1200字范文 > 翻译下面几段话!谢谢!The University of Cambridge is one of t

翻译下面几段话!谢谢!The University of Cambridge is one of t

时间:2018-10-31 09:29:09


翻译下面几段话!谢谢!The University of Cambridge is one of t


翻译下面几段话!谢谢!The University of Cambridge is one of the oldest universities in the world, and one of the largest in the United Kingdom. It has a world-wide reputation for outstanding academic achievement


剑桥大学是世界上最古老的大学之一,也是英国最大的大学之一.它在世界上享有极高的杰出的教育成就及在多个科学艺术学科方面的高质量的研究水平.其在疾病的了解,新材料的创造,通信的发展,物种起源领域起到先锋作用.它培养了医生,兽医,建筑师,工程师及教师.约有半数的各级学生学习艺术及人文学科.他们中的很多人成为艺术,印刷业,广播媒体的显著人物.其在科学上的成就可以由多年来颁给其成员的60 多个诺贝尔奖体现出来.剑桥大学是自主大学.其立法机构是评议院,由3 千左右的具有文学硕士及以上学位的学校教学及行政员工组成.大学的首要行政团体是主要由评议院选出的教学员工组成的理事会.院里的一般董事会协调大学的教育政策,理事会的财务部门监督其财务事务.

在临近 年其建校800 周年之际,剑桥正展望未来.

.The modern University is an international centre of teaching and research in a vast range of subjects:about half of the students study science or technology.Members of the University have won over sixty Nobel Prizes.

It continues to change in response to the challenges it faces.The Vice-Chancellor,for instance,is no longer a Head of College,but is a full-time administrative appointment.A Development Office and associated charitable foundation is successfully seeking funds around the world for new ventures.The 1990s have seen a major expansion of University accommodation for teaching and research.There are many major new buildings either underway or already completed,including the Law Faculty building and the
