1200字范文 > HE is one of the most charming young heroes since Harry Potter. Like Potter he is chosen

HE is one of the most charming young heroes since Harry Potter. Like Potter he is chosen

时间:2024-06-08 01:26:40


HE is one of the most charming young heroes since Harry Potter. Like Potter  he is chosen


HE is one of the most charming young heroes since Harry Potter. Like Potter, he is chosen by fate to carry out a mission, but unlike the boy wizard, he doesn’t get any chances to have fun or hang out with friends because he’s a little too busy preparing to lead during an upcoming war to save the Earth.

Meet Ender Wiggin, 15, the main character of the hit US sci-fi movie Ender’s Game (《安德的游戏》), which will come out on Jan 7 in China.

The story opens in 2086, 50 years after an insect-like alien race, called the Formics, attacked the Earth and killed tens of millions of people before being driven back to their home planet. Since then, human beings have been in a state of fear, awaiting a second attack.

Earth’s military leaders seek young warriors to risk going into space for battle, and children are taught to compete for these positions. As the film explains, youths can make leaps of logic and intuition, devising effective attack strategies more quickly than adults.

So here comes Ender, the savior (救世主) of all mankind. Though Ender is a skinny kid, smaller than most, he is also smarter than average. He tends to analyze situations and easily find ways to achieve the most positive outcomes. This rare gift makes him stand out in the program and get promoted to the Battle School, where he is directed to plan and carry out a series of virtual attacks on the Formics.

Can he use his military talents to wipe out Earth’s enemies?

Despite the obvious “be all you can be” subtext (潜台词), the movie “explores complex issues, including the consequences of violence and maintaining humanity and morality during wartime with intelligence and insight,” commented Yahoo.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the film best presents the power of empathy (感情移入), which is what makes Ender a good leader. “The reason Ender succeeds is because he understands what makes his opponents tick (有某种行为) on the battlefield,” explained the entertainment news site.

【小题1】The underlined words “a mission” in the first paragraph probably refer to “”.A.having fun and hanging out with friendsB.being a boy wizard to save the EarthC.working to save all of mankindD.acting as a leader of the Formics【小题2】Earth’s military leaders want to choose youths to be warriors because they think .A.youths are smarter and more fearless than adultsB.youths are more willing to take risks in spaceC.youths have sharper intuition and quicker reactions than adultsD.youths adapt to new battle environments more quickly than adults【小题3】Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?A.The movie intends to encourage people to try to be what they want to be and never give up.B.Ender is able to defeat Earth’s enemies because he possesses a super power that enables him to read his enemies’ minds.C.Ender’s success proves that a good leader should have intelligence and insight and make full use of his or her teammates’ talents.D.The movie discusses a variety of issues such as the effects of violence and the importance of morality and humanity during wartime.C




【小题1】猜词题:根据第一段的句子:because he’s a little too busy preparing to lead during an upcoming war to save the Earth.可知这里的 “a mission”是指“努力拯救全世界”,所以选C。

【小题2】细节题:根据文章第四段的句子:Earth’s military leaders seek young warriors to risk going into space for battle, and children are taught to compete for these positions. As the film explains, youths can make leaps of logic and intuition, devising effective attack strategies more quickly than adults可知地球领导人选择年轻人做卫士,因为年轻人比成年人有更敏锐的直觉和更快的行动,选C

【小题3】细节题:根据文章倒数第二段的句子:the movie “explores complex issues, including the consequences of violence and maintaining humanity and morality during wartime with intelligence and insight,”可知电影讨论了各种话题,象战争时期暴力的影响,道德的重要性和人性。D
