will have problems.(祈使句表否定条件,表结果的将来时简单句前用or 或or else;反之,用and或and then)

56. 主语+ have+n.+ ...

(1)They had a hard time walking home in the snowstorm.(“


(2)Americans have no difficulty(in)communicating with British people.(“干某事没困难”)

(3)We had much trouble (in)finding his place.(“干某事费周折” )

(4)The employee had no choice/alternative but to quit the job.(“除了干某事外别无选择”)

57. 主语+ have +...do/to do/to be done/doing/done

(1)The other day Father had my cousin and me clean the garage.(“让某人做某事”,相当于let)

(2)The secretary usually has plenty of paperwork to do.(“有某事要做”,不定式作定语)

(3)Do you have any message to be taken,madam?(“有某事要别人去做”,不定式作定语)

(4)The farmers had their tractors working day and night at the harvest time.(“听任,保持”,相当于keep)

(5)My car broke down last week and I still haven’t had it repaired.(“请某人干某事”,相当于get)

(6)Mr.Smith had his house broken into while he was away on holiday.(“使遭受某种不幸的境况”)

58. with +名词+形容词/介词短语/不定式/分词,在句中作状语或定语

(1)With the house empty,I felt lonely.(原因)

(2)I was sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand.(伴随)

(3)With two reports to write,I have to work really hard this weekend.(将来动作)

(4)With time going on,our life is becoming more comfortable.(主动关系)

(5)With everything done,they sat in the yard chatting with the elderly people. (被动关系)

(6)The wounded soldier was lying on the ground,with his eyes staring at the stars.(名词为身体部位或器官,动词为不及物动词时,用-ing形式)

(7)The man was brought in,with his hands tied behindhis back. (名词为身体部位或器官,动词为及物动词时,用-ed形式)

59. We saw some people flying kites in the centre of the square. (现在分词作宾补)

60. We cycled to the forest park,talking and laughing all the way. (现在分词作伴随状语)

61. An agreement reached,the meeting ended.(独立主格结构,各有其“主”)

62. Caught in the rush hour,they came to the lecture late. (过去分词表被动,作原因状语)

63. Planting trees is another effective way to prevent sandstorms.(动名词作主语)

64. Having spent nearly all our money,we couldn’t affordto stay at a hotel.(现在分词的完成式,作原因状语)

65. My uncle took a taxi to the airport,only to find his plane high up in the sky. (only+不定式,作结果状语)

66. As a kid,I was always taking apart my toys. (always与进行时连用,表示赞成或反对、不耐烦等感情态度)

67. She will come over when she has finished her work. (时态的替代)

68. He told me what you had done (were doing/would do). (时态的呼应)

69. when作并列连词,表示动作的突发性

(1)had just done/had not done...when...

(2)was/were doing...when...

(3)was/were about to do...when...

(4)was/were going to do...when...

(5)was/were on the point of doing...when...

70. while作并列连词,表示转折、对比

Lucy likes sports,while her twin sister Lily prefersmusic.

71. There be sb. doing sth.(“有多少人在干某事”)

Last night,there were millions of people watching the opening ceremony live on TV.

72. There is no point(in)cheating in the examinations. (“干某事毫无意义”)

73. Mo Yan is the first Chinese to win the Nobel Prize. (不定式作定语)

74. It is/was+被强调成分(主语/宾语/状语)+that/ who+其他成分。(强调句型)

It is our company not our gifts that our parents enjoy. 父母们看重的是我们的陪伴而不是(我们送的)礼物。

75. It be+n./adj./vi./pp. +...(it作形式主语,doing,to或that引出真正的主语)

(1)It is no use saying without doing. (动名词)

(2)It is kind of you to say so.(= You are kind to say so.)(表示人的心理特征的形容词)

(3)It is necessary for college students to take up a part-time job. (表示事物特征的形容词)

(4)It is strange that he (should) answer all the questions.(


(5)It happened that I had no money on me that day. (不及物动词)

(6)It is said that the sports meeting has been put off.(=The sports meeting is said to have been put off.)

76. It + time+...

(1)It takes/took sb. some time to do sth. (“干某事花了某人多长时间”)

It took her two hours and a half to finish doing her homeworkyesterday evening.(不定式作真正的主语 )

(2)It be+(点)time when...(“当……的时候,某事发生了”)

It was already 8 o’clock when we got home.

(3)It be some time before....(“多久后某事发生了”)

It was five minutes before the firefighters arrived.

(4)It be+some time since+延续性动词。(“自某动作结束以来”)

①It has been two weeks since he was ill. (他病好有两周时间了。)

②It is five years since she lived in Beijing. (她离开北京已经五年了。)

③It is three months since I smoked. (我戒烟已有三个月了。)

(5)It be (about/high) time that...did/ should do sth. (“早该到某人干某事了”;虚拟语气在定语从句中的用法,should不能省略)

①It’s high time we got down to some preparations for the coming job interview.

②It was time (that) my father should shave his beard.

(6)It/This/That be the first/second time that...has/had done sth.(“这已经是某人第几次干某事了”;注意从句的时态)

①This is the first time that our headmaster has communicated

with a native speaker in English.(主句为一般现在时,从句用现在完成时)

②It was the third time (that) the Olympic Games had been held in this country.(主句为一般过去时,从句用过去完成时)

77. So moved was Jenny that she could not say a word. (so/such位于句首时,主句倒装)

78. Rather poor as/ though the family was,his parents managed to send him to school. (as/though引导让步状语从句,从句结构性倒装)

79. The soil is a part of the earth,so is the atmosphere.(so/ as +助动词+主语,表示前面所说的情况也适合于后者)

80. It was not until all the fish died in the river that the villagers realized how serious the pollution was.(only + 状语或not until置于被强调部分,主句倒装解除)

81. Who do you think will come first in the speech contest?(do you think是插入语,置于疑问词后构成双重问句,后接陈述句语序)

82. The taxi driver explained that he had reminded the passenger of her belongings and that she hadn’t left muchimpression on him. (引导两个以上宾语从句时,第二个that不能省略)

83. Last week our class had a discussion about whether or not school uniforms should be worn.(whether引导介词宾语从句,不能用if替换)

84. While I always felt I would pass the exam,I never thought I would get an A. (while熟词新义,引导让步状语从句)

85. Obviously,the more you practise listening and reading,the better you’ll speak and write.(the+比较级,the+比较级。“越……,越……”)

86. Whatever difficulties you meet with,you ought to try to overcome them. (whatever 引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter what,后接名词)

87. However frequently performed,the works of Beethoven are still well-received. (however熟词新义,相当于no matter how,后接形容词或副词)

88. Had I paid much attention to the problem,I wouldn’t be trapped in the present situation.(混杂式虚拟条件句,if被省略时从句倒装)

89. A is to B what/as C is to D. 甲之于乙如同丙之于丁一样(重要)。

(1)Vocabulary is to a language what bricks are to a building. 词汇之于语言如同砖块之于高楼。

(2)Reading is to mind what exercise is to the body . 阅读之于思维如同运动之于人体。

90. Just as the saying/proverb goes,...常言道(古人云/俗话说)……

91. Well begun is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。

92. Where there is a will,there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

93. Nothing is difficult to the man who will try. 世上无难事,只要肯攀登。

94. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。

95. No pains,no gains. 不劳则无获。

96. Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。

97. Rome was not built in a day. 伟业非一日之功。

98. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真交。

99. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只学习不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。

100. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise. 睡得早、起得早,聪明、富有、身体好。



