1200字范文 > For many 36in the US earning some money gives them a sense of 37. By making their own mon

For many 36in the US earning some money gives them a sense of 37. By making their own mon

时间:2021-03-21 03:07:23


For many 36in the US  earning some money gives them a sense of 37. By making their own mon


For many 36in the US, earning some money gives them a sense of 37. By making their own money they can buy whatever they want . It also develops a sense of responsibility and independence .

Most teens I know have a small sum of money . Their 38give them an allowance (零用钱). For some ,an allowance is given every week ; for 39, every month or so . Usually they can get 10 to 30 dollars a month from their parents . An allowance is typically based on the 40of chores (家务), such as washing the dishes , cleaning up one’s room, taking out the trash , and 41the floor . 42to younger siblings (兄弟姐妹) is also regarded as worthy of extra cash , 43some cases .

Many teens also work to get 44.Since most of my peers (同伴) are not 45for a formal job , many choose part-time positions . These require relatively 46time and basically no training . They can have these jobs like babysitting ; 47younger students , offered by most schools 48a small fee ; 49bagging groceries at local supermarkets .

50spending habits , most teens spend their money in a relatively carefree style . Often , a month’s allowance can be spent in just a few hours . I’m not saying that teens in US are 51saving money . Indeed , in many situations , teens can be quite level-headed (头脑冷静) in 52money towards college or other 53plans . The way teens manage their money should not be seen as a 54. It may just be a defining characteristic of their carefree 55.

【小题1】A.adults B.teens C.babies D.elders【小题2】A.freedom B.pride C.happiness D.excitement【小题3】A.parentsB.teachers C.friends D.schools【小题4】A.the others B.another C.the otherD.others【小题5】A.completion B.performance C.end D.success【小题6】A.watering B.washing C.sweepingD.removing【小题7】A.Cruelty B.ColdnessC.Usefulness D.Kindness【小题8】A.inB.on C.by D.for【小题9】A.dollarsB.money C.cashD.fees【小题10】A.satisfied B.ready C.qualifiedD.allowed【小题11】A.little B.much C.more D.no【小题12】A.helping B.trainingC.tutoring D.informing【小题13】A.in need ofB.in return forC.with the purpose of D.as a result of【小题14】A.and B.but C.so D.yet【小题15】A.As for B.Because of C.in spite of D.But for【小题16】A.used toB.expert atC.looking forward toD.incapable of【小题17】A.spending B.earning C.saving D.collecting【小题18】A.futureB.present C.pastD.last【小题19】A.characteristicB.weakness C.merit D.symbol【小题20】A.lifestyle B.attitude C.habit D.thinkingB




【小题1】考查名词:A.adults成年人,B.teens年轻人,C.babies婴儿,D.elders老人,从后面的句子:Most teens I know have a small sum of money .可知年轻人挣自己的钱可以有自由的感觉,选B

【小题2】考查名词:A.freedom自由,B.pride骄傲,C.happiness快乐,D.excitement兴奋,从后面的句子:By making their own money they can buy whatever they want .可知年轻人挣自己的钱可以随便买自己想买的东西,有自由的感觉,选A


【小题4】考查代词:A.the others(特指)其他人,B.another(泛指)另一个,C.the other(特指)另一个D.others (泛指)其余人,对一些人来说,零花钱是每个星期给的,对其他人来说,零花钱是每个月给的,some…others…,一些…其他的…,选D


【小题6】考查动词:A.watering水,B.washing浇水,C.sweeping扫地,D.removing移动,sweep the floor扫地,选C

【小题7】考查名词:A.Cruelty残忍,B.Coldness冷酷,C.Usefulness 有用,D.Kindness好心,对小弟弟妹妹好,也被认为是值得现金奖励的,选D

【小题8】考查介词:A.in在…里面,B.on在…上面,C.by通过,D.for为了,in somescases在一些情形中,选A


【小题10】考查形容词:A.satisfied满意的,B.ready准备好的,C.qualified合格的,D.allowed 允许的,从后面的句子:many choose part-time positions .可知很多人不够资格做正式工作,所以做兼职,选C



【小题13】考查介词:A.in need of需要,B.in return for做为回报,C.with the purpose of 为了…的目的, D.as a result of由于,做为回报,一些学校可以给他们一些报酬,选B

【小题14】考查连词:A.and并且,B.but但是,C.so因此,D.yet然而,babysitting ;younger studentsbagging groceries这是几个并列的兼职工作,选A

【小题15】考查词组:A.As for至于,B.Because of因为,C.in spite of虽然,D.But for 要不是,至于花钱的习惯,很多年轻人花钱是相对无忧无虑的,选A

【小题16】考查词组:A.used to过去常常,B.expert at擅长,C.looking forward to渴望,D.incapable of 不能,从前面的句子:Often , a month’s allowance can be spent in just a few hours .可知作者不是说很多年轻人没有管理钱的能力,选D

【小题17】考查动词:A.spending花费,B.earning挣钱,C.saving 拯救,储蓄,D.collecting收集,很多年轻人在攒钱上大学这方面是头脑冷静的,选C

【小题18】考查名词:A.future未来,B.present现在,C.past过去,D.last 最后,和college并列的是将来的计划,选A


【小题20】考查名词:A.lifestyle 生活方式,B.attitude态度,C.habit习惯,D.thinking思考,这是他们无忧无虑的生活方式的特点,选A
