1200字范文 > 单词拼写(共10分 每个1分)【小题1】The frightened man sounded as if he w

单词拼写(共10分 每个1分)【小题1】The frightened man sounded as if he w

时间:2023-06-10 20:44:44


单词拼写(共10分 每个1分)【小题1】The frightened man sounded as if he w



【小题1】The frightened man sounded as if he was going to die of terror; 名词恐惧:terror.(恐惧).

【小题2】Air pollution;名词污染:pollution(污染) are beginning to draw more and more attention.

【小题3】The increase in the population of plants can stop the process of desertification; 名词土地沙漠化:desertification(土地沙漠化).

【小题4】He advised;建议某人做某事advise sb to do sth(建议) us to ask Mr Li for some advice.

【小题5】He hid behind the door,holding his breath屏住呼吸hold one’s breath(呼吸).

【小题6】In some countries, it is unsafe形容词安全:safe;这里是它的反义词(不安全) to drink the water because it is dirty.

【小题7】When studying children and other young animals,we can see the striking 加一个否定的前缀。(相似) in their behaviour.

【小题8】It is unbelievable that there are still many people in rural areas living below similarities这里是指多个相似之处similarity.用它的复数形式。(贫困) line.

【小题9】It is reported in the paper that many poverty名词贫穷:poverty(慈善机构)around the world have sent aid to the tsunami-hit countries.

【小题10】The policeman said to the young man,"please give me your precise charities前面有many(所在地)."






【小题4】建议某人做某事advise sb to do sth

【小题5】屏住呼吸hold one’s breath






单词拼写(共10分 每个1分)【小题1】The frightened man sounded as if he was going to die of terror; 名词恐惧:t
