1200字范文 > In the city of Fujisawa Japan lives a woman named Atsuko Saeki When she was a teenager

In the city of Fujisawa Japan lives a woman named Atsuko Saeki When she was a teenager

时间:2024-03-21 05:06:20


In the city of Fujisawa  Japan  lives a woman named Atsuko Saeki When she was a teenager


In the city of Fujisawa, Japan, lives a woman named Atsuko Saeki When she was a teenager, she 36of going to the United States. Most of what she knew about American 37 was from the textbooks she had read. I had a 38in mind: Daddy watching TV in the living room,Mummy 39cakes and their teenage daughter off to the cinema with her boyfriend.

Atsuko 40to attend college in California. When she arrived, however, she found it was not her 41 world.People were struggling with problems and often seemed 42, she said. I felt very alone.

One of her hardest 43was physical education. We played volleyball. she said.The other students were 44 it, but I wasn .

One afternoon, the instructor asked Atsuko to 45the ball to her teammates so they could knock it 46 the net.No problem for most people, but it terrified Atsuko. She was afraid of losing face 47she failed.

A young man on her team 48What she was going through. He walked up to me and49 , Come on. You can do that.

You will never understand how those words of 50made me feel…Four words: You can do that I felt like crying with happiness.

She made it through the class. Perhaps she thanked the young man; she is not 51 .

Six years have passed. Atsuko is back in Japan, working as a salesclerk. I have 52forgotten the words. she said. When things are not going so well, I think of them.

She is sure the young man had no idea how much his kindness 53to her. He probably doesn even remember it, she said. That may be the lesson. Whenever you say something to a person cruel or kind—you have no idea how long the words will 54 . Shes all the way over in Japan, but still she hears those four 55words: You can do that.

36. A. learned B. spoke C. dreamed D. heard

37. A. way B. life C. education D. spirit

38. A. photo B. painting C. picture D. drawing

39. A. baking B. frying C. steaming D. boiling

40. A. hoped B. arranged C. liked D. attempted

41. A. described B. imagined C. created D. discovered

42. A. tense B. cheerful C. relaxed D. deserted

43. A. times B. question C. classes D. projects.

44. A. curious about B. good at C. slow at D. nervous about

45. A. kickB. pass C. carry D. hit

46. A. through B. into C. overD. past

47. A. after B. if C. becauseD. until

48. A. believed B. consideredC. wondered D. sensed

49. A. warned B. sighed C. ordered D. whispered

50. A. excitement B. encouragement C. persuasion D. suggestion

51. A. interested B. doubtful C. puzzled D. sure

52. A. never B. already C. seldom D. almost

53. A. happened B. applied C. seemed D. meant

54. A. continue B. stay C. exist D. live

55. A. merciful B. bitter C. simple D. easy36.C 37.B 38.C 39.A 40. B 41. B 42.A 43.C 44. B 45. D 46.C 47. B 48. D 49.D 50. B


(答案→)36.C 37.B 38.C 39.A 40. B 41. B 42.A 43.C 44. B 45. D 46.C 47. B 48. D 49.D 50. B


36.解析:dream of意为“梦想”,表示她在年轻时梦想去美国。learn of意为“听到,获悉”。speak of意为“说到,谈到”。hear of意为“听说”。



39.解析:bake意为“烘,焙,烤”,指在热的表面上慢慢地烘焙。bake cakes表示“烤制蛋糕”。fry意为“用油煎,用油炸烤炒”,指用油煎鱼或炒菜。steam意为“蒸”,指用蒸汽蒸饭。boil意“煮”,指用水煮食物。

40.解析:arrange意为“准备,安排”,指为某事做好准备和安排。根据下文所提供的情景When she arrived可判断出Atsuko准备到加利福尼亚上大学。hope意为“希望”,like意为“喜欢,愿意”attempt意为“企图”,都与下文的内容不相符合。

41.解析:imagine意为“想像,设想;猜想,推测”,上文讲到I had a picture in mind: Daddy watching TV in the living room. Mummy baking cakes and their teenage daughter off to the cinema with her boyfriend. 因此可判断出实际的情况与她想象的不一样。describe意为“描述”。create意为“创作,创造”。discover意为“发现”。

42.解析:tense意为“紧张的”,上文中的People were struggling with problems说明,由于尽力解决问题,他们经常似乎处于紧张状况。cheerful意为“高兴的,兴致勃勃的,欢乐的,快活的;爽快的”。relaxed意为“放松的”。deserted意为“被放弃的”。

43.解析:class意为“课程”,根据其表语physical education可判断出她最困难的课程是体育。time意为“时间”,question意为“问题”。project意为“工程项目”。

44.解析:be good at意为“擅长于”,指善于做某事。but是并列连词,表示转折和对比,从but I wasn’t可以看出:其他同学擅长于打排球,而Atsuko却在这方面存在困难。be curious about意为“对……好奇”。be slow at意为“在……迟钝”。be nervous about意为“对……感到紧张”。

45.解析:hit意为“打,击”,hit the ball表示用手击球。上文中的We played volley ball表明他们在打排球,所以要用手击球。kick the ball意为“踢球”,pass the ball意为“传球”,carry the ball意为“带球”,都不符合打排球的比赛规则。



48.解析:sense意为“感觉(到)” 指通过直觉、迹象、线索等隐约感到或明白。表示他们球队的一位年轻人觉察出Atsuko的心理状态。believe意为“相信”。consider意为“考虑”。wonder意为“感到迷惑不解,想知道”。

49.解析:whisper意为“低语;耳语”,指低声地对某人说话、讲话。因为这位年轻人觉察出Atsuko害怕在人们面前丢脸的心理状态,所以他用Come on. You can do that.这样的话语鼓励她,而在许多人面前,他只能低声地对她说。warn意为“警告”。sigh意为“叹息”。order意为“命令”。

50.解析:encouragement意为“鼓励”,Come on. You can do that.意为“加油。你能行。”是鼓励人们努力的话语。excitement意为“激动”。persuasion意为“说服,劝导”。suggestion意为“建议”。

51.解析:sure意为“深信,确信”。上文讲述了在一次排球比赛中,一位年轻人鼓励Atsuko努力去做,You can do that.使她增强了信心,体育课程取得了成绩。所以这里讲到她或许应该谢谢这个年轻人,但心中没有把握,不知道该不该这样做。interested意为“感兴趣”。doubtful意为“怀疑的”。puzzled意为“感到迷惑不解的”。

52.解析:never意为“从不”,根据下文中的When things are not going so well, I think of them.可判断出Atsuko没有忘记那位年轻人所说的话。already意为“已经”。seldom意为“不常;很少;难得……”。almost意为“几乎”。



55.解析:simple意为“简单的”,You can do that.只含有四个词,是一句简单的话。merciful意为“仁慈的,温和的”。bitter意为“辛苦的,悲惨的”。easy意为“容易的”。
