1200字范文 > When you learn reading nlath and other subjects taught in school from your parents or te

When you learn reading nlath and other subjects taught in school from your parents or te

时间:2024-02-11 08:52:15


When you learn reading  nlath  and other subjects taught in school from your parents or te


When you learn reading, nlath, and other subjects taught in school from your parents or teaehers who come to your house, it’s called homeschooling. A kid may be the only one, or he may be taught with brothers, sisters, or kids from the neighborhood.

Parents choose to homeschool their children for many different reasons. Sometimes a kid is sick and can’t go to regular school. But more often, kids are homeschooled beeause their parents feel they can give their children a better education than the local school can. Patents also may choose homeschooling because they want their children’s education to include religious (宗教的) instruction, which isn’t offered at puhlie schools.

If you don’t like school, homeschooling might seem like the perfect solution. But it’s better for everyone if homeschooling isn’t chosen just as an escape from school or prohlems there. Finding solutions to the problem should be the first step.

Kids who are homeschooled may benefit from the one-on-one attention. For example, if you don’t understand something in math, the whole class won’t he moving on without you. You might be the whole class! It’s also possible that you might learn more than you would in a regular classroom, because if you really good at something, you can keep learning more at your own pace.

Kids who are homeschooled also may get out in their communities more than other kids. They may get to experience hands-on education at museums, libraries, businesses and other community resources. They also might volunteer or take part in “service learning” where they take on local projects.

No matter where a child goes to school, the key to learning is listening to the teacher and asking for help when you need it. A homeschooled child might feel more comfortable with his teacher (a parent), but the child still needs to pay attention and cooperate. Just like in a traditional school, teachers and students need to work together to achieve goals in the classroom.

【小题1】The passage mainly tells us .A.every kid should be taught at homeB.what homeschooling is and how it worksC.the advantages and disadvantages of homeschoolingD.homeschooled kids should go out to do volunteer work【小题2】What does the author think of homeschooling?A.It shouldn’t be encouraged at all.B.It is not a good way to get educated.C.It can offer kids what suits their needs.D.It is only good for the kids who can’t go to school.【小题3】The similarity of homeschooling and learning at school is that .A.students all should cooperate with their teachersB.students don’t feel lonelyC.students all have many classmatesD.studenls all have more opportunities to get out【小题4】Which of the following should NOT belong to the reasons why kids get homeschooled?A. They can get more benefits from homeschooling.B.They can’t go to school because of their bad health.C.They can learn something that is not taught in school.D.They escape from school because they hate going to schoolB




【小题1】B 主旨大意题。根据文章第一段it’s called homeschooling.以及后四段内容可知本文主要讲述的是什么是家庭教育以及家庭教育的起作用的原理,故B正确。

【小题2】C 细节题。根据文章2,3,4段内容讲述了homeschooling的诸多好处和益处,可以给孩子提供适合他们自己学习情况的学习内容,故C正确。

【小题3】A 细节题、根据文章最后一段1,2行No matter where a child goes to school, the key to learning is listening to the teacher and asking for help when you need it.可知无论是在家,还是在学校都需要学生和老师的相互协作。故A正确。

【小题4】D 细节题。根据第3段2,3行But it’s better for everyone if homeschooling isn’t chosen just as an escape from school or prohlems there.可知D项的描述的错误的。而ABC三项都是homeschool的优点。故D符合要求。
