1200字范文 > Long long ago a man went to India and he had never been there before. When he got there h

Long long ago a man went to India and he had never been there before. When he got there h

时间:2021-09-27 18:03:39


Long long ago a man went to India and he had never been there before. When he got there  h


Long long ago a man went to India and he had never been there before. When he got there, he saw a lot of fruit, but much of it was expensive because they couldn’t grow much because there was little water. Finally he saw a big basket of some very red and long fruit. And it was the cheapest in the shop.

So he went up and asked, “How much each kilo?”and the shop keeper said, “Two rupees(卢比). ”Two rupees in India was nothing. So he bought a whole kilogram of the fruit and started eating it. But after he ate some of it:oh, my god!His eyes watered, his mouth watered and burnt, and his face became red. He jumped up and down, saying, “Ah!Ah!Ah!”

But he still continued to eat the fruit!Some people who were looking at him shook their heads and said, “You’re crazy, man. Those are chilies(辣椒)!You can’t eat so many!People use them as a condiment, but only a little bit to put into food for taste. You can’t just eat them like that. ”But the silly man said, “No, I can’t stop!I paid money for them, and now I’ll eat them up. It’s my money!”

And you think that man was silly, right?We sometimes do a lot of things like that. We spend money, time or effort doing something. And even though it’s been a long time, hard experience tells us it won’t work, and we know there’s no more hope, we still continue just because we’ve put money, time, effort and love in to it. Just like the man who ate the chilies and felt so bad but couldn’t stop because he didn’t want to waste the money he’d paid.

So even if you’ve lost something, let it go and move on. That’s better than continuing to lose.

【小题1】The man chose to buy the red and long fruit only because.A.he hadn’t eaten it beforeB.he was hungryC.it was cheapD.he hadn’t seen it before【小题2】The underlined word“condiment”in Paragraph3 probably means.A.零食B.水果C.调料D.蔬菜【小题3】Which of the following sentence is TRUE?A.The man went to India to buy fruit.B.The man didn’t want to waste money.C.The man bought the fruit because it was expensive.D.India can grow a lot of fruit.【小题4】From the passage, we can learn that.A.we shouldn’t waste moneyB.we shouldn’t eat chiliesC.we shouldn’t buy something cheapD.letting something go is better than keeping on losingC




【小题1】根据最后一段Finally he saw a big basket of some very red and long fruit. And it was the cheapest in the shop.描述,可知选C。

【小题2】联系下文but only a little bit to put into food for taste.描述,可知此处指的是人们把它用作调料。故选C。

【小题3】根据这个人说的“No, I can’t stop!I paid money for them, and now I’ll eat them up. It’s my money!”可知他不想浪费自己的钱,故选B。

【小题4】根据短文最后一段So even if you’ve lost something, let it go and move on. That’s better than continuing to lose.描述,可知放弃某些东西比继续损失要好。故选D。
