1200字范文 > When Edison invented the light bulb he tried over 2000 experiments he got it to work. A y

When Edison invented the light bulb he tried over 2000 experiments he got it to work. A y

时间:2022-01-15 23:24:59


When Edison invented the light bulb  he tried over 2000 experiments he got it to work. A y


When Edison invented the light bulb, he tried over 2000 experiments he got it to work. A young reporter asked him how it felt to so many times. He said, I never failed once. I invented the light bulb. It just to be a 2000-step process.

Rudolph was born prematurely (早产) and her was doubtful. At age 4, she had a high fever, her with a paralyzed leg. At age 9, she removed the metal leg brace she had on and began to walk without it. By 13 she had developed a rhythmic walk, which doctors said was a . For the next few years she one race after another but always came in last. Everyone told her to, but she kept on running. One day she actually won a race. And then another. this little girl, who was told she would never walk again, went on to win three Olympic gold medals.

When Bell invented the telephone in 1876, President Rutherford said, Thats an invention, but who would ever want to use one of them? In the 1940s, another young named Carlson took his idea to 20 corporations, some of the biggest in the country. They all turned him down. In 1947 — after seven long years of rejections! - He got a tiny company in New York, the Haloid Company, to the rights to his invention. Haloid became Xerox Corporation we know today.

Character cannot be in ease and quiet. Only experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success . You gain strength, experience and confidence by every experienceyou really stop to look fear in the face.... You must do the thing you cannot do. And remember, the finest steel gets sent through the hottest furnace(熔炉). A is not one who never fails, but one who NEVER QUITS!

【小题1】A.after B.beforeC.sinceD.until【小题2】A.winB.gainC.failD.lose【小题3】A.seemedB.pretendedC.appearedD.happened【小题4】A.survivalB.challengeC.rescueD.illness【小题5】A.makingB.leavingC.reachingD.causing【小题6】A.dependedB.supportedC.trustedD.believed【小题7】A.successB.achievementC.victoryD.miracle【小题8】A.joinedB.attendedC.enteredD.escaped【小题9】A.quitB.holdC.takeD.refuse【小题10】A.FortunatelyB.ImmediatelyC.Unbelievably D.Eventually【小题11】A.adorableB.awkwardC.amazingD.acceptable【小题12】A.inventorB.discovererC.directorD.doctor【小题13】A.supposingB.consideringC.regardingD.including【小题14】A.finally B.willinglyC.primarilyD.casually【小题15】A.payB.winC.sellD.purchase【小题16】A.bornB.producedC.developedD.gained【小题17】A.forB.throughC.due toD.across【小题18】A.achievedB.madeC.causedD.left【小题19】A.whenB.whereC.whichD.what【小题20】A.challengerB.loserC.winnerD.volunteerB




【小题1】考查连词:A. after在…后面,B. before在…前面,C. since自从,D. until直到,在开始使用电灯前,他做了2000多个实验,选B

【小题2】考查动词:A. win赢,B. gain获得,C. fail失败,D. lose失去,从后面的句子:I never failed once.可知记者问他失败是什么感觉,选C

【小题3】考查动词: A. seemed好像,B. pretended假装,C. appeared似乎,好像,D. happened发生,碰巧,发明电灯碰巧就要2000多个步骤,选D。

【小题4】考查名词:A. survival幸存,B. challenge挑战,C. rescue救援,D. illness疾病,从前面的句子:Rudolph was born prematurely (早产)可知大家怀疑她能不能活下来,选A

【小题5】考查动词:A. making使得,制作,B. leaving留下,离开,C. reaching到达,D. causing导致,她发高烧,留给她残疾的腿,选B

【小题6】考查动词:A. depended依赖,B. supported支持,C. trusted信任,D. believed相信,在9岁的时候,她去掉的依赖的金属支架,选 A

【小题7】考查名词:A. success成功,B. achievement成就,C. victory胜利,D. miracle奇迹,从前面deep句子:By 13 she had developed a rhythmic walk,可知医生认为这是一个奇迹,选D

【小题8】考查动词:A. joined参加,+(组织)B. attended参加+(meeting,school,class),C. entered进入参加比赛,D. escaped逃脱,她参加一次又一次的比赛,但是都是最后一个到的,选C.

【小题9】考查动词:A. quit放弃,B. hold抓住,C. take拿,D. refuse拒绝,从后面的but she kept on running.可知大家都让他放弃,选A

【小题10】考查副词:A. Fortunately幸运地,B. Immediately立刻,C. Unbelievably难以置信地,D. Eventually最终地,最终这个被告知永远不能走的小女孩获得了三枚奥运金牌。选D

【小题11】考查形容词:A. adorable可爱的,B. awkward窘迫的,C. amazing令人惊叹的,D. acceptable可接受的,总统罗斯福说,这是令人惊叹的发明,但是谁会用它呢?选C

【小题12】考查名词: A. inventor发明者,B. discoverer发现者,C. director导演,D. doctor医生,从前面的When Bell invented the telephone in 1876,可知这里提到另一个发明家,选A

【小题13】考查介词:A. supposing假如,B. considering考虑到,C. regarding关于,D. including包括,Carlson把他的发明带到20个公司,包括一些这个国家最大的公司,选D

【小题14】考查副词:A. finally最后的,B. willingly愿意地,C. primarily最初地,D. casually随意地,他最后找到了一个小公司,选A

【小题15】考查动词:A. pay付钱,B. win赢得,C. sell卖,D. purchase购买,这个公司购买了这个专利的版权,选D

【小题16】考查动词: A. born出生,B. produced生产,C. developed发展,D. gained获得,性格不是轻松的培养起来的,选C

【小题17】考查介词:A. for为了,B. through通过,C. due to由于,因为,D. across穿过表面,心灵变得坚强是通过不断实验的经历,选B

【小题18】考查动词:A. achieved成就,B. made制作,C. caused导致,D. left离开,从前面的vision cleared, ambition inspired可知success是和achieved搭配,选A


【小题20】考查名词:A. challenger挑战者,B. loser失败者,C. winner获胜者,D. volunteer志愿者,获胜者不是不失败的人,而是不放弃的人,选C
