1200字范文 > Early one morning I witnessed romance at one the least-expected places in the world—a roo

Early one morning I witnessed romance at one the least-expected places in the world—a roo

时间:2024-06-01 05:48:40


Early one morning  I witnessed romance at one the least-expected places in the world—a roo


Early one morning, I witnessed romance at one the least-expected places in the world—a room in a rest home. At the time, my father 36 a room with three other gentlemen.

Before my daddy lived in the rest home, an elderly 37 was sent there. Since there wasn’t a double room 38 , they were forced to separate the couple. The gentleman, Mr.West, was 39 in the bed beside Daddy. His wife, Mrs.West, shared a room with several other ladies down the hall.

When I went to see Daddy that morning, I 40 Mr.West. Three employees were working with him. He hadn’t eaten a bite of food 41 he was sent several days earlier. I could 42 by the expression on the nurses’ faces that they were worried about him. Mr.West 43 to open his mouth for any of them.

“Go and get Mrs.West, ” the nurse told her helper. “Maybe Mr.West will eat 44 her. ”

In a few minutes a kind-looking lady was 45 into the room. Her smile was contagious(传染的)and Mr.West smiled 46 . I felt as though I was intruding(侵入)on a 47 moment, but I couldn’t take my eyes off the couple. The love between them was obvious, as Mrs.West patted Mr.West’s hand.

With a soft voice, Mrs.West tried to 48 Mr.West to eat. To everyone’s surprise, Mr.West 49 his mouth and began to enjoy the 50 and his wife’s company. While the nurses fed him, he stared at his sweetheart with a smile on his face. Mrs.West began singing a song for him. The 51 on his once solemn(严肃的)face became even brighter.

Tears 52 my eyes. The nurse then 53 the curtain around the couple to give them some quality time alone. I discovered that 54 doesn’t only exist when we’re young and in love. Romance 55 a lifetime and grows stronger with age.

【小题1】A.livedB.stayedC.sharedD.had【小题2】A.husband.B.coupleC.gentleman D.wife【小题3】A.accessibleB.acknowledge C.available D.acceptable【小题4】A.sent B.lain C.placed D.fixed【小题5】A.understood.B.found C.knew D.met【小题6】A.after B.before C.since D.while【小题7】A.say B.tell C.get D.look【小题8】A.expected B.demanded C.refusedD.promised【小题9】A.to B.for C.about D.on【小题10】A.reached B.sent C.wheeled D.carried【小题11】A.brightlyB.quietlyC.lightly D.secretly【小题12】A.personal B.personnel C.selfish D.private【小题13】A.convince B.make C.force D.urge【小题14】A.closed B.opened C.was opening D.was closed【小题15】A.coffee B.fruits C.food D.sweets【小题16】A.happinessB.appearance C.worry D.expression【小题17】A.filled in B.filled with C.filled D.were filled with【小题18】A.pulled B.dragged C.put D.pushed【小题19】A.love B.romanceC.happiness D.smile【小题20】A.is B.remains C.lasts D.continuesC



解析:本文通过作者所见的the Wast夫妻,诠释了什么才是真正的浪漫。

【小题1】C解析:share...with... 与…共享…,结合语境只有share最合适。




【小题5】D解析:that morning我去看爸爸是正好遇见了Mr West。


【小题7】B解析:tell辨别,识别,看出,常与can,could,be able to连用。

【小题8】C解析:通过下文可知,Mr West刚开始是拒绝吃饭的,Mrs West来了他才高兴并且吃饭。



【小题11】A解析:Mr West看见自己的妻子对他笑所以他也爽朗(brightly)地笑了。


【小题13】A解析:convince sb. to do... 说服某人做…。

【小题14】D解析:根据上下文知,Mr West开始张开嘴吃饭。

【小题15】C解析:根据上文He hadn’t eaten a bite of food...可知.





