1200字范文 > When we talk about a wolf we tend to describe it as a kind of fierce creature. But is it

When we talk about a wolf we tend to describe it as a kind of fierce creature. But is it

时间:2023-07-06 12:15:51


When we talk about a wolf  we tend to describe it as a kind of fierce creature. But is it


When we talk about a wolf, we tend to describe it as a kind of fierce creature. But is it true that the wolf stands for devil(魔鬼) and ugliness?

Have you read the book The Wolf Totem\ 《狼图腾》by a famous writer Jiang Rong, which tells the story of the relationship between wolves and human beings? Have you ever 51 the wolves world? If you had, you would 52 the wolves. In the book, wolves are heroes on the large grassland. They know more about 53 than humans. They can attack sheep without disturbing their mothers. They also know how to 54 full use of the shape of land to 55 sheep. I believe that if wolves were humans, they would be 56 at fighting.

The wolf is a kind of special creature that can deeply understand 57. Each wolf serves its group with its heart and soul. A 58 wolf has little power, but a group of wolves 59 nothing. All the wolves obey the rules. 60 they are beaten, they run away together. It is their teamwork 61 makes wolves powerful.

The wolves also have great self-preservation and won 62 to anyone. The writer, who wrote the book “The Wolf Totem”, 63 stole a one - month - old baby wolf and raised it very carefully. To his 64, he found the little wolf still wanted to go back with 65 wolves. The little wolf bit through the iron chain that limited it. The wolf was 66 and never gave up fighting 67 its death. It seemed that the little wolf died as a glorious fighter.

I was shocked by this kind of 68 wolves which are one of the most respected creature on the earth. I want everyone to look at wolves in a 69 way. They are our teachers. They show us how to survive and 70 this not simple but dangerous world. Please honor the wolves, please honor all these heroes of nature!

【小题1】A.talked aboutB.walked intoC.thought aboutD.cared for【小题2】A.huntB.watchC.drawD.admire【小题3】A.survivalB.lifeC.foodD.plant【小题4】A.getB.makeC.haveD.take【小题5】A.trapB.avoidC.fightD.discover【小题6】A.considerateB.imaginativeC.creativeD.expert【小题7】A.processB.lifestyleC.teamworkD.control【小题8】A.braveB.singleC.lonelyD.fair【小题9】A.fightB.struggleC.failD.fear【小题10】A.Even ifB.As thoughC.Even soD.As for【小题11】A.whatB.thatC.whichD.one【小题12】A.turn inB.break inC.take inD.give in【小题13】A.justB.onceC.soonD.only【小题14】A.satisfactionB.sadnessC.disappointmentD.pleasure【小题15】A.restB.the otherC.anotherD.others【小题16】A.willingB.worriedC.proud.D.eager【小题17】A.althoughB.untilC.beforeD.unless【小题18】A.selflessnessB.self-confidenceC.self-protection D.self-respect【小题19】A.differentB.curiousC.strangeD.humorous【小题20】A.step outB.set upC.succeed inD.get intoC







【小题4】根据句意“懂得怎样充分利用地形”;用固定搭配make use of,故答案为B项。

【小题5】由文中的“good at fighting”可以知道,这里描述的是狼善于利用地形捕获羊,即让羊落入圈套,故选C项。





【小题11】固定句型it is/was...that...是强调句型,故选B项。




【小题15】虽被细心照料仍然想回到其他的狼群中去,表示“其他的”,故选 B项。

【小题16】由后文“never gave in”得知,狼是骄傲的,故选C项。


【小题18】由下文的respect可以知道,该空应填self respect,故选D项。


