1200字范文 > When I was a child my parents taught me the difference between good and bad behavior by s

When I was a child my parents taught me the difference between good and bad behavior by s

时间:2020-07-18 13:02:27


When I was a child  my parents taught me the difference between good and bad behavior by s


When I was a child, my parents taught me the difference between good and bad behavior by showing me specific examples. My mother told me that you don’t 36other kids because you would not like 37if they hit you. That makes 38 . But, if my mother told me to be “nice” to someone, it was too vague for me to 39. But if she said that being nice 40delivering daffodils to a next door neighbor, that I could understand.

I believe that doing practical things can 41the world a better place. When I was in my twenties I thought a lot about the meaning of life. At the time, I was getting started in my 42of designing more humane facilities for animals at big farms and slaughterhouses(屠宰场). Many people would think that to even work at a slauterhouse would be inhumane, but they 43that every human and animal 44dies. In my mind, I had a(n) 45of a way to make tht dying as 46as possible.

Back in the 1970s, I went to fifty different feedlots and big farms in Arizona and Texas and 47them work cattle. I cataloged the parts of each facility that ­ 48effectively. I took the best loading ramps, and other components and 49them into an ideal new system. I get great 50when a farmer tells me that my corral (畜栏) 51helps cattle move through it quietly and 52. When cattle stay calm, it means they are not scared. And that makes me feel I’ve 53something important.

Some people might think if I could snap my 54I’d choose to be “normal”. But, I wouldn’t want to give up my 55to see in beautiful, precise pictures. I believe in them.





【小题1】考查动词:A. knock敲,B. hit打,C. beat击败,击打,D. strike敲打,从后面的句子:if they hit you.可知如果其他男孩打你,你不会打他们的,选 B

【小题2】考查代词:A. this这个,B. which哪个,C. it它,D. that那个,这里用it指代hit them这件事,选C

【小题3】考查名词:A. sense感觉,B. difference不同,C. sail 航行,D. way道路,make sense是固定短语“有意义”,选A

【小题4】考查动词:A. recognize认出,B. realize意识到,C. know知道,D. understand理解,从前面的it was too vague for me 可知这太模糊了我不能理解,后面也有that I could understand.选D

【小题5】考查动词:A. meant意味着,打算,B. minded介意,C. missed错过,D. admitted承认,但是如果妈妈说对别人友好意味着给邻居送水仙花,我就理解了。选A

【小题6】考查动词:A. give给,B. turn转身,C. make制作,使得,D. take拿,我相信做实际的事情可以让世界变成更好的地方。选C

【小题7】考查名词:A. job工作,B. career事业,C. trade贸易,交易,D. industry工业,从后面的句子:designing more humane facilities for animals at big farms and slaughterhouses(屠宰场).可知这是他的事业起步。选 B

【小题8】考查动词:A. regret后悔,遗憾,B. remember记住,C. forgive原谅,D. forget忘记,从前面的句子:Many people would think that to even work at a slauterhouse would be inhumane但是他们忘了人和动物都最终要死的。选D

【小题9】考查副词:A. constantly不断地B. eventually 最终地,C. immediately立刻,D. directly直接,死亡应该是最终的事情,选B

【小题10】考查名词:A. description描述,B. scene场景,C. picture图画,D. image想象,从In my mind,可知在我的脑海里有副图画,选C

【小题11】考查形容词:A. peaceful宁静的,B. calm冷静的,C. quiet安静的,D.silent沉默的,从前面的句子:I was getting started in my 42 of designing more humane facilities for animals at big farms and slaughterhouses(屠宰场)可知作者是设计人性化的设施,所以是让死亡尽可能平静,选A

【小题12】考查动词:A. required要求,B. asked问,C. promised答应,D. helped帮助,作者到不同的饲养场和农场帮他们养牛。选D

【小题13】考查动词:A. solved解决,B. worked工作,C. acted表演,D. conducted指导,从前面的them work cattle.可知这里是作者把不同的设施分类,使它们能有效的运作。选B

【小题14】考查动词:A. collected收集,B. gathered聚集,C. assembled装配,组合D. met遇到,从前面的I took the best loading ramps, and other components可知作者是把最好的零件组合成最好的系统。选 C

【小题15】考查名词:A. satisfaction满意B. expectation期待,C. explanation解释,D. presentation呈现,从后面的句子:when a farmer tells me that my corral (畜栏) 51 helps cattle move through it quietly and 52 . 可知作者听到这个话很满意。选A

【小题16】考查名词:A. aim目标,B. intention意图,C. plan计划,D. design设计,从上文得知,这个新的系统是作者设计的,选D

【小题17】考查副词:A. hardly几乎不,B. difficultly困难地,C. easily容易地,D. happily快乐地,作者设计的畜栏可以让牛自由容易的在里面行动,选C

【小题18】考查动词: A. reached到达,B. accomplished完成,C. adapted适应,改编,D. polished润色,磨光,从前面的句子:When cattle stay calm, it means they are not scared.和作者的理想接近,说明作者完成了他认为重要的事情。选B

【小题19】考查名词:A. fingers手指,B. hands手,C. arms膀子,D. feet脚,从前面的句子:I’d choose to be “normal”.可知是咬断手指,其他的部位是不能咬断的,选A

【小题20】考查名词:A. skill技能,B. possibility可能性,C. talent才能,D. ability能力,我不愿放弃自己看见美丽珍贵的图画的能力。选D
