1200字范文 > Amanda is a very kind girl. She is 1willing to help people who are in trouble. Now Amanda

Amanda is a very kind girl. She is 1willing to help people who are in trouble. Now Amanda

时间:2018-11-19 18:21:56


Amanda is a very kind girl. She is 1willing to help people who are in trouble. Now Amanda


Amanda is a very kind girl. She is 1willing to help people who are in trouble. Now Amanda is 2in the University of Texas. At the same 3, she is volunteering to teach at Heart House in her free time. Heart House is a local after-school program for children. It 4 some extra classes for those children who are not doing well in their studies.

Amanda goes to Heart House to teach the 5twice a week. She has also set up a website for Heart House. 6this way, more people will have more chances to learn about Heart House and help the children there.

For Amanda volunteer work is not only good for 7, but also good for her studies. “I feel happy to teach those children 8to study. The happier thing is that I can also learn a lot from them,” Amanda says.

Now, 9 Amanda’s website, every week each of the 125 volunteers helps the children at Heart House. “ 10 Amanda’s website, Heart House would not be able to have enough volunteers. She has supported our program a lot. We appreciate her help,” the program leader says.

【小题1】A.hardlyB.yetC.alwaysD.never【小题2】A.studying B.teachingC.cleaningD.cooking【小题3】A.schoolB.timeC.universityD.year【小题4】A.gives B.offersC.helpsD.provides【小题5】A.boysB.girlsC.childrenD.adults【小题6】A.InB.ByC.OnD.To【小题7】A.otherB.othersC.anotherD.anybody【小题8】A.whatB.whenC.whereD.how【小题9】A.thanksB.thanks toC.becauseD.thanks for【小题10】A.WithB.InC.WithoutD.UnderC







【小题4】动词辨析。A.给;B. 提供,出价;C. 帮助;D. 提供,供给。联系下文,可知爱心小屋这个地方为学习不好的孩子提供额外的课程。故选D。


【小题6】短语辨析;in this way用这种方法;by the way顺便问一下,在途中;on the way 在……的路上,一般不和to搭配使用。联系上文可知此处指的是用这种方法。故选A。



【小题9】连词辨析。A. 感谢;B.由于,后面接名词性短语;C.因为,后面接从句;D. 多亏了。联系下文,可知此处指的是由于阿曼达的网站,名词性短语,故选B。

