1200字范文 > A Golden Watch Mike was a young man. He was not very rich. One day he went into a watch sh

A Golden Watch Mike was a young man. He was not very rich. One day he went into a watch sh

时间:2018-07-08 07:45:47


A Golden Watch Mike was a young man. He was not very rich. One day he went into a watch sh


A Golden Watch

Mike was a young man. He was not very rich. One day he went into a watch shop to buy a nice watch for his girl friend, Rose. His fixed his eyes on a nice gold watch, and decided to buy it. The shop assistant took the watch out, and asked for three hundred pounds for it. Just then, a boy of about fifteen suddenly rushed over and grasped the watch from the assistant’s hand. The assistant hurried out to catch the boy. But it was too late, the boy had disappeared among the street people very quickly. On the way home, Mike met the boy, who would sell him the gold watch for only hundred pounds. “The boy didn’t know that I saw him stealing the watch from the shop. And he asked for much less money than that in the shop.” Mike thought to himself. So he paid the boy and took the watch home. The next day, Mike gave the golden watch to Rose, and told her all about the watch. Rose looked at the watch for a while, then, laughed loudly, “You are really a fool!” she said, “his watch isn’t worth 100 pounds at all. The assistant and the boy must have planned the whole thing together.”

【小题1】The shop assistant said the price of the watch was .

A. 100 pounds B. 200 pounds C. 300 pounds

【小题2】The shop assistant must have known very well.

A. Mike B. the boy C. Rose

【小题3】The boy would sell Mike the watch for .

A.200 pounds B. 300 pounds C. much less money than that in the shop

【小题4】In fact, the watch was worth .

A. 100 pounds B. 300 pounds C. just a little money

【小题5】In this story, who really lost something?

A. The shop assistant B. Mike C. The boyC




【小题1】细节理解题。根据文中内容The shop assistant took the watch out, and asked for three hundred pounds for it.售货员拿出手表,并要求300英镑的价格;故此题选C。


【小题3】细节理解题。根据文中内容And he asked for much less money than that in the shop他向我要的价格比商店的价格低了很多;故此题选C。

【小题4】判断推理题。根据文中内容his watch isn’t worth 100 pounds at all.他的手表根本不值100英镑;故此题选C。

