1200字范文 > One day Nancy came home from school crying. Taking her in her arms Mummy tried to 36her.

One day Nancy came home from school crying. Taking her in her arms Mummy tried to 36her.

时间:2020-12-07 20:47:45


One day  Nancy came home from school crying. Taking her in her arms  Mummy tried to 36her.


One day, Nancy came home from school crying. Taking her in her arms, Mummy tried to 36her. After a while, she stopped crying and asked, “Mummy, am I37 ?” “No, you are not,” said Mummy, “but let us discuss this after you38 , OK?”

Several minutes later, Nancy began to have supper with Mummy.

“Who 39that you are bad?” asked Mummy.

“Phillips, my friend. He asked me for help with his maths but I 40 because I wanted to read the new book Daddy gave me. He got 41and said I was a bad girl,” said Nancy.

“You are 42 ,” said Mummy. “Phillips has often helped you with your English. You should have helped him. Why don’t you phone him and say 43to him?”

“But he called me bad and 44with me. I don’t want to go,” Nancy cried.

“Though you have done 45 bad, it does not make you a bad person. You are46 a good person.”

Nancy showed a47 look on her face. “How can that be, Mummy?” she asked.

“Our 48is always good. So never believe that you are bad,” Mummy replied with a smile.

49 flooded on Nancy’s face. “Am I50good, Mummy?” she asked.

“Yes, you are good, and always will be so. But that does not mean that you should not51the wrong that you do. You will have to call and 52to Phillips. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Mummy,” said Nancy slowly. “Thank you for telling me this. I feel much better now,” said Nancy 53. “I am going to 54Phillips right away, and I am never going to 55that I am always good.”

【小题1】A.calm B.protectC.trick D.praise【小题2】A.shy B.foolish C.badD.strong【小题3】A.get upB.grow up C.wash up D.turn up【小题4】A.said B.saw C.heardD.doubted【小题5】A.criedB.refused C.admittedD.allowed【小题6】A.excited B.comfortable C.nervous D.angry【小题7】A.wrong B.brave C.wise D.careful【小题8】A.goodbye B.sorry C.thank youD.hello【小题9】A.competed B.lived C.worked D.argued【小题10】A.everything B.anything C.somethingD.nothing【小题11】A.always B.sometimes C.ever D.never【小题12】A.worried B.puzzled C.confidentD.satisfied【小题13】A.chanceB.choice C.conditionD.nature【小题14】A.FearB.PatienceC.Shock D.Joy【小题15】A.really B.hardly C.alreadyD.gradually【小题16】A.account for B.pay for C.look forward toD.rely on【小题17】A.devote B.apologize C.introduce D.turn【小题18】A.coldly B.sadly C.gratefullyD.pitifully【小题19】A.consult B.change C.teach D.call【小题20】A.agree B.explain C.forget D.confirmA




【小题1】A 动词辨析。A镇定B保护C欺骗D表扬;Nancy哭着回家,妈妈抱着她想让她平静。

【小题2】C 上下文串联。根据下文可知Phillips说她是坏孩子。她对自己产生怀疑。

【小题3】.C 上下文串联。她哭着回家,妈妈让她先去洗干净,然后再向她解释具体情况。

【小题4】A 动词辨析。A说B看见C听见D怀疑;谁说你是坏孩子的?这是妈妈在询问情况。

【小题5】B 动词辨析。A哭B拒绝C承认D允许;Phillips让我帮他学习,但是我拒绝了他,因为我想做别的事情。故B正确。

【小题6】D 形容词辨析。A兴奋B舒服C紧张D生气;被我拒绝,Phillips生气了,说我是坏孩子。

【小题7】A 形容词辨析。A错误的B勇敢的C聪明的D细心的;妈妈说Nancy错了,因为Phillips一直都帮助她,而她却没有帮助Phillips。

【小题8】B 上下文串联。妈妈认为Nancy错了,就让她向Phillips道歉。Say sorry道歉。

【小题9】D 动词辨析。A竞争B生活C工作D争论;Phillips还和Nancy争吵了起来。

【小题10】C 词义辨析。尽管你坐了错误的事情,但是并不意外着你是坏孩子。Something wrong指错事。Wrong修饰不定代词something。

【小题11】A 副词辨析。妈妈鼓励孩子,你一直都是一个好孩子。

【小题12】B 形容词辨析。A担心的B困惑的C自信的D满意的;根据后半句说明小女孩不能理解妈妈的话,所以脸上有困惑的表情。

【小题13】D 名词辨析。A机会B选择C条件D自然天性;我们的天性都是好的,所以永远不要认为自己是坏孩子。

【小题14】D 名词辨析。A害怕B耐心C震惊D开心;开心的表情覆盖了Nancy的脸。


【小题16】B 短语辨析。A解释B承担,为了…付出代价C期待D依靠;你是好孩子,但是这并不意味着你不为自己不好的行为不付出代价。

【小题17】B 动词辨析。A致力于B道歉C介绍D转身;你得打电话给Phillips向对方道歉。

【小题18】.C 副词辨析。A冷酷地B悲哀地C感激地D遗憾地;小女孩感激地对妈妈说。

【小题19】D 上下文串联。我现在就打电话给Phillips,向他道歉。

【小题20】C 动词辨析。A同意B解释C忘记D确认;我永远不会忘记自己是一个好孩子。
