1200字范文 > 【钓鱼文章】英语写作;写一篇关于“钓鱼技巧”的文章如题!不用太长200字左右...


时间:2019-03-27 15:14:18




英语写作;写一篇关于“钓鱼技巧”的文章如题!不用太长200字左右!1楼的那位太感谢了,不过你写的好多啊,我同学说只要150字就可以了…… 英语


【答案】 Freshwater Fishing

It is always good idea to watch the water for a while before you begin fishing.If you can figure out what the fish are feeding on,offer it to them on your hook,and youll catch more fish.All you need to bait fishing is a line on a pole,a couple of hooks,and some split-short sinkers.When you are fishing,be as quiet as possible.Fish cannot hear you talking,but they can feel the slightest movement in the water and the vibrations from any thumping sounds you make on the bank or in a boat.Stay low so the fish won see you,and try not to make any sudden movements.All of these things will alarm the fish and stop them from feeding.Fishing time is anytime--rain or shine,day or night.You can fish in the spring,when the waters are cold and the fish are scrappy.You can fish in the lazy days of summer under the shade of a willow or in autumn when the big fish are feeding before the freeze-up.You can even fish in the winter through a hole in the ice.


缩了下- -其实之前也才200多个词,昨天写的时候写到120多个词的时候怕你不够用加了些


