1200字范文 > My work keeps me in Hong Kong most of the year but I try to get away for a month in summer

My work keeps me in Hong Kong most of the year but I try to get away for a month in summer

时间:2020-02-27 00:38:02


My work keeps me in Hong Kong most of the year but I try to get away for a month in summer


My work keeps me in Hong Kong most of the year,but I try to get away for a month in summer,usually in July.Now as you probably know,that’s the main1season in Europe.The favorite places for vacations and the famous cities are usually very2. But I’m not seeking(寻求) the sun—I can get lots of 3in Hong Kong—and I’m certainly not seeking the crowds!So4I go on vacation,I buy a Train Pass(a kind of train ticket) that allows me first-class travel on most of the railways of Western Europe.First-class compartments(车厢) are5crowded and they are very comfortable.If you’re going on6trip, you can take a sleeping train for an extra charge.There are usually dining cars(餐车) in the train.

I find that train travel is restful and7.There’s always8to see.I particularly(特别地) enjoy9through Switzerland and Italy.You can get a very good10of what a country is like from a train because you don’t go too fast and you stop quite often.Also train travel is very safe,and I am never sick on a train11I am on a ship. Then there are always people to12to if you feel like a chat.

The reason that I seldom(很少) travel by plane is quite13: because train stations are usually built in the centre.I don’t have to14transport(运输工具), transport can be a problem when arriving by15.

【小题1】A.vacationB.visitingC.cloudyD.windy【小题2】A.quietB.usefulC.excitingD.crowded【小题3】A.pleasureB.daylightC.sunshineD.money【小题4】A.whenB.whereC.whatD.which【小题5】A.alwaysB.hardlyC.certainlyD.nearly【小题6】A.summerB.overnightC.day-timeD.vacation【小题7】A.cheapB.expensiveC.interestingD.lonely【小题8】A.somethingB.nothingC.anythingD.everything【小题9】A.runningB.walkingC.driving D.travelling【小题10】A.viewB.ideaC.seatD.trip【小题11】A.rather thanB.orC.asD.even though【小题12】A.talkB.speakC.tellD.say【小题13】A.easyB.wrongC.rightD.simple【小题14】A.find outB.worry aboutC.wait forD.take away【小题15】A.shipB.trainC.airD.carA






【小题3】联系前文But I’m not seeking(寻求) the sun 描述,可知此处指的是,我在香港就能享受许多阳光。故选C,阳光,日照。









【小题12】动词辨析。tell告诉,讲述,强调一个人说;say 说,强调说的内容;talk 不及物动词,谈话,多和介词搭配使用;speak演讲,发言,说某种语言。联系下文描述,可知此处指的是总是有人谈话,故选A。



