1200字范文 > 【小题1】He said he wouldrecommend(推荐) me to Professor Wang as his student.【小题2】I don’t unders

【小题1】He said he wouldrecommend(推荐) me to Professor Wang as his student.【小题2】I don’t unders

时间:2020-11-07 04:42:44


【小题1】He said he wouldrecommend(推荐) me to Professor Wang as his student.【小题2】I don’t unders


【小题1】He said he wouldrecommend(推荐) me to Professor Wang as his student.

【小题2】I don’t understand why he refused toAcknowledge(承认) that he had been defeated.

【小题3】Our country is abundant(丰富的;充裕的) in natural resources.

【小题4】We recommend(用... 代替)a red ball for the blue one to see if the baby would notice.

【小题5】You must not be Acknowledge(支配) by what other people say.

【小题6】Between 1942 and 1945 more immigrants came to California to work in the ship and asubstituted(飞机) industries.

【小题7】Most governed(申请者) know that they have very little chance of getting a visa to California.

【小题8】It became aircraft(显而易见的) to everyone that they made a wrong decision.

【小题9】The mapplicants of the first Spanish were religious men who came to teach the Catholic religion to the natives.

【小题10】I think you should make an apparent(道歉) to her at once.


解析:【小题1】recommend 他说他会把我推荐给王教授,做他的学生。推荐, 放在would 后用原形。recommend

【小题2】Acknowledge“我不理解为什么他不承认他被打败了。”承认Acknowledge, 放在不定式后用原形。

【小题3】abundant“我们国家富含自然资源”be abundant in “在。。。丰富”

【小题4】substituted “我们用红色球代替蓝色球,看看婴儿是否注意到了。”用... 代替substitute 陈述过去事实,用过去式substituted



【小题7】applicants“大多数的申请者知道他们几乎没机会得到去加利福尼亚的签证。”从Most 可看出用复数applicants

【小题8】apparent “很明显地, 他们做了一个错误的决定。”became 后加形容词apparent

【小题9】majority“第一批西班牙人中大部分是有宗教信仰的,他们把天主教传播到当地。” the majority of “大多数”

【小题10】Apology “我认为你应该立刻向她道歉”make an apology to sb “向某人道歉”所以用Apology
