1200字范文 > It’s no secret that many students love music. Whether on your way to class heading to the

It’s no secret that many students love music. Whether on your way to class heading to the

时间:2023-02-14 08:59:30


It’s no secret that many students love music. Whether on your way to class  heading to the


It’s no secret that many students love music. Whether on your way to class, heading to the gym or hanging out with your friends, music just makes you feel good. Depending on the style you choose, it can give you energy or calm you down. Here are some other important reasons for listening to music.

Childhood memories. No matter how old you are, you will always remember a song from your past. Many people keep in mind a piece of music, or a number of pieces, from their childhood. Often when you hear that song, you begin to think of particular childhood memories, such as the song Old Houses in My Hometown. Music can bring back memories you may have forgotten.

Concentration development. Listening to music helps you develop your powers of concentration, especially when you are learning to play a musical instrument. This focus will also be useful in everyday life. You will concentrate deeper in school lessons, or even just in a simple conversation.

Motivation. Often , a song playing on the radio or from a CD will remind you of a situation you are experiencing. Sometimes just listening to that song can give you motivation to get through the situation at hand. Music can often touch us more deeply than words and makes us ready for a challenge.

Encouraging creativity. Music is a creative work of art. Though not everyone who listens to music becomes an artist, people listening to music are likely to feel more creative in the task they are doing, such as writing, painting or even cleaning the house.

【小题1】What’s the text mainly about?(within 10 words)

【小题2】What will the old songs offer to the listeners according to paragraph2?(within 5 words)

【小题3】What can you do to develop your concentration after reading paragraph3(within 12 words)

【小题4】How does music offer motivation?(within 15 words)

【小题5】What kind of music do you like best? Why?(within 20 words)





【小题1】主旨题:从第一段的句子:Here are some other important reasons for listening to music.可知这篇文章讲的是听音乐的原因,答案是: Reasons for listening to music.

【小题2】细节题:从第二段的句子:Often when you hear that song, you begin to think of particular childhood memories, 可知人们听老歌是因为特别的儿时的记忆:Particular childhood memories.

【小题3】细节题:从第三段的句子:Listening to music helps you develop your powers of concentration, especially when you are learning to play a musical instrument可知你可以通过听音乐和弹乐器提高专注力:.I can listen to music and learn to play an instrument.

【小题4】细节题:从第四段的句子:Sometimes just listening to that song can give you motivation to get through the situation at hand. Music can often touch us more deeply than words and makes us ready for a challenge.

可知音乐可以触及我们的内心深处使我们做好接受挑战的准备。Music can often touch us deeply and makes us ready for a challenge.

