1200字范文 > We can offer you a place at one of the best universities inBritain. We’ll provide you with

We can offer you a place at one of the best universities inBritain. We’ll provide you with

时间:2018-12-01 04:09:01


We can offer you a place at one of the best universities inBritain. We’ll provide you with


We can offer you a place at one of the best universities inBritain. We’ll provide you with a choice of 150 first-class courses developed especially to enable you to study in your own time. All of these courses are backed by the Open University’s own special study method — OU Support Open Learning.

We’ll give you the support of a personal teacher, and the chance to meet your fellow students. You can study for a diploma, a degree or a postgraduate degree. Subjects available include: Computing, Business Management, Technology, Modern Languages, Social Sciences, English Law, Arts, Science, Mathematics, Education and Health & Social Welfare.

Whether you want to study to improve your career prospects or for your own personal interest, there’s almost certainly a course for you. If you haven’t studied for a while, we will help you get started. No previous training or degrees are required. All that is required is a willingness to learn. The OU is great value for money and you can pay monthly.

The OU leads the world in the use of new technology for learning, and a number of courses provide source material on CD-ROM. What else can the Open University offer you?

☆The OU is in the top 15% of all UK universities for teaching quality.

☆25% of all British MBAs come from the OU.

☆Over 30,000 employers have offered chances for their staff to study OU courses.

☆40,000 OU students study online from their home.

☆There are 9-month courses and diplomas as well as degrees.

Send for your free instructions now.

Post to: The Open University,PO Box 625,MiltonKeynes MK76 AA, U99LX.

【小题1】The purpose of writing this passage is to .A.introduce the best university inBritainB.let the readers know the OU Support Open LearningC.describe the new technology for learning in the Open UniversityD.attract students to the Open University【小题2】If you want to study in the Open University, you need .A.a good study habitB.some previous trainingC.a willingness to learnD.a degree from a good university【小题3】The Open University can offer you all of the following EXCEPT .A.an MBA degreeB.high-quality teachingC.a computer so you can study online from homeD.9-month courses and diplomas as well as degreesD



解析:本文实际上是一则广告,介绍了OU Support Open Learning以吸引学生到这样的学校里学习。

【小题1】D 主旨大意题。本文实际上是一则广告,介绍了OU Support Open Learning以吸引学生到这样的学校里学习,故D正确。

【小题2】C 细节题。根据第三段最后2行All that is required is a willingness to learn. The OU is great value for money and you can pay monthly.说明只要你想学习就可以了,故C正确。

【小题3】C 细节题。根据文章We’ll give you the support of a personal teacher, and the chance to meet your fellow students. ☆25% of all British MBAs come from the OU.☆There are 9-month courses and diplomas as well as degrees.说明ABD三项内容都是文章中涉及到的。只有C项没有提及。
