1200字范文 > Lisa is ten years old. She is disabled because she has brain damage. She could not do even

Lisa is ten years old. She is disabled because she has brain damage. She could not do even

时间:2020-07-08 15:24:23


Lisa is ten years old. She is disabled because she has brain damage. She could not do even


Lisa is ten years old. She is disabled because she has brain damage. She could not do even the simplest thing until a year ago. She could not comb her hairorfeed herself. Her parents loved her. And they treated her like a baby.

Mr. Ching has a daughter and a son. They are both grown. They live far from their father. Mr. Cling felt lonely. He decided to become a foster grandfather to a handicapped child. And that was how he met Lisa.

Foster grandparents are grandparents who are not related by birth but foster parents love the children they care for. They also help the handicapped children in special ways. They help to dress and feed the children. They read to them and tell them stories. They also help with handicapped children’s therapy. Therapy is the treatment of a diseaseordisorder. It helps the children overcome their handicaps.

Mr. Cling became a foster grandparent to Lisa when she was nine years old. At first, Lisa was shy. She was afraid because Mr. Cling was a stranger. But he came to see her every day, gradually she began to trust him. At last, Lisa let Mr. Cling do things for her.

Cling speaks for most foster grandparents when he say, “We all benefit. The handicapped children benefit because we help them live more useful lives. And we benefit because we know the children need us and love us. For any person, there is no greater happiness than that.”

【小题1】Why did Lisa need help?A.She was a babyB.She did not want to do anything.C.She had brain damage.D.She was a blind girl.【小题2】What does the underlined word “foster” in paragraph 2 mean?A.ElderlyB.Related by birthC.Not related by birthD.King-hearted【小题3】Which five things do foster grandparents do for handicapped children?

a help with their treatment b dress them c live in their homes

d feed them e charge them money f read to them

g tell them stories h make fun of themA.a,b,d,e,fB.a,c,e,f,hC.b,c,d,f,gD.a,b,d,f,g【小题4】Why did Mr. Cling foster Lisa?A.Lisa needs looking after.B.The passage doesn’t mention of.C.Lisa need caring for and Mr. Cling also gets enjoyment from it.D.Mr. Cling is too lonely.【小题5】The best title for this passage is .A.Lisa, A Handicapped GirlB.Why Did He Do That?C.Foster GrandparentsD.The Greatest Happiness!C



解析:本文主要介绍了Foster grandparents,这是一些与孩子没有任何血缘关系的老人,因为孤单或者寂寞而承担起照顾这些残疾孩子的任务。对他们来说最大的快乐就是帮助孩子们。

【小题1】C 细节题。根据文章第一段1,2行Lisa is ten years old. She is disabled because she has brain damage. She could not do even the simplest thing until a year ago.说明她的脑子有问题,故C正确。

【小题2】C 推理题。根据Foster grandparents are grandparents who are not related by birth but foster parents love the children they care for.说明Foster grandparents是指和孩子没有血缘关系的祖父母,故C正确。

【小题3】D 细节题。根据文章第三段Foster grandparents are grandparents who are not related by birth but foster parents love the children they care for. They also help the handicapped children in special ways. They help to dress and feed the children. They read to them and tell them stories. They also help with handicapped children’s therapy. Therapy is the treatment of a diseaseordisorder. It helps the children overcome their handicaps.说明a,b,d,f,g是他们为孩子所做的事情。故D项正确。

【小题4】D 细节题。根据文章第二段Mr. Ching has a daughter and a son. They are both grown. They live far from their father. Mr. Cling felt lonely. He decided to become a foster grandfather to a handicapped child. And that was how he met Lisa.说明他很孤单,故D正确。

【小题5】D 主旨大意题,根据文章最后2行And we benefit because we know the children need us and love us. For any person, there is no greater happiness than that.说明对这些Foster grandparents来说,最大的快乐就是帮助这些孩子。故D正确。
