1200字范文 > Sea turtles come in many different sizes shapes and colors. The shell of each sea turtle

Sea turtles come in many different sizes shapes and colors. The shell of each sea turtle

时间:2023-04-16 04:56:16


Sea turtles come in many different sizes  shapes and colors. The shell of each sea turtle


Sea turtles come in many different sizes, shapes and colors. The shell of each sea turtle species is different in length, color, shape and the arrangement of the scales(鳞片).

Sea turtles do not have teeth but use their jaws (下巴)to eat. Their sense of smell is excellent. Their eyesight underwater is good, but they have near-sighted eyes out of water. Their special bodies make them adapt to life at sea. However, sea turtles maintain(保持) close ties to land.

Female sea turtles have to go to the seaside to lay their eggs in the sand; therefore, all baby sea turtles begin their lives on land. Most research on sea turtles has been focused on female turtles nesting and the baby sea turtles in the nest, largely because they can be found most easily. After decades of studying sea turtles, much has been learned about. However, many mysteries(谜) still remain.

Researchers do not yet know how long baby turtles spend in the open sea, or exactly where they go. People believe they spend their earliest years floating in the sea, where they do little more than eat and grow. Once turtles reach dinner-plate size, they appear at feeding grounds in waters near the shore. They grow slowly and take between 15 and 50 years to grow old enough to bear baby sea turtles, depending on the species. There is no way to know the age of a sea turtle from its physical appearance. It is believed that some species can live for over 100 years.

【小题1】Which of the following statements is NOT true about sea turtles?A.They don’t use teeth to eat. B.They have a good sense of smell.C.Sea turtles are more adaptable to life at sea.D.Different species have different shells.【小题2】The underlined phrase “near-sighted eyes” in the second paragraph means.A.good eyesightB.bad eyesC.excellent eyesD.poor eyesight【小题3】Which of the following questions is answered in the text?A.Why do female turtles lay eggs on land?B.Why can’t people tell how old a sea turtle is from its appearance?C.Where do the baby turtles usually go?D.Do sea turtles grow very fast?【小题4】What would be the best title for the text?A.Mysteries About Sea TurtlesB.Baby and Female Sea TurtlesC.The Growth of Different Sea TurtlesD.The Characteristics(特点) of Sea TurtlesC




【小题1】细节题。根据第二段第一行Sea turtles do not have teeth but use their jaws (下巴)to eat。Their sense of smell is excellent可知AB正确。第一段第二行The shell of each sea turtle species is different in length, color, shape and the arrangement of the scales(鳞片).可知D正确。C项说的不清楚。

【小题2】猜测句意题。根据上一句Their eyesight underwater is good。说明他们水下视力非常好,再根据but,表示后面的意思与前面相反,说明在陆地上海龟的视力很差。

【小题3】细节题。根据最后一段第三行They grow slowly and take between 15 and 50 years to grow old enough to bear baby sea turtles, depending on the species.可知回答了D项。

