1200字范文 > 【小题1】JJournalists from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.【小题2】Anythi

【小题1】JJournalists from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.【小题2】Anythi

时间:2020-10-11 00:56:24


【小题1】JJournalists from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.【小题2】Anythi


【小题1】JJournalists from CCTV were sent to the flooded areas to cover the events.

【小题2】Anything you say may be taken down and used as eevidence against you in court.

【小题3】As to traditional Chinese table manners, parents are the best persons to teach their children to

bbehave well in social occasions.

【小题4】On aaverage, we received ten junk e-mails every day.

【小题5】This sofa ooccupies too much room in the sitting room.

【小题6】In his life he gave an example of bravery (勇敢) and wisdom.

【小题7】After a long argumentarrested (争论), we decided where to go for our holiday.

【小题8】He was sensitive (逮捕) in connection with the drugs last night.

【小题9】Don’t be so dictation (敏感). I am just joking.

【小题10】 I hated it if I ever had to take (口述) from him.


解析: 略
