1200字范文 > 第二节:单词拼写(共12小题;每小题0.5分 满分6分)【小题1】Last year he ddo

第二节:单词拼写(共12小题;每小题0.5分 满分6分)【小题1】Last year he ddo

时间:2023-12-02 01:10:10


第二节:单词拼写(共12小题;每小题0.5分 满分6分)【小题1】Last year  he ddo



【小题1】Last year, he ddonated $100,000 to help those in need in remote places.

【小题2】It ooccurred to him that it was his wife’s birthday.

【小题3】Don’t lose heart. All your hardships are bbound to pay off.

【小题4】I hope you can accept our invitation if it is cconvenient for you.

【小题5】The horrible scene sstruck fear into her heart.

【小题6】Why bbother to walk for such a long way to fetch water at such a late hour? We still have enough for tonight.

【小题7】As far as I am cconcerned, Peter is the last person to have stolen the watch.

【小题8】The bell in the church was out of oorder and stopped striking the hours.

【小题9】Many years later, I realized that my unfriendly rremarks (话语)did hurt her deeply.

【小题10】GGenerally speaking, the harder you work, the more likely you will attain your goal.

【小题11】Xie Lei was ooccupied with her studies and failed to spare time for social activities.

【小题12】A balanced diet and regular exercise will help to rresist diseases.




【小题2】他突然想起这是他妻子的生日。It occurred to sb that某人突然想起….。

【小题3】别灰心,你的艰苦会有回报的。Be bound to do一定…


【小题5】可怕的场景使他很害怕。Strike sth into one’s heart“使某人感觉到”,用一般过去式:struck


【小题7】据我所指,皮特是最后一个偷表的人。据我所知:As far as I am concerned

【小题8】教堂的钟坏了,不再报时了。Out of order出故障


【小题10】一般来说,你越努力,越有可能取得成功。Generally speaking一般来说

【小题11】谢雷忙于学习没时间进行社交活动。be occupied with忙于


第二节:单词拼写(共12小题;每小题0.5分 满分6分)【小题1】Last year he ddonated $100 000 to help those in need in
