1200字范文 > 【泰坦尼】初一英语作文!请根据中文提示写一篇关于泰坦尼尅号邮轮的故事.词...


时间:2018-06-08 04:19:12




初一英语作文!请根据中文提示写一篇关于泰坦尼尅号邮轮的故事.词数80左右.内容提纲:(1)泰坦尼尅号昰90多年以前世界上最大.最豪华的轮船之一;(2)194月,它从英国出发去美国;(3)天气很冷,但是旅行令人愉快,人们过得很快乐;(4)第二天晚上,船撞上了一座大冰山.鳪要在线翻译的..要自己写的.. 英语


【答案】 Titanic

When I hear the song My Heart Will Go On,I always think of the great ship Titanic.She was the biggest and finest of all the ships at that time.It was on April 10th,1912,when the Titanic sailed for New York.She was carrying more than 2,200 people.Unluckily,she hit an iceberg and sank.At last over 1,500 people lost their lives.Many gentlemen gave up their chances to live in order to save women and children.They were heroes.


The story of the Titanic and the iceberg has grown into a legend of the sea.It took her discovery in 1985 to begin to find the truth behind the myth.One of the things that makes the Titanic so fascinating is that she represented the best of technology when she set sail on her ill-fated voyage in 1912,and it took the best of technology in the form of sonar,satellite tracking,and deep-dive technology to locate her grave 73 years later.In the early 1900s,waterborne transportation was the norm; today,satellites are taken for granted by our society.But we tend to forget the immense effort that these two technologies require to operate to their maximum potential.Until recently,the technology did not exist to locate,photograph,and explore this ship that rested two and a half miles down on the ocean floor.
