1200字范文 > Basically people are afraid of giving talks in front of others. Some may have negative i

Basically people are afraid of giving talks in front of others. Some may have negative i

时间:2018-09-09 15:46:23


Basically  people are afraid of giving talks in front of others. Some may have negative  i


Basically, people are afraid of giving talks in front of others. Some may have negative in the past, such as being laughed at by others. Now the best way is to practice, practice, and practice.

Most people don’t want to hear this, but the best way to a fear of public speaking is really practice, practice, and practice. any fear ahead allows us to control it, rather than let it control us. Our overreactions to our fears are really our brains trying to us from seeing it as a threatening situation. __ faint (眩晕) is a good way to keep us off a stage, saving us from the threat of . But, the more we experience the “threatening” situation without the harm, the more we’re able to that fear.

A good way to begin feeling comfortable while publicly is to start small. Start stories with friends and co-workers . This could be something you read about in the news, or something you did the weekend. This point is to practice speaking in front of others, and feeling at it.

If you have no problem speaking in front of the other friends, shake at the thought of getting behind a podium (讲台) and speaking in front of , then practicing behind a podium is what you must do. there exist speaking clubs for you such as Toastmaster’s International, in which people meet . You can join a club in your area and practice speaking in public every week, as well as speeches on a better basis. You will also receive advice on your as well as your strengths. You’ll probably be to find out that you’re better than you thought you were.

【小题1】A.opinionB.judgmentsC.argumentsD.experiences【小题2】A.promoteB.organizeC.conquerD.strengthen【小题3】A.ReadingB.Facing C.Ignoring D.Raising【小题4】A.protectB.separateC.banD.warn【小题5】A.Controlling B.Reducing C.FeelingD.Limiting【小题6】A.braveryB.gratitudeC.sicknessD.shame【小题7】A.dig outB.cut offC.get overD.take off【小题8】A.introducingB.speakingC.explainingD.producing【小题9】A.sharingB.makingC.writingD.correcting【小题10】A.secretlyB.happilyC.shylyD.bravely【小题11】A.fromB.withC.over D.for【小题12】A.proudB.successfulC.uniqueD.nervous【小题13】A.sociallyB.personallyC.privatelyD.honorably【小题14】A.andB.orC.forD.but【小题15】A.parentsB.teachersC.strangersD.relatives【小题16】A.UnfortunatelyB.LuckilyC.Doubtfully D.Mentally【小题17】A.instantlyB.frequentlyC.occasionallyD.rarely【小题18】A.listening toB.talking aboutC.recordingD.copying【小题19】A.advantagesB.weaknessesC.featuresD.excuses【小题20】A.interestedB.frightenedC.surprisedD.disturbedD




【小题1】考查名词:A. opinion观点,B. judgments判断,C. arguments争论,D. experiences经历,从后面的such as being laughed at by others.可知有人有不好的经历,选D

【小题2】考查动词:A. promote促进,提高,B. organize组织,C. conquer征服,攻克,打败(敌人),克服,D. strengthen加强,最好的克服当众演讲的恐惧的就是练习,选C

【小题3】考查动词:A. Reading读,B. Facing面对,C. Ignoring忽略,D. Raising提高,面对前面任何的恐惧我们要控制它而不是让它控制我们,选B

【小题4】考查动词:A. protect保护,B. separate分离,C. ban禁止,D. warn警告,我们对恐惧的过度反应是大脑保护我们不让我们把它看成是一种有威胁的情况,protect sb from doing,选A

【小题5】考查动词:A. Controlling控制,B. Reducing 减少,C. Feeling感觉,D. Limiting限制,感到眩晕是很好的远离舞台的方式,选C

【小题6】考查名词:A. bravery勇敢,B. gratitude感激,C. sickness生病,D. shame羞愧,省得我们有羞愧的威胁,选D

【小题7】考查动词:A. dig out挖掘出,B. cut off切断,C. get over克服,D. take off脱下,起飞,我们越多的体验那个有威胁的形势,我们越能够克服它,选C

【小题8】考查动词:A. introducing介绍,B. speaking说话,C. explaining解释,D. producing制造,从前面的句子:a fear of public speaking is really practice,可知当众演讲开始觉得舒服的一个好办法是从小的开始,选B

【小题9】考查动词:A. sharing分享,B. making制造,使得,C. writing 写,D. correcting纠正,勇敢地和朋友或同事分享故事,选A

【小题10】考查副词:A. secretly秘密地,B. happily快乐地,C. shyly害羞地,D. bravely勇敢地,练习演讲克服恐惧一定要勇敢,选D

【小题11】考查介词:A. from从,B. with和…C. over 在...期间,越过,D. for为了,可以谈你在新闻中看到的事情,或是你在周末经历的事情,选C

【小题12】考查形容词:A. proud骄傲的,B. successful成功的,C. unique独特的,D. nervous紧张的,关键是要在别人面前练习说话,对此感到成功,选B

【小题13】考查副词:A. socially在社交方面,善于交际地,B. personally个人地,C. privately私人地,D. honorably体面地;值得尊敬地,如果你能善于交际能在朋友面前演讲,选A

【小题14】考查连词:A. and并且,B. or或者,C. for为了,D. but但是,如果你能善于交际能在朋友面前演讲,和后面的:想到站在讲台后面对着陌生人演讲就发抖,是转折关系,选D

【小题15】考查名词:A. parents父母,B. teachers老师,C. strangers陌生人,D. relatives亲戚,和friends对应的是strangers,选C

【小题16】考查副词:A. Unfortunately 不幸地,B. Luckily幸运地,C. Doubtfully怀疑地,D. Mentally 精神地,幸运的是,如果有个演讲俱乐部,选B

【小题17】考查副词:A. instantly立即,B. frequently频繁地,C. occasionally 偶然地,D. rarely罕见地,在演讲俱乐部中人们可以经常见面,选B

【小题18】考查动词:A. listening to听,B. talking about谈论,C. recording记录,D. copying复制,你可以在演讲俱乐部练习演讲,也可以听一个更好基础的演讲,选A

【小题19】考查名词:A. advantages优点,B. weaknesses弱点,C. features特征,D. excuses借口,从as well as your strengths可知是听一些关于你的弱项和强项的建议,选B

【小题20】考查形容词:A. interested感兴趣,B. frightened害怕,C. surprised 惊讶地,D. disturbed不安的,你会很惊讶的发现你比预想的要好,选C
