1200字范文 > Exited about landing your first job after graduation? Good work hard and get learning. Do

Exited about landing your first job after graduation? Good work hard and get learning. Do

时间:2022-10-23 12:03:58


Exited about landing your first job after graduation? Good  work hard and get learning. Do


Exited about landing your first job after graduation? Good, work hard and get learning. Don’t forget to listen to young professional’s advice about the “real world” you’re stepping into.

1. Keep up with current events.

In school, it’s easy to live in a cocoon, where you focus on studies and social life. But in the working world, not knowing who Alan Greenspan is or why North Korea is in the news so often can lead to potentially embarrassing conversations.

2. Consider living with parents, even if you have a job.

Think it over before you rule it out. Not only can you save a lot of money by living at home, but your parents may provide emotional support that you may need. They can help pave the way for you to move once you are settled into your new life.

3. Don’t compare yourself to other people your age.

Young adults are good at putting up impressive appearance, but you don’t really know what their lives are like. Those who seem to have the perfect job may spend part of the day making coffee and picking up boss’s dry-cleaning.

4. Pay attention to small jobs as well as big ones.

Don’t stress if, in your first job or internship(实习期), you get a lot more face time with the copy machine than with clients. You may wonder why you spent so much time studying in school only to do such tasks. But you may also be learning more about your new professional than you realize.

5. Know when it’s time to move on.

Give a new job a chance, perhaps a year, before you make up your mind to leave, especially if it’s your first job out of school. When you’re sure that the job isn’t for you, figure out what you want to do and how to do it. Zhang Yue, 26, spent three years working as an accountant in Shanghai before becoming a financial planner. He loves his new job and spent 10 months searching for it: “To find something you really want to do takes time.”

【小题1】 By mentioning Alan Greenspan, the author wants to show .A.how he succeededB.why he is important to the world nowadaysC.it is necessary to know key figuresD.he has a strong effect on the world【小题2】Which of the following is TRUE?A.Comparing yourself to other people your age will make you harmed.B.If you don’t have impressive appearance, you can’t pick up boss’ dry-cleaning.C.What you have learned in school may come to nothing in your first job.D.Even a small job can do good.【小题3】 The last sentence means “”.A.It’s easy to find a new job once you have experienceB.If you hope to do something, you need suffer too muchC.You needn’t be worried, even though you are trying to find a good jobD.It will take you time to find a job that suits you well【小题4】The aim to write the passage is to .A.show how and why to get a satisfying job after graduationB.give some advice about how to behave when you workC.encourage people to ask for help from parentsD.expect people to fit in with the working conditions as soon as possiblC




【小题1】C 作者意图题。作者举Alan Greenspan和朝鲜的事例是为了解释Keep up with current events这一点,所以他的目的是说明知道重要人物是必要的,故选择C

【小题1】D 细节题。在第4点中作者提到But you may also be learning more about your new professional than you realize,说明小工作可以为以后的事业奠基,故选择D

【小题1】D 句意理解题。最后一句话To find something you really want to do takes time的意思是找到适合自己的工作需要花费一些时间,故选择D

【小题1】B 作者意图题。作者的意图在第一段就有提到,他建议毕业生们listen to young professional’s advice about the “real world” you’re stepping into,意思是听从一些工作行为规范的建议,所以选择B
